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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Hottest Places in Hell
JFK was a leader, who never stuck his finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing. He also didn't play the blame game. He was a visionary with a mind set towards accomplishing goals. He realized and communicated time and time again, through words and actions, that those who do not take a stand in life are relegated to a life of insignificance. He road tall and proud on that fateful day in Dallas, because he believed in his cause.
From the JFK Library online: http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Resources/Archives/Reference+Desk/Dante+Quote.htm
One of President Kennedy's favorite quotations was based upon an interpretation of Dante's Inferno. As Robert Kennedy explained in 1964, "President Kennedy's favorite quote was really from Dante, 'The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality.'" This supposed quotation is not actually in Dante's work, but is based upon a similiar one. In the Inferno, Dante and his guide Virgil, on their way to Hell, pass by a group of dead souls outside the entrance to Hell. These individuals, when alive, remained neutral at a time of great moral decision. Virgil explains to Dante that these souls cannot enter either Heaven or Hell because they did not choose one side or another. They are therefore worse than the greatest sinners in Hell because they are repugnant to both God and Satan alike, and have been left to mourn their fate as insignificant beings neither hailed nor cursed in life or death, endlessly travailing below Heaven but outside of Hell. This scene occurs in the third canto of the Inferno.
In this era of Tumult, does this fit you? For all who espouse themselves to be followers of the Kennedy Ideal, how do you defend your inaction?
There is hope. Today is a new day. You can shed your neutrality today and strive for a life of significance. Ambivalence won't change anything. Contributing to our community can change everything!!!
Welfare by any Other Name is still Welfare
The people in Washington (and Raleigh) seem like they would rather tank the economy for petulant ego's sake than admit that they have been wrong, show some leadership, and take a chainsaw to the governmental budgets that have smothered the private sector. Funny how the economies of governmental areas are weathering the storm, while areas that rely on private sector money are drowning.
The bureaucrats are so insulated from the negative consequences of their action, that they have no skin in the game and thus no reason to fix a situation that they are still benefiting from. This arrogance is leading to a historical train wreck that none of us can fathom. You have to be on a steady diet of Prozac to think that this economy will turn around any time soon.
This whole country has been permeated by the stench of Keynesianism. Everyone is on welfare. The rich, the poor, and the middle class have their hands permanently extended asking, "Where's mine, is that all I get?"
Look at the fat cat's on Main Street. They expect cities to pay to help renovate their buildings with new windows and awnings. They expect cities to pick up the tab for landscaping. People in Hysterical Districts expect cities to cowtow to their stifling whims and fantasies. Folks, this is as much welfare as anything. And it is done in the most arbitrary of manners.
Business leaders send commerce across the border and re-import crap products. They never give second thought to the fact that all of their foreign assets can be nationalized in a heartbeat. We must institute consequential accountability for companies that push to gain the fast buck at the expense of long term viability and profitability. Most of the CEOs are small potato shareholders of the businesses that they represent. Once they plunder and bleed the turnip for their own personally greedy purposes, then they have no remorse when that corporation has completely tanked. These individuals need to be punished.
Middle Class people want the government to supply their kids with grants and student loans and then they turn around and wonder why tuition and book costs have skyrocketed. They run up huge amounts of personal debt and then can't understand why they have been caught in such a bind. People, if you spend more than you take in, then at some point you are going to have to spend less than you take in. That artificial increase in your standard of living today is going to reduce your standard of living exponentially 5 to 10 years down the road. The Ponzi scheme route of personal finance always leads to collapse.
The same goes doubly for the poor. We aren't helping anyone out by teaching them to be dependent on others. We need to lift their circumstances, not confiscate others finances so that these people can live on a meager subsistence. The way that we are supposedly helping the poor kills their ambition and drive. We need to encourage people to strive to be the best that they can be.
Anything other than convoluted, cooked-book dynamics point to the fact that there is no way out of our current predicament by following the current macro-economic Ponzi scheme that our governmental leaders have been practicing for nearly 40 years. We have to restore balance to our economy and follow Common Sense fundamentals to get the economy back on track. That will take years; but the sooner we start, the sooner we will get there.
