This newsletter is about the Hickory City Council meeting that I attended this past week. City council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each Month in the Council Chambers of the Julian Whitener building.
At the bottom right of this page under main information links is a Hickory's Local Government link. If you click on that link, it takes you to our city’s website, at the bottom of the page you will see the future dates for meetings scheduled for this year.
At the top of the page, if you click on the “Documents” link, you will find historic Agenda and Minutes links. Agendas show what is on the docket for the meeting of that date. The Minutes is an actual summary of the proceedings of the meeting of that date.
Here is a summary of the agenda of the 3/2/2010 meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below
Invocation by Rev. Susan Smith of Exodus Home Ministries
Special Presentations:
A. Presentation of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2009. This is the Fifteenth Consecutive Year the City Has Received this Recognition - Karen Hurley, the city's budget director accepted the award from the Government Finance Officer's Association from the United States. More than 1,100 municipalities participate in this program. There has been a 76% growth in participation since 1995.
B. Update Council on Google Gigabit RFI - You can read the about this in the article presented in the article - Woogle - How You can Help Us Get Google Ultra High Speed Broadband. If you haven't already checked this out and filled out the survey please do so. Over 500 people joined in the last 24 hours 3/3/ 2010. Join the crowd and get involved. This will be a key factor in our ability to be chosen by Google to deliver a Fiber Network with 1 Gigabit access to the home and to businesses.
C. Presentation of FY 2010-2011 Board and Commission Work Plans - Board/Commission Presenter
1. Animal Control Advisory - Sgt. Keith Yoder - 1) City contributes to the cost of spay and neuter program - Last year $1100 was spent. This year a little over $700 has been spent. 2) Cost effective measures to deal with stray animals. Shelter costs are currently $97,894 and will rise by 5% next year to $102,713. There are no alternatives for that. 5) Sponsor 2 rabies clinics this year to get animal vaccinated at a reduced cost. Their will be a rabies clinic held on April 24.
(The Hound stated last year and still believe I would like to see people have to obtain a license in order to breed animals. The fee should be equal to the cost of spaying and neutering any animals. We need to get control of the stray animal population in this community. It is inhumane to let animals breed and not take care of them.)
2. Citizens’ Advisory Committee - Ms. Yvonne Setzer - Todd Hefner presentation. Objective are to continue community development planning projects. Working to pursue a regional strategy for affordable home ownership.
3. Community Appearance Commission - Mr. Steve Bowman - Focused on providing incentives to upgrade private properties in the commercial revitalization area through appearance grant and landscape incentive program. monitor and participate litter pick-Up program. Promote and benefit trees. Working with public education to reduce litter. Working on Beautification Beautification
4. Community Relations Council Ms. Paulina Ruff - David Radke - Want the same budget as last year. Grant Program would be for $12,000. Connect, Improve, and Encourage community relations. Multi- Cultural Human Relations Events in May. Training and outreach events.
5. Hickory Regional Planning Commission - Mr. Brian Frazier - Revision of Hickory by Choice and the Land-Use Development plan -- plan released next month. Working on Brownfield grants. Only 7 months left in the process. Phase 1 assessments - Lyerly Mills, Hollar Hosiery, Moretz Mills, Regal, Piedmont Wagon andS&W Chemical bulding Phase 2 - Piedmont Wagon and Hollar Hosiery. Working on a Phase 2 for Regal and possibly S&W if there are red flags. No request for funds. Alder Fox stated that this was an exciting time for planning and we will get some excellent public participation. (The Hound has stated on many occasions, I believe that Mr. Frazier along with Mr. Leonetti have done an excellent job of allowing the HBC process to follow its natural course without trying to direct the finished product. Our entire community should thank them for allowing that to happen.)
6. Hickory Youth Council Mr. Evan Denzer - Partnering with Animal for Alex and Cops for Tots. Promote community and general public knowledge in the hearts and minds of our youth. Requesting $3,600 for general uses, programs, and a possible Summer retreat. This is the same as last year. (The Hound Knows this is a good Investment, because we need kids to be more civic minded.)
