This newsletter is about the Hickory City Council meeting that I attended this past week. City council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each Month in the Council Chambers of the Julian Whitener building.
At right of this page under Main Information links is an Hickory's City Website link. If you click on that link, it takes you to our city’s website, at the left of the page you will see the Agenda's and Minutes link you need to click. This will give you a choice of PDF files to upcoming and previous meetings.
You will find historic Agenda and Minutes links. Agendas show what is on the docket for the meeting of that date. The Minutes is an actual summary of the proceedings of the meeting of that date.
Here is a summary of the agenda of the 12/7/2010 meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below:
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Invocation by Rev. David E. Roberts, II of Morning Star First Baptist Church
Election of Mayor Pro Tempore for Calendar Year 2011 Pursuant to NC General Statues §260A-70 and Section 2-54 of the Hickory City Code. Alderman Bruce Meisner was unanimously appointed to be the Mayor Pro Tempore for the upcoming year.
Appointment of a City Attorney for Calendar Year 2011 Pursuant to the Hickory City Code, Section 4.151 of the Charter. John W Crone was unanimously appointed as City Attorney for Calendar Year 2011.
Special Presentations:
A. Proclamation Recognizing Hickory Christian Academy Men’s Varsity Soccer Team for Winning the National Association of Christian Athletes (NACA) Division II National Title - Homepage - Hickory Christian Academy Facebook Page
The Proclamation congratulated the school for winning 17 games and losing only 2 including 13 shutouts. The proclamation commends the team for competitiveness, sportsmanship, and academics. And the Mayor added "their commitment to leading a good, christian life."
B. Proclamation Presented to Mr. Cliff Moone Declaring December 15, 2010 as “Bill of Rights Day” in the City of Hickory.
The Proclamation celebrates the Bill of Rights, which was ratified on December 15, 1791. The Bill guarantees citizens their most basic and unalienable rights. The State of North Carolina refused to sign the Constitution until a Bill of Rights was included. This day was first recognized by Franklin Roosevelt and observed in 1941. Mr. Moone stated that the North carolina Civil libirties Union and the Human Rights Coalition of North Carolina contacted Mr. Moone in the past about bringing this to the attention of the area. He stated that we need to fight hard every day to remember and preserve these rights.
C. Presentation of Diplomas by Mayor Wright to the 2010 Neighborhood College Graduating Class - Neighborhood College - The program is a series of professionally led sessions designed to teach citizens about the City of Hickory and the services it provides. Neighborhood College is an educational experience that will give participants insight into Hickory's history and its governmental process. Participants are encouraged to share the knowledge they receive from the program with their neighbors.
Consent Agenda:
A. Call for Public Hearing for Consideration of a Proposed Zoning Text Amendment to the Current Land Development Code Regarding Electronic Sweepstakes Establishments (Authorize Public Hearing for December 21, 2010)
B. Approval to Apply For a Non-Matching Grant Through The NC Firefighters’ Burned Children Fund Grant Program to Purchase Safety Education Material - The NC Firefighters’ Burned Children Fund Grant Program offers opportunities for fire departments to fund new and innovative fire and life safety education programs. The Hickory Fire Department wishes to apply for a non-matching grant to purchase an interactive safety education display to be used at community events, schools and civic organizations. The age appropriate equipment and educational supplies will cost a total of $1,000. This is a non-matching grant and requires no budgetary action.
C. Approval to Apply For a Non-Matching Grant Through The Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation to Purchase Fire Safety Equipment - Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation is dedicated to improving the life-saving capabilities of emergency service entities by providing funding, resources and support. The Hickory Fire Department, if approved, will acquire air monitoring devices. This
equipment will be used to sample the ambient air environment for several different gases ensuring that firefighting personnel and investigators work in a safe environment.
D. Approval of Community Relations Council Grant Recommendations for Fall 2010
Requesting Agency Project – Grant – Request Amount – CRC - Recommended Amount
LRU Visiting Writers Series Outreach Project – At Risk Teenagers $2,000 - $ 500
Centro Latino Leading to a Latin Beat $1,200 - $ 500
Greater Hickory CCM - Helping Hickory Residents Maintain Living Arrangements - $1,500 - $1,500
Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont - Leadership for Life Program - $1,350 - $ 300
Girls on the Run of Catawba Valley Scholarship Assistance Fund - $1,500 - $1,500
Women’s Resource Center - Construct Your Life Plan - $1,000 - $ 500
Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman - Mario A. Mitchell Summer and Saturday Academy - $1,500 - $ 500
Total $5,300
E. Request From Charity Chase for Use of Union Square to Hold the “Charity Chase Half Marathon” Event on June 4, 2011 From 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
F. Amendment to Traffic Ordinance by Reducing the Speed Limit From 55 mph to 45 mph Along US 321 in Hickory From a Point Approximately 500 Feet North From the Intersection With SR 1314 (Old Lenoir Rd NW) South to a Point Approximately 1,147 Feet North of the Intersection With SR 1306 (2nd Ave NW) and Joining an Existing 45 mph Speed Zone For an Overall Length of 6,670 Feet - The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) engineers, project inspectors and City staff determined that the Clement Connector Project required a design speed less than 60 mph. Much of US 321 within City limits has a regulatory speed limit of 45 mph. By extending the existing 5,023 foot 45 mph speed zone by approximately 6,670 feet, the entire segment of US 321 through Hickory will be a continuous 45 mph speed zone.