Bottom line is if we don't change the way this country functions, then we are in for the negative consequences of a world that none of us can even fathom.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Peter Schiff knows what he is talking about
10:39 Peter Schiff: The U.S. Governments Ponzi Scheme Economics
10:53 Peter Schiff : Madoff's Ponzi Scheme
Peter Schiff: In Madoff We Trust
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Time to Change the Archaic Law about Public Meeting Notices
Dear Mr. Allran,
I would like for you to consider sponsoring a bill that would permit Cities and Towns to advertise public hearings, meetings. propery auctions, etc. via the City's website. Cities have to spend considerable money to advertise in newspapers and would benefit from the cost reduction the internet would allow. In addition, newspaper readership is declining and the use of the internet would be just as broad if not broader in the number of people reached.
In the age we live in, governments can communicate directly to citizens more effectively without third party intermediaries. Thank you for your consideration
Would you please consider contacting your Mayor, City Council members and State Senators and ask their consideration?
Merry Christmas. Harry Hipps
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Newsletter about the City Council Meeting of December 16, 2008
At the bottom right of this page under main information links is a Hickory's Local Government link. If you click on that link, it takes you to our city’s website, at the bottom of the page you will see the future dates for meetings scheduled for this year.
At the top of the page, if you click on the “Documents” link, you will find historic Agenda and Minutes links. Agendas show what is on the docket for the meeting of that date. The Minutes is an actual summary of the proceedings of the meeting of that date.
Here is a summary of the agenda of the 12/16/2008 meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below.
Invocation by Rev. Robert Shoffner of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Consent Agenda:
Social Items - Proclamation Declaring December 11, 2008 as “National Active and Retired FederalEmployees Association Day” in the City of Hickory.
Approval of Citizens’ Advisory Committee Recommendations for Assistance Through the City of Hickory’s Housing Programs. Timothy Bolick 36 20th Avenue, NW (Approved for up to $10,000). Joshua & Jennifer Gonzales 1427 5th Street, NE (Approved for up to $10,000). Mrs. Patto recused herself from voting on this issue, because her daughter is a party to the project (is assume Mrs. Gonzalez).
Informational Items:
A. Mayor Wright’s Travel to Raleigh, NC from 10/10-11/2008 to attend the NAACP State Conference, and invite the conference to Hickory in 2009 for the 100th Anniversary Event – hotel - $99.22; per diem - $25.50; mileage - $203.58.
B. City Manager Berry’s Travel to Charlotte, NC from 10/12-14/2008 to attend the 2008 NCLM Annual Conference – registration - $250.00; parking - $10.00.
C. City Manger Berry’s Travel to Raleigh, NC on 11/6/2008 to attend the NCLM Annexation Meeting – registration - $20.00; mileage - $207.09.
New Business - Public Hearings:
1. Amend the Final Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for Fiscal Year 2008 - This amendment is for funds to be loaned to Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley in the amount of $40,000.00 to be used for building materials for new Habitat homes in the Blue Sky Court Subdivision. Funds are budgeted for these items through the City of Hickory’s Community Development Block Grant funding received in FY 2008. Unanimously Approved.
2. Resolution and Order Closing a Portion of 2nd Street Drive, NW as Requested by Drendel Investments, LLC - On November 5, 2008, Attorney, Warren A. Hutton submitted a petition on behalf of property owner, Drendel Investments, LLC, to abandon a portion of this right of-way, which is no longer necessary for public use. The Agreement for Easement and Consent to Road Closing is signed by the affected property owners that spoke in opposition to the closing in 2006. Unanimously Approved
3. Adopt Ordinance Amending Article 2, Section 2.6.6; Article 5, Section 5.4; Article 7, Section 7.1 and Article 16, Section 16.1 of the Hickory Land Development - City Council on October 7, 2008 adopted a development moratorium on the establishment or expansion of drinking establishments in the zoning jurisdictionof the City of Hickory not to exceed 120 days. Proposed amendments will require special use approval for the location of drinking establishments in each of the districts where they are currently permitted by right and will eliminate the term “discotheque” from the Use Table. Additionally, it will modify the standard by which a parking space reduction is permitted in the City Center Pedestrian Overlay District and clarify the definition of drinking establishments along with adding clarification to the conditions that the Hickory Regional Planning Commission can place on a Special Use Permit. Staff finds the proposed changes are consistent with Hickory by Choice and recommend approval.
Hounds Comment : We have been over and over this issue. It is more than obvious that this issue was never about safety. It has been about the control of land-use all along. The Moratorium was issued under the guise of safety. Where in the above ordinance is the issue of safety addressed?