7. Historic Preservation Commission Ms. Clem Geitner - Donna Cullum - The commission would like to continue criteria for a historic grant that would tag along with Operation No Vacancy. Provide the opportunity to be put on the study list and be registered on the national register. This was funded to the tune of $5,000. They hope that this will spur growth.
(The Hound understands that this is standard operating procedure for a commission rooted in past generations, but I don't feel that we should be married to these buildings along the railroad tracks. There is nothing historic or architecturally significant about them. We need an end game when it comes to these rotting buildings. We need to see a timeframe as to how long they are going to be allowed to fall under disrepair.
The burden of proof should be on the owner that these buildings are structurally sound and if they are not then they need to go. These grants are funded by the taxes of regular, average everyday citizens and I would like to ask what they get out of this? $5,000 is not going to make or break a business deal. It is only going to pad pockets.
The owners of these buildings are wealthy for the most part and they have no incentive to solve the problem. The city should take an aggressive stance like other municipalities have in our country. Either fix the eyesore or condemn it. That is what you do to the rundown houses of poor people and that is what should be done with these trust fund eyesores.)
8. International Council Mr. Hani Nassar - He has been doing this for 7 years. This is the 9th year of budget. Spoke about Springfest. Stated that the council would like to bring the Hmong and Latino groups out of their cocoon to participate with the other cultures. Alder Patton stated that she believes that they have done a wonderful job with the money they have been given. (The Hound thinks it is awesome that Mr. Nassar is bringing all of the cultural groups under one umbrella. It is obvious that they are doing some excellent work.)
9. Library Advisory Board Ms. Judy Ivester - Asked for no money. The Library is a focal point of the community. Technology plays a big role in and outside of the library. 57,000 patrons have used 51 computers. Self Checkout machines were installed in July, to date over 34,000 items have been checked out this way. Patrons can access the library online via their home computer. Since July 1, 2009, the library has averaged over 43,000 patrons per month -- more than a 10% increase.
The library is helping people with employment, testing, and training. The library is starting a technology garage that teaches individuals about new electronics. The library is looking to increase and improve technology, customer service, and programming. She stated that Quality of Life isn't a warm and fuzzy concept that can be pushed aside in economically difficult times. Quality of Life is important when attracting new businesses. last year the library offered over a 1,000 programs to 29,000 attendees. Since July 1, 2009, the library has had 82,000 reference points which is up 42% over the last year.
The library has increased value added services including a 20 seat conference room and a coffee kiosk in the rotunda. Alder Fox stated that it is obvious that Library Board members do a lot more than just attend meetings.
(The Hound believes that once again Mrs. Ivester had the best presentation of the evening and she was spot on in her assessment. The Library is going to be more critical as a center of knowledge as we move forward.)
10. Parks and Recreation Commission Ms. Kelley Hurley - Ms. Hurley went over the list of goals and highlights. She went over the highlights og the past year 1) Completion of phase 2 of the Ridgeview (Taft-Broome Park) Recreation Project. 2) She went over the community gardens that will have 20 plots at Civitan Park and Taft-Broome Park. She wants to encourage citizens to have gardens. There will be a sharing (vandal) garden where citizens can get vegetables. 3) She showed the first annual community picnic held at the Henry Fork Park last spring. There were a lot of activities. This year it will be held at stanford Park on may 22. 2010. 4) She then showed the Easter Egg hunt that will be held on March 27, 2010. 5) They also helped the Youth Council support the Animals for Alex Program.
Goals were presented by Harreitt Smith include 1) Development of the Clonionger Mill Park plan 2) Support 2005 Green Ways and Trails Master plan. The last significant investment in the Green Way plan was from 15 years ago. 3) Create a Dog Park 4) Create a City Endowment to support Parks 5) Work towards the creation a Henry Fork Ampitheater 6) Create a Sandy Pine's Park from capital obtained by selling residential property at the Cloninger Mill Park site 7) Create a Park Ranger Program for the Hickory Park System. Alder Lail stated that this was the first year for the Community Garden and it has been in plans for three years. Alder Patton asked if any plots were left. Civitan is sold out and they are still available at taft-Broome. The City will till the areas. (The Hound liked this presentation also. I support everything they said and really appreciate the concept of the community garden.)
