At the bottom right of this page under main information links is a Hickory, NC link. If you click on that link, it takes you to our city’s website, At the bottom of the page you will see the future dates for meetings scheduled for this year.
At the top of the page, if you click on the “Documents” link, you will find historic Agenda and Minutes links. Agendas show what is on the docket for the meeting of that date. The Minutes is an actual summary of the proceedings of the meeting of that date.
The four items on the agenda of the 9/2/2008 meeting that stoked my interest were the following:

My thought is that the city may as well directly give the money to the United Way itself. With all that is going on with the Upper Tiers of United Way management, I am not a proponent. The United Way, a non-profit organization, is currently rife with mismanagement and greed. I really don’t think our city should be fostering donations to the United Way until they prove that their house is in order.
I also believe that this basically puts pressure on individuals to participate. We all have charities that we personally participate in and I do not believe that it should be a city’s prerogative to focus on one charitable organization over another.
2) Approve Request by Coworker Appreciation Day Committee for 8 Days of Vacation Time. It is going to be used as door prizes. Why not give some cash or something else. Do these people not already get enough Paid Vacation?
3) Important Outlays
RR crossing for Clement Boulevard Connector project.......$309,645.00
Extension project at Fairgrove Business Park..................$225,619.00
*We will keep you up to date about costs, overruns, and timing of these projects.
4) Moratorium on New Drinking Establishments for 120 days – This was a discussion about an ordinance preventing the establishment of any business, where more than half of gross sales were obtained through sales of alcohol, for a period of 120 days while new codes are implemented and instituted.
The Chief of Police Tom Adkins stated that in the last 2 years 1472 calls were made on 14 establishments. 1,024 of these calls were made between 10pm and 2am. Of these, 7 establishments have been cited by ALE and 2 have been cited twice in the last 24 months. He stated that many of these places didn’t have adequate staff for the number of customers that frequented them, causing safety issues.
Attorney Larry Johnson spoke against the ordinance. He spoke about his client having tried to open an establishment in the old Ferguson’s Plumbing building for the last 14 months and the city giving him the run around. He further stated that his client’s bar should be administered under current regulations and not the regulations that have not been passed yet.
Atty Johnson let it be known that such ordinance could not be established at the current meeting, because the law states that the hearing must be advertised in the local paper for two weeks (it had only been advertised for one). When City Atty John Crone asked Asst City Atty Anita Dula if this were indeed true, a befuddled Ms. Dula acted as if she did not know what the law they were trying to administer was. She finally admitted that the proposed ordinance had only been advertised in the paper for one week.
Atty Johnson then spoke to the fact that “in effect” the ordinance had already been placed into effect, because his client was told that no action could be taken until after the meeting -- the meeting at which time the 120-day ordinance would be imposed. In effect this had instituted the moratorium before it was voted on.
A confused Mayor Rudy Wright, who is obviously in favor of the ordinance, asked what they should do. Atty Crone said that the council should proceed with the rest of the night’s agenda and come back to the Moratorium issue at the end of the schedule.
Twenty minutes later the issue was re-addressed with Atty Crone admitting that Atty Johnson was correct and the ordinance would have to be advertised again for 2 weeks.
Atty Johnson then wanted to re-address the council on the issue of his client. A testy Mayor Wright told Atty Johnson that he had already spoken his piece and that he needed to sit down. Atty Johnson said that it was still a public hearing and he wanted to address the issue of his client. Mayor Wright asked Atty Crone if he had to allow Atty Johnson to speak. Atty Crone stated that it was a public hearing and he was allowed rebuttal, but only pertaining to the issue of the proposed ordinance.
When Atty Johnson broached the situation of his client again, the Mayor said that only the issue of the ordinance would be discussed. He subsequently shut down the hearing and then the session.
In the Hounds opinion, I do not feel that this whole situation was handled properly. First of all, how do the city’s attorneys not know the regulations that they are instituting before this public session? It made the city’s representation look unprofessional.
Secondly, I understand the need to address the situation of these establishments, but the way that this has been handled is putting the bad before the good. We are automatically assuming that any bar is going to be bad. If Atty Johnson’s client has legally met all of his obligations under current law, then he should be allowed to open his bar. The city cannot selectively prohibit in the name of safety and security.
Third, the police just need to enforce the law. If someone is breaking the law then arrest them. I think that is what most of the citizens want to happen to the drunk and disorderly individuals that cannot control themselves.
We will look further into this matter and keep the public abreast as to its outcome.
Attorney Larry Johnson worked for the city for several years before getting fired. He supposedly sued the city, though I don't know what came of it.
All this occurred within the past three or so years.
Anyway, if city staff and council are testy with Mr. Johnson that may be the reason.
Thank You for that info. Could be part of the deal.
Mr. Johnson at one point told Ms. Dula, when she began looking up the statute about 2 weeks advertising the forum, that he had the the statute if she needed to see it. She rather abruptly declined.