Mr. Frazier admitted that the Planning Commission voted down the ammendment changes in their October meeting. Newsletter about the Planning/Zoning Meeting of October 22, 2008 . I have a recording of that meeting. Mr. Frazier obfuscated the issue by saying that text ammendments made to the Ordinance would probably be more acceptable to the Planning commission. The truth is that they laughed at the Council for bringing this issue to them and said that Council was going about this the wrong way.
Mrs. Fox jumped all over the adoption of this Ordinance and the Mayor seconded it. Unanimously Approved.
Departmental Reports:
1. Adopt Ordinance to Demolish Abandoned Dwelling Located at 169 14th Street,SE Owned by the Heirs of Kenneth E. Brown - This structure is unoccupied and is creating blight within the neighborhood along with evidence of vagrant use of the structure for shelter.
2. Approve Increased Funding to Western Piedmont Council of Government for an Additional Staff Member to Provide Mortgage Default Counseling in the amount up to $15,523.61 - With the dramatic rise in unemployment, there has been an increased need for mortgage default counseling. Foreclosures in the region have grown from 473 in 1998 to 1,952 in 2007. Data provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond further documents the growing need for assistance in foreclosure prevention counseling in the sub-prime loan market. Most of the four counties in the WPCOG region have 7.1 to 10 percent of their subprime mortgages more than 90 days past due.
Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba Counties have a larger share of the subprime mortgages in danger of foreclosure than many other areas of the State. The WPCOG is attempting to reach out and assist residents with a variety of needs surrounding their foreclosure situations. In 2003, the WPCOG began implementing the Home protection Pilot Program offered by the NC Housing Finance Agency. Over 50 homeowners have benefitted from this program, receiving assistance with mortgage payments while they return to school to learn new job skills. The WPCOG is also a HUD Certified Counseling Agency. Since January 1, 2008, 136 families have received foreclosure prevention counseling from WPCOG staff. City and County Managers within Caldwell, Catawba, Alexander and Burke Counties requested WPCOG to provide a formal request including budget data showing current staff costs, grant funding they receive and a cost proposal for hiring one additional staff for foreclosure counseling activities.
WPCOG estimates that to add an additional full time staff member to aid with the increased workload would cost $64,750.00 annually. Based upon population of the four (4) counties, the City of Hickory would contribute $15,523.61 in additional funds to the WPCOG for the entire two years. Actual costs are expected to be a little over $4,000. Unanimously Approved.
The Hounds View: This is a noble attempt to try and help people and it is morally the right thing to do. I do, however, think it is time to wake up and face the truth. No matter what is done, a good many of these people are going to end up right back in a pickle, because of current economic circumstances.
True Predatory Lending is not the problem. If people were lied to or defrauded, then those individuals and companies that are guilty must be prosecuted; but that is a miniscule part of this issue. Loan Officers and Banks are paid a commission to make loans. From top to bottom, finance people are paid to sell the products they represent. Whether you sell signs, mats, socks, appraisal services, or hotel rooms; you are going to do your darndest to sell the products or sevices you represent. Your income relies on your ability to sell and service your clients.
The major issue is that the vast majority of the people that took out these loans don't understand money, economics, and don't care. Is it your job to be a fortune teller and look into your crystal ball and determine whether someone will be able to afford long term, what you are selling them in present circumstances?
Very few of these people are true victims of current economic circumstances. They are in trouble, because housing values were overinflated during the bubble, they took out Adjustable Rate Mortgages when interest rates were at historic lows, and the government gave them the ability to buy houses with little or no downpayments. These people don't have much skin in the game.
Some people got in over their heads, because it is inherent in their nature. Some could afford a house, but they overbought by buying an expensive house that was outside of their economic level. There are a few that are hurting, because they have been laid off, had their hours cut back, and this has resulted in their current mortgage squeeze.
Buying a house involves the "total present cost" of the house; the monthly payment, the interest rate, and the payback period. Once you buy the house then the "total present cost" is set in stone. The three variables are the monthly payment, the interest rate, and the payback period.
Alot of these people are in trouble because of Adjustable Rate Mortgages. Sub-Prime Mortgages are all about creative ARMs. When these loans are renegotiated, the rates are going to have to be turned from ARMs to Fixed Rate Loans and/or the payback period is going to have to be extended out. The bottom line is to get the monthly payment back down, because the monthly payments skyrocketed to unaffordable levels when interest rates increased a few years ago.