11. Public Art Commission Mr. David Baldwin - Mr. Baldwin showed the Art on the Bench project and the results. They want to maintain art they have brought to the community over the past 10 years. He addressed the focal project for the upcoming year, which will be a permanent fire sculpture created by an established artist, local potter, and local citizens. It should be completed in the 2010-2011 timeframe. He showed examples. This will be an art piece for many years to come and it will also be an event that many people can participate in.
12. Recycling Advisory Board Mr. Norm Mears - Chuck Hansen presentation. They want better participation in the program. Hickory Community participation is better than the state average. 340 businesses work with the city on the program. Campaign to reach the Hickory City School System. All schools will participate in recycling. The city sponsors a household hazardous waste event twice per year in November and May. Looking to expand convenience centers to other areas. Currently just in NE and SW Hickory. Address and evaluate the recycling commodity issue. Looking towards recycling pallets, oil filters, fluorescent lamps, and ballasts. Looking at the city solid waste ordinance to assess what they can handle. They are looking at a single stream MURF Facility that would reduce pickup and have the city separating the refuse into the proper streams.
Consent Agenda:
A. Adopt Resolution Honoring the Memory of U.S. Marine Staff Sgt. Chris Eckard Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice for His Country While Serving in Afghanistan
B. Request by Hickory Police Department to Award Badge and Service Weapon to Retired Master Police Officer Dennis J. Morris Under authority granted by the NC General Statutes, City Council is requested to award the police badge and service weapon to Master Police Officer Dennis J. Morris who retired from the Hickory Police Department on March 1, 2010. Upon approval, the badge and service weapon will be removed from the City’s fixed asset inventory.
C. Approve Municipal Fund Agreement With the North Carolina Department of Transportation for Reimbursable Traffic Control Device Maintenance ServicesPerformed on State System Roadways The June 15, 2004 Municipal Fund Agreement, Schedules A, B, C and D with the NCDOT was renewed for five years. The new Municipal Maintenance Agreement includes the current schedules under which the City of Hickory makes claim for reimbursement. Schedules A, B and C work under a flat reimbursable amount per traffic control device installed and Schedule D is personnel staffing for a maximum annual reimbursable amout of $131,000.00. The new agreement period begins July 1, 2009 and will be annually renewable for five years up to June 30, 2014. Pulled for discussion by Alderman Seaver. Alderman Seaver is concerned about the reimbursement to the city from the State, since we have taken over the obligation. Chuck Hanson stated that this is about the Traffic signalling system, signs, and marketing and staffing the computer end of the traffic control system. We have 200 traffic signals in our area that need work on a daily basis.
D. Approve 2010 Lobbying Service Contract With Cozort Government Relations in the Amount of $24,000. The City of Hickory and Catawba County for the past two years have contracted with Womble Carlyle as their legislative lobbyist. Mr. Jack Cozort has been the principal lobbyist and as of January, 2010 Mr. Cozort and two other lobbyists have formed a new lobbying and government relations firm, Cozort Government Relations. Our contract with Womble Carlye expired at the end of December 2009. Catawba County has approved re-hiring Jack Cozort due to the effective working relationship that has been developed with him while at Womble Carlyle. The new contract with Cozort Government Relations will be for a lower rate of $2,000.00/month for twelve months. Staff recommends approval.
E. Request From Hickory Downtown Development Association for Use of Union Square for the Swinging Under the Stars Event on May 30, 2010 From 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
F. Request From Hickory Downtown Development Association for Use of Union Square for Hickory Alive on June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2010 From 3:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
G Request From American Legion Post 48 for Use of Union Square for the Veterans’ Memorial Service on May 30, 2010 From 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
H. Budget Ordinances
1. To budget a $1,262 insurance claim check from Trident Insurance Company in the Police Department Maintenance and Repair of Vehicle line item for damage sustained to a Police vehicle on 01-30-10.
