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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You can help people save their homes!

The following is a message that was sent to me relating to my latest blog posts that involving the Megabank Lenders, their use of the "MERS" (Mortgage Electronic Registration System) system, and how it relates to the exposed crisis and fraud related to foreclosures.
Mr. Shell,

I live in Asheville and have been researching MERS for quit some time. I enjoyed reading your latest blogs. I was wondering if you know of any attorneys in the Western NC area, that actually know about MERS and are willing to represent clients pertaining to MERS? Also, for failure of mortgage services to abide by NC General Statues § 45-93 (Borrower requests for information)?

Can someone help to create a list of contacts (Attorneys and Agencies) who are willing to press this issue. I do not want to limit this to just Western North Carolina. Let us know of anywhere in North Carolina that these services may be available. Please feel free to comment in the comment section below or send me e-mails that will help me relate information to homeowners who might be vulnerable or may want to press this issue. Any and all information related to this topic is welcome.

Please help me put the rubber to the road. I don't want to just talk about this issue. I want to help people who need help saving their home and I want to create a network of connections that will begin to hold Financial Institutions accountable for their malfeasance versus the public. If you have any ideas or information, I plead, please step forward and help. During these times, you don't know what a lifeline this could be for people living on the edge.


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