These problems are going to be persistent, because our local economic malaise is not conducive to a turnaround on personal finance issues. Low Income levels around here brought about the overabundance of Sub-Prime Mortgages in our area. This issue is most definitely a symptom of our area's economic illness.
Address to Council: Beverly Sipe is involved in a Ministry to the homeless. She has been hanging out with homeless individuals so that she can understand how they live. She said that this has become an eye opener.
She says that during the week, that the homeless have CCM and the soup kitchen, but when they are closed there are no bathroom facilities. Something needs to be done. Her Suggestion, the bathrooms need to be reopened on the Square during daylight hours. She cited Bible verses James 2:5-9.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Accountability on Jobs
Mayor Wright was on Hal Rowe’s radio show last week addressing the challenges that face Hickory. He blamed current issues on “having to deal now with the effects of the National and State economy” and said, “our unemployment rate has ratcheted back up, it is not as high as it once was, but it is discouraging.”
Later he stated that we had added 1,400 jobs here in Hickory and that did not include outlying areas. He mentioned Williams-Sonoma, MDI, Convergis, and FedEx (now we find out that those numbers are from Scott Millar of The Economic Development Corporation). He stated that these jobs would offset job losses and that from an economic development standpoint that this has been an excellent year.
Now for a dose of Hickory Hound reality: In my opinion this presentation was purely political spin. These 1,400 jobs are definitely not counting in current employment statistics. An objective look at the numbers show that this has been a dreadful economic year for Hickory. It is nice, that the City’s budget is in order and has a $2 million surplus, but frankly the near term future looks bleak. How long will that “Rainy Day” fund last under current circumstances?
Unemployment is up 2.2% in Catawba County to 8.3%. Statistics show that we have lost approximately 1,401 jobs in this county this year (January through October) and 3,513 in the Unifour (January to September). We have been hit a lot harder than the state or the nation.
The worst part is that local officials take no responsibility for the causes of this situation. This area has been in a malaise since 2001. Since the employment peak of June 2000, we have lost 9,290 jobs in Catawba County and 24,493 jobs in the Unifour. Under any guidelines, this is failure.
In Catawba County, since May 2001, we have only had monthly unemployment lower than 5% one time. Disastrously, during this period, we have not had a single month where we had a better unemployment rate than the state or nation. 56 of the succeeding 89 months have seen Catawba County at least 1% worse than the state’s unemployment rate and in comparison to the National rate, we have been at least 1% worse in 63 out of 89 months. Where is the accountability?
Local government leaders have stood by and watched our manufacturing base shrivel, while constantly telling us our economy is turning around. The numbers don’t lie. The time has long since passed for results. If this were a corporation, we would have changed management teams a long time ago. These results are inexcusable under any criteria. What would Donald Trump say?
The Hounds Point : I do not understand why this has not been published. Does this seem too controversial to any of you? I just question Mayor Wright and Scott Millar's numbers and why they have been presented this way. It seems as though the Hickory Daily Record wants to go along with anything our bureaucratic leaders say, even if it doesn't add up.
In the blog article below I have links that show the statistics cited in this article. I sent those statistics in with this submission. I have always been honest, thorough, and straight forward in my submissions to the Record.
The Record, in the last few days, has begun deleting any comments that I make to their online site that make reference to this site. I have not spammed their site. I only make reference to this site when I feel that one of their stories has relevance to this site. I also reference their paper as source material and have a link to their paper listed at the bottom right side of this page. I have always been more than fair to the Hickory Daily Record.
I have been disappointed lately by their general lack of any in-depth journalism on the relevant issues in this city. They have decided to become the equivalent of a school newspaper and that is their choice. They own their newspaper and if they have directly decided not to stir up any controversy or question the "Powers That Be" on relevant issues, then so be it. But in my opinion, when they do this, they throw away any modicum of journalistic integrity and become a marketing tool for local bureaucrats.
With all we have seen in the city of Hickory and the Unifour, Is that really what we need?
Monday, December 8, 2008
24,493 Jobs Lost in the Unifour since June 2000
Mr. Mayor I just don't see it that way. It is nice that Mr. Rowe gives you a platform to speak from, but please leave the political spin at home. Let's talk about results. You mentioned that these 1,400 jobs were created at Williams-Sonoma, MDI, Convergis, and FedEx. How many of these jobs have actually been realized, versus proposed?
These jobs have little impact on our area's current unemployment numbers. Most of these jobs do not exist at the moment. Local officials have never stated how many of these proposed 1,400 currently exist (people actually doing the work). They act as though they are all currently online and they are not!!!