2. To budget a $1,000 donation from the Western Piedmont Council of Government in the Parks and Recreation Department Supply line item. This donation will be used to conduct the 2010 Unifour Senior Games which is coordinated by the City of Hickory’s Park and Recreation Department.
3. To transfer $26,630 of General Fund Contingency to L.P. Frans Stadium Maintenance and Repair of Buildings line item. This transfer is necessary to pay for the replacement of a number of original roofing systems at L.P. Frans Stadium.
4. To appropriate a total of $17,500 of General Fund Balance and transfer it to the Clement Boulevard Project Miscellaneous line item. This amendment is necessary to pay $15,000 to NCDOT for the traffic signal review, inspections and administrative costs as stated in the agreement. $2,500 is necessary to pay for printing sets of plans as required by NCDOT for their approval process and the contractor once the
plans are approved.
5. To appropriate $1,249 of General Fund Balance and transfer it to the Police Firing Range/Target System Upgrade project Specialized Equipment line item. This amendment is necessary to fund the remainder of the project. $1,249 represents Police Federal Reimbursement balances from previous years that have been rolled into Fund Balance at year end, therefore an appropriation is necessary.
I. Capital Project Ordinance
1. To budget a $17,500 transfer of General Fund Balance in the Clement Boulevard Connector Project Miscellaneous line item. This amendment is necessary to pay NCDOT $15,000 for the traffic signal review, inspections and administrative costs as stated in the project agreement and to pay $2,500 for printing sets of plans as required by NCDOT for their approval process and the contractor once the plans are approved.
Departmental Reports:
1. Approve Contract With Midasco, LLC for Construction of the Traffic Signal System Upgrade Project in the Amount of $2,013,350.00 - The City of Hickory developed the Plans, Specs and Engineer’s Estimate for a traffic signal system upgrade project to be funded under the Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program and was approved for funding by NCDOT. The project is for replacement of both central hardware and software, controller equipment in the field, modest fiber optic cable plant expansion, additional CCTV cameras, video detection systems, data collection and management system and video workstations at both Public Services and City Hall. The project is funded at 100% in compliance with Federal-Aid standards up to $2.5 million. The City received six bids and Midasco, LLC of Elkridge, Maryland with an office in Fayetteville, NC was the lowest bidder at $2,013,350.00. Staff recommends approval of contact with Midasco, LLC. Due to needing NCDOT approval and completion of project by August 2011, staff is requesting two readings be held on March 2, 2010. Second Reading - Unanimously approved. Chuck Hanson made the presentation. This will replace the inside of the control boxes with new field computers to work with new computers and software at the Public Services Department. This will allow for better, faster, and broader communication with the public services complex. This will not replace lights. The old system is a closed loop system. These new systems will talk with each other as well as the main system. This also allows the traffic control system to be optimized. Studying the traffic patterns will no longer need to be contracted out. The video system will be included in real-time capabilities. There will be cameras at 16 locations. This brings us up to the DOT standards of today. This will allow businesses to see real-time data to do traffic impact analysis. Alderman lail asked if we would see immediate impacts. Mr. Hanson stated we would see some, but their would also be some growing pains as the system is put into place. Council Unanimously Consented.
Closed Session Per NC General Statutes to consult with the attorneys regarding the following: (Action on these items, if any, will occur in Open Session)
1. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of February 16, 2010
2. Discuss Pending Litigation – Foreclosure of Deed of Trust From Profile Aviation Center,
Inc. to CB Services Corp., Trustee – 10-SP-70 – Burke County
The Hound would certainly like to know what is going on with this Airport litigation. It seems that the Council is meeting in closed session after every meeting here lately. Something big has to be brewing behind the scenes. Sure seems like all of this should be resolved eventually.
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Thursday, March 4, 2010
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