The whole scene was quite embarassing to witness. Just reinforced a lot of judgements I have been feeling lately.
I agree the police department should not be playing politics and helping decide who gets a business license and who doesn't. The city is run by the good ol'boy network. How did they fill the Police Chief vacancy? They just promoted a sub par police officer to Chief. That's right no outside interviews or searching for a more capable candidate like all other professional cities do. Since Chief Adkins took over the moral has gotten worse which did not seem possible. It was bad enough when Floyd Lucas was here as chief. The police department has a very high turnover of officers and are presently 21 officers short.
We need a new Police Chief who can run the department without having to call other Police Chiefs to tell him what to do. A Police Chief can not be afforded on the job training. We need to hire someone like Chief Monroe in Charlotte. Someone who does not need to have on the job training.
Larry Johnson was a good attorney railroaded out. Ms. Dula is nice enough, but was not as up to the job as Chief Adkins is. I don't know where you get that morale is lower now than under Chief Lucas...Chief Lucas did everything he could for his staff, even if it meant going against the 'good old boys' in City Hall proper. Things in the city started flying down hill when Gary McGee left. And no one said the police dept was helping decide who gets a business license - although they should be involved if they have to deal with the outcome of establishing the business. Chief Adkins was most likely asked for the statistics he gave. As for the chief seeking guidance in his job, woe be the day we have a police chief who thinks he knows it all and doesn't ask questions.
this is alot of good info....if one does not go to the meeting..they can read what happened....hdr should read this
Anyone who thinks Chief Lucas was a good Chief never worked for him. or had a close relative work for him. Lucas was a retired Air Force Officer and he once had a former police officer who quit to join the Air Force transferred to Greenland because he did not like the officer personally. A vindictive little man is what he is.
He ran two well respected police Captains and countless other officers out of the department because they disagreed with him on some minor matters. He just like Adkins wants only "yes men' around him. Lucas once called a black officer a "burr head" and another officer of Indian descent "Tonto." He thought it was funny to demean his officers. He busted one Lieutenant to road officer because he wanted to put a "golden child" in as a Lieutenant but there was no slot open for the "golden child"
The examples could go on forever and ever. Ask a "retired" or former officer what he thinks about Lucas. An active officer will not tell you anything for fear of retribution. Lucas is still a reserve officer and Adkins is very close to "Little Hitler." Lucas and Adkins both fixed tickets and had arrests dismissed for personal friends or their family. Many citizens know who they are. Several current and former council memebers have had their tickets fixed or received preferential treatment from Lucas and Adkins.
Adkins is the same as Lucas. An inept leader who leads a department that can not keep officers. The police department is short 21 officers and so our entire city suffers. Adkins claims it is a "lack of pay" problem, but The Sheriff's Department and other agencies have no problem keeping officers and they pay less than Hickory. It is a morale problem. When incompetent officers are promoted over more competent officers and test scores are manipulated or in most cases totally ignored then you have poor morale. Officers realize what is going on so they leave and go to neighboring agencies. Minority officers never make it past the rank of Lieutenant. Though one former black officer was almost elected Sheriff in the last election but he was never promoted to a command position by Lucas or Adkins. H'mmm I wonder why. The people of the city and County thought more of the officer than Lucas did. Sounds racist to me.
The city is trying to halt legal businesses from opening because they sell alcohol. I don't even drink alcohol but I support the right of a citizen to open up an alcohol establishment here in Berlin. Oops, I mean Hickory. Since when can City Council and The Hickville Police Department led by Chief "Barney" Adkins determine who gets a business license based upon the type of business someone wants to open? What if the council next decides that the city has too many restaurants or tire stores etc.? This is dangerous. Come on people next wake up! Next the Police and City Council will be telling you that too businesses in Hickory are owned by Jews, Hispanics, or other minorities. What will the Police and City Council be doing next? Arresting law abiding citizens for handing out literature on Union Square? Oh yeah, they already did that last month.
The city is trying to halt legal businesses from opening because they sell alcohol. I don't even drink alcohol but I support the right of a citizen to open up an alcohol establishment here in Berlin. Oops, I mean Hickory. Since when should City Council and The Hickville Police Department led by Chief "Barney" Adkins determine who gets a business license based upon the type of business someone wants to open? What if the council next decides that the city has too many restaurants, tire stores, sign shops etc.? This is dangerous. Come on people wake up! Next the Police and City Council will be telling you that too many businesses in Hickory are owned by Jews, Hispanics, or other minorities. What will the Police and City Council be doing next? Arresting law abiding citizens for handing out literature on Union Square? Oh yeah, they already did that last month.
Yes please lets condemn the city for asking and offering a prize for the towns people to donate money to help thier community. You all really need to stop believing everything that a wanna be reporter keeps writing so she can make it to the top of her field and start looking at the community and the people she is hurting. Do you think the people in line waiting for assistance from agencies agree with you? I do not think so.
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