It is time to stop the obfuscation! Unemployment is up 2.2% in Catawba County to 8.3%. Statistics show that we have lost approximately 1,401 jobs in this county this year (January through October) and 3,513 in the Unifour (January to September). To get back to 5% in Catawba County unemployment, we have to find a net-plus of 2,489 jobs.
It is ridiculous to blame the state and federal government for our situation. This area has been in a malaise since 2001. Since the employment peak of June 2000, we have lost 9,290 jobs in Catawba County and 24,493 jobs in the Unifour.
In Catawba County, since May 2001, we have only had unemployment lower than 5% during one month. Disastrously, we have not had a single month where we had a better unemployment rate than the state or federal government. 56 of the succeeding 89 months have seen Catawba County at least 1% worse than the state’s unemployment rate. Comparing to the Federal rate, we also have been at least 1% worse in 63 out of those 89 months.
I know that these a lot of numbers and many of you may not be interested in the numbers, but there is a pattern here. We were a successful community, because of our robust industrial based economy. The community was doing well as a whole and now only certain pockets of our community are doing well, while most of us are worried to death about our future.
City officials seem to think that we can magically transform this area into a more service oriented economy, while watching our industrial manufacturing base wither and die. Our successes in the past were brought about by an industrial based economy. While the days of the hosiery industry have long since passed, there are still new, innovative, technical manufacturing industries waiting to be brought here or discovered. We should not seek to return to a bygone era, but we should learn the salient points of our history.
Do we not expect Accountability? Local government leaders have stood by and watched our manufacturing base shrivel, while constantly telling us our economy is turning around. The numbers don’t lie. The time has long since passed for results. If this were a corporation, we would have changed management teams a long time ago. These results are inexcusable under any criteria. The Wright path has led us in the wrong direction!!!
The Unifour's Unemployment Numbers:
Catawba County Unemployment Spreadsheet:
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Newsletter about the City Council Meeting of December 2, 2008
At the bottom right of this page under main information links is a Hickory's Local Government link. If you click on that link, it takes you to our city’s website, at the bottom of the page you will see the future dates for meetings scheduled for this year.
At the top of the page, if you click on the “Documents” link, you will find historic Agenda and Minutes links. Agendas show what is on the docket for the meeting of that date. The Minutes is an actual summary of the proceedings of the meeting of that date.
Here is a summary of the agenda of the 12/2/2008 meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below.
Invocation by one of the Reverends from the Frye Medical Center
Consent Agenda:
Social Items - Request From the Hickory Downtown Development Association for the Use of Union Square for “Hickory Hops 2009” on April 18, 2009 From 8am to 11:00pm. Proclamation Declaring November 18, 2008 as “Charles D. Dixon Day” in the City of Hickory. Transfer of 2 Cemetery Lots in Oakwood Cemetery From Norma Luther Groteluschen. Appropriate $54,276 from the Transportation Fund to Catawba County for the remaining Human Services Equity.
Business Items - Accept Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice in the Amount of $3,272.50 (to assist in buying 11 Bullet Proof Vests - 50% reimbursement). Approved Property Tax Refund to First Citizens Bank Leasing Department in the Amount of $1,043.72. Approved Neighborhood Stabilization Program Letter of Intent to NC Department of Community Assistance for HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Funds – Should the city receive this funding, the area identified for use of funds is the Ridgeview Community in SW Hickory as identified by Habitat’s Neighborhood plan for this area. The amount requested is $527,696.
Approved Certificate for Royal Cab to Operate One Taxicab. Approved purchase of property from Geraldine Shuford and Joyce Brown located at 745 3rd Street Place SW in the Amount of $48,500.00. Approved Change Order #1 to Beam Grading and Construction, Inc. for the Construction of the Blue Sky Court Habitat Subdivision Water and Sewer Project in the Amount of $803.88. Approved Purchase Contract with MA/COM Incorporated to Upgrade the City of Hickory’s Radio System addressed at the 11/18/2008 City Council Meeting.
Budget Ordinance Ammendments- Budget a $4,000 Library donation for the 2009 Big Read Program. Budget $587 of Miscellaneous Insurance Claims for damage to a gate at the Hickory Airport. Budget $250 of Airport property rental revenue toward the purchase of new tables. Accept a $1,000 Ridgeview Recreation Council donation from Tenet Health Care and budget.
