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Saturday, September 5, 2009

The relationship between Precious Metals, Inflation, and Government Spending

It is terrible that schools across this nation do such a terrible job of explaining the most basic fundamentals of Economics (and I am not talking about capitalism, I am talking about Hedo-Economics). The money that the United States Treasury has printed in conjunction with the Federal Reserve leads to no other possible result other than inflation. The government has been telling us that there is no inflation. Do your Common Sense and instincts lead you to this conclusion?

If I am able to convey one message to you about economics, it is that we are living in a Fundamentally Unsound and Unsustainable Economic System. Yes, I know that many of you will argue "What does this have to do with the local scene?"

Let me ask you. When you purchase everything that you purchase, what are you using? You are using Dollars. Destroying our currency will reek just as much havoc as any war ever could. We cannot and should not accept the current path we are on when it comes to the way that the Federal and State government are spending our money.

The Federal Reserve was designed and supposed to be a separate entity from the Federal Government, but now we see the Federal Reserve constantly feeding the beast. The President and Congress want more money for the Ponzi economy they have instituted. The Federal Reserve Policy of keeping interest rates so artificially low and encouraging the Federal government to print more and more money, has led us to the precipice of disaster where we stand today.

The only way that we are going to be able to get the economy back under control, is for people to understand that we have to reverse this course. that means that we are going to have to hold the people accountable who instituted these actions. That means anyone who wants to keep printing money and spending it on frivolities is going to have to go.

Yes, we do need investments in this country, but at this time it needs to be only priorities. Common Sense economics must rule the day. We hear the government telling us that the economy is getting better. Ask yourself, Does it look like the Economy is getting better?

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