Transfer $1,812 from the General Fund to pay taxes owed on the Terry Miller property purchased by the City in FY07-08. Transfer $11,000 from the Street Division Construction Materials line item to pay invoices. Appropriate $3,649 of Fire Dept-Catawba Reimbursement Funds to the Hickory Rural Fire Dept Departmental Supplies line item. Transfer $6,087 from the General Fund and $231 of Water and Sewer Fund to pay the Employment Security Commission invoice.
Transfer $41,639 from the General Fund to pay costs associated with a penalty against the Solid Waste Transfer Station from the North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources. Transfer $8,750 of General Fund needed to pay N.C. Realty for the costs of right of way negotiations for 16 properties located on 35th Ave. Ln. NE that are petitioning for curb and gutter. Transfer $500 from Engineering Seminar Registration Fees and $275 from Training Meals and Lodging to cover the Stormwater Engineers travel expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Police Department: Transfer $27,555 from the General Fund appropriated to the “Governor's Crime Commission Gang” of One two-year Grant Project- this will pay 25% with the state kicking in the other 75%. Appropriate $1,131 toward Officers time spent when accompanying involuntary commitment patients. Appropriate $95,402 from the General Fund to provide funds to enhance and bring current licensed applications to personnel in the field to enhance work performance and provide better service.
Infrastructure: Transfer $57,650 from the General Fund Appropriated to the Grace Chapel/US 321 Connector Road Project. The total contract is $115,300 with a 50/50 shared cost with Caldwell County. To budget a total of $1,542,685 ($250,000 Appropriated from the General Fund, $250,000 appropriated from the Water and Sewer Fund , and $1,042,685 Proceeds from Financing) for the Police Department's new M/A Com System Equipment expenditure. This system was discussed and approved at the last City Council Meeting.
Informational Items:
Mayor Wright’s Travel to Orlando, FL from November 10 – 16, 2008 to attend the 2008 NLC – Congress of Cities & Exposition cost totaled $979.50. Mayor Wright’s Travel From Orlando, FL to Hickory, NC and Return to Orlando, FL on November 13 & 14, 2008 to attend the Economic Development Announcement of the MDI, Inc. Expansion – airfare cost was $624.50 (This flight was cancelled and the flight voucher will be used on a later flight)
New Business - Public Hearings:
1. Voluntary Non-Contiguous Annexation of the Property of Brian and Tammy Frazier Located at 2713 24th Street Court, NE
2. Proposed Ordinance Amendment to the Hickory City Code Chapter 18, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic”, Section 18-183 – “Pre-towing Notice; Appeal; Removal Without Notice”
The proposed changes shall read: If the owner or person entitled to possession of the vehicle does not remove the vehicle, but chooses to appeal the determination that the vehicle is an abandoned or nuisance vehicle, such appeal shall be made to the Chief of Police or his or her designee in writing. Such an appeal must be made within ten days following receipt of notice of such action and shall be filed with the police department. During the appeal, further proceedings to remove the vehicle shall be stayed until the appeal is heard and decided. Further, a new provision is to be added, to read: Upon failure of the vehicle owner or person entitled to possession to appeal within the prescribed time, the determination that the vehicle is an abandoned or nuisance vehicle shall be considered final. These changes will enable the Hickory Police Department Code Enforcement Unit to resolve citizen complaints of junked and nuisance motor vehicles in a more timely manner, while affording the vehicle owners an appeal process.
3. Proposed Ordinance Amendment to the Hickory City Code Chapter 20, “Nuisances”, Section 20-3 – “Investigation; Notice of Abatement” and Section 20-4 “Removal by City”
Currently the due process procedures authorize the City Manager, upon learning of alleged public nuisance conditions, to investigate the alleged conditions through a code enforcement officer. Upon receipt of the officer’s report, the City Manager holds a hearing to determine whether there is a nuisance. Under the proposed amendment, the Chief of Police (or his or her designee) would direct the investigation and conduct the hearing. Chapter 20, Article 1, Section 20-4 of the Hickory City Code states that after fifteen (15) days of an order to abate a nuisance has been received, the City Manager may cause such condition to be removed or otherwise remedied by having employees of the City go upon such premises and remove or otherwise abate such nuisance under the supervision of an officer or employee designated by the City Manger. Under the proposed amendment, the Chief of Police or his or her designee would direct the removal of a nuisance instead of the City Manager. The proposed amendments would make the investigation, hearing process and possible abatement of nuisances by the City more efficient for those persons cited for maintaining the conditions as well as for the Code Enforcement officers involved in the cases.
The Hounds View: We need an Ombudsman to look out for the rights of the citizens. This should be an elected official that will resolve complaints such as these nuisance issues. I have no doubt that Chief Adkins is an alright guy; but this centers too much power in his hands, it centered too much power in City Manager Berry's hands, and the city shouldn't be involved in such trifling matters unless it is a last resort.
The prophet side of me can see more petty neighbor disputes now being sanctioned by our city, because when neighbors get mad at one another they will be looking to call the city over picky and petty alleged nuisance issues. Eventually we will see a few situations of assault or worse brought about by getting the police involved in these matters. Why can't we have neighbor and neighborhood civility anymore?
4. Approval of the Economic Incentive Development Agreement with Merchants Distributors, Inc
MDI is requesting economic development incentives from the City of Hickory in the form of a property tax grant for machinery and equipment, totaling approximately $1.89 million over a ten year period for an investment of approximately $50.5 million and 200 jobs with an average annual wage of $51,000. These economic incentive grants will be used in the expansion of their Hickory distribution facility and would be 75% of the real and business personal property taxes with the maximum annual amount totaling $189,375 a year for ten years for a business personal property and property tax grant upon implementation of the expansion. Caldwell County has agreed to a similar incentive package of 75% for twelve years and the State of North Carolina has awarded MDI with a Job Development Incentive Grant for the 200 jobs. This project meets and exceeds the minimum requirements of the City of Hickory Economic Development Assistance Guidelines.
Ms. Surratt said there was a 180 job guarantee over 5 years. If they haven't met this target after 5 years, then the incentive amount will be reduced on a sliding scale based upon the jobs created.
The Hound on Economics : This deal looks good on the surface and it had to be made, but let's not pretend that there are any guarantees here in these trying economic times. The company has a lot to lose if this deal goes south. Thank goodness MDI is taking a chance.
As far as the PR points, I am getting a little sick of seeing exaggerated numbers. We all know that these are not $51,000 jobs. It is alright to say that they are going to pay $12 to $20 an hour. The other part of that money encompasses benefits (Insurance, 401k contributions, etc) and FICA. Very few of these jobs will be $50,000+ jobs.
Just tell the truth and say, "the average person is going to make about $30,ooo from one of these jobs." I think that is great and substantial and anyone would be happy with that kind of job.
Hound Economics 101 : We are going to need more progress like this. The averages say that this deal will create 40 jobs in 2009. That is a thin drop in a deep bucket. Unemployment numbers were released yesterday, Catawba County has an 8.3% unemployment rate. We have 75,518 people in the Catawba County Workforce presently and 6,265 people are currently filing for unemployment. To get back to 5% unemployment we have to find a net-plus of 2,489 more jobs.
Yesterday on the radio the Mayor said we have created 1,400 jobs this year. That's great, but it is obvious that we have lost alot more than we have gained. Some of these numbers get fuzzy because Hickory's numbers have gotten tangled with other counties, but we will look at Catawba County's numbers.
The Unemployment rate was 6.1% in January and now it is 8.3%. Look at this:
75,241x .061 = 4,590 people Unemployed in January
75,518 x .083 = 6,265 people Unemployed in October
That means that we are a net-minus of 1,675 jobs through the first 10 months of this year. The Mayor wasn't clear on his 1,400 jobs created number, but if he was saying Catawba County, then that means we lost 3,075 jobs in the first 10 months this year. (12/5/2008 - edited to represent numbers posted by the St. Louis Fed)
The Unemployment Numbers should hold the line the next few months, because of the Holiday Retail Season. This temporary retail help will be laid off at the end of December and with the upcoming minimum wage increases, in my opinion we are going to see a sharp spike in Unemployment rates. I will be shocked if we aren't seeing 10% Unemployment numbers for January, which will be reported around March 1, 2009.
It's going to be a bumpy ride. Should we throw our hands up in the air and play the blame game or should we roll up our sleeves and get to work. What I am saying is that we need to be prepared when things turn around. That is how we will get ahead of the curve. We are 1.3% worse than the State and 1.8% worse than the Federal Average. Wouldn't it be nice to be on the other side of those averages.
Maybe if we start preparing and planning better, then we will be in a better position the next time it rains.
Link to Unemployment Numbers Spreadsheet: (edited to reflect St Louis Fed numbers)