G. Approve Consultant Services Agreement With Mekuria Engineering, Inc. for Development of Traffic Signal Coordination Plans and Implementation for the Clement Connector Project in the Amount of $75,000 - Entering in the Agreement with Mekuria Engineering, Inc. will assist in the development of traffic signal coordination plans and implementation along US 321 NW and the new Clement Connector corridor. It will enable progressive traffic flow along both corridors, especially during peak travel demand periods. The development of new traffic signal and electrical plans are necessary for three (3) NCDOT traffic signals. Mekuria Engineering’s response to our Request for Proposals provides the needed traffic engineering services for a lump sum of $75,000.
This item was removed from the consent agenda, because Alderman Guess questioned the actual intent of the agreement (whether it was a study). Public Services Director Hansen explained the plans are to implement and coordinate the timing of the traffic signals for smooth flowing traffic in conjunction with the Clement Boulevard Project. Mr. Hanson also stated that the speed limit will be lowered to 45 mph from the I-40 area coming onto the old 321 section to past the Clement Center Boulevard project near the Catawba River Bridge.
H. Approval to Purchase Property From Walter Little and Elizabeth Allen (PIN 3782-18-41-3237) in the Amount of $33,000 and From Jerry L. Huffman and Ruby L. Huffman (PIN 3782-18-31-7496) in the Amount of $6,500 With Estimated Closing Costs of $3,000 to Complete the Hickory-Catawba WWTP Project - These two (2) pieces of property are necessary to accommodate the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources guidelines for all new and/or renovated WWTP’s to possess a 50-ft. buffer from all property lines. The Hickory-Catawba WWTP Project is an upgrade/expansion project planned in cooperation with Catawba County for wastewater service provision in the Sherrill’s Ford, Town of Catawba, Highway 150 and Claremont areas. Both tracts lie within the Town of Catawba town limits, but are essential to the upgrade. One piece is 2.72 acres with a purchase price of $33,000 and the other is a 0.33 acre lot with a purchase price of $6,500 with estimated closing costs of $3,000. These properties will be purchased from the facility fees previously collected and Public Utilities fund balance and will be credited towards the City’s commitment to the project. Due to seller’s request to close by December 24, 2010, staff requests two readings be held on December 7, 2010.
I. Resolution Recognizing Lee Douglas Bumgarner’s Retirement From Catawba County Government With Thirty-Nine Years of Service
J. Budget Ordinance Amendment No. 10
1. To budget a $1,343 insurance claim check from Geico Insurance Company in the Police Departments Maintenance and Repair line item. This payment is for damage sustained to a police vehicle on 08-02-10.
2. To appropriate $75,000 of General Fund Balance and budget in the Clement Boulevard project Construction line item. Funds are needed to pay Mekuria Engineering, Inc. for professional traffic engineering services. Services include the development of traffic signal coordination plans and implementation, traffic signal and electrical plans, and traffic signal timing plans for Clement Connector
project. In addition, services include the fine tuning of new coordination timing plans along both US 321 NW and Clement Connector corridors.
3. To transfer $79,727 in District Court funds unspent in FY09-10 from the General Fund to the District Court Capital Reserve Fund.
4. To budget a $526 insurance claim check from Liberty Insurance Company in the Water and Sewer Pipes, Hydrants and Meters line item. This payment is for damage sustained to a fire hydrant on 10-27-10.
5. To appropriate $4,878 of Restricted Government Revenue from the City of Claremont and budget in the Claremont Division Repair of Equipment line item. This payment is for billable work the Water and Sewer department completed at the Claremont Plant.
6. To transfer $39,000 of Water and Sewer Contingency to the Contracted Services line item. This transfer is to pay for the paving at Glen Hilton Park which was necessary after the Cripple Creek Project.
7. To appropriate $20,000 of Water and Sewer Fund Balance Appropriated and transfer to the Hickory-Catawba Wastewater Treatment Plant Capital upgrade/expansion project. NC-DENR (North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources) mandates all new and/or renovated wastewater treatment plants to possess a 50-ft buffer from all property lines. In order for this site to accomplish this requirement, additional property must be purchased surrounding the Hickory-Catawba Wastewater Treatment Plant. The total cost of the land purchase is $42,500 with the Water and Sewer Appropriated
Fund Balance funding $20,000 and the projects Facilities Fees funding $22,500.
8. To appropriate $4,390 of Capital Reserve Fund Balance to the Public Buildings Maintenance and Repair line item. This appropriation is to pay for materials and labor to make various repairs on the upper level of the Parking Deck. Repairs include removal of all loose and failing concrete back to sound edges, removal of existing materials on noted areas, cleaning of each work area, installation of conditioner/binder and the final installation of patching compound. In addition, work will include a pressure washing of the deck.
Informational Items:
A. Report of City Manager Berry’s Travel to Winston-Salem, NC for the NCLM Annual
Conference From October 25 – 26, 2010; registration - $285; parking - $10
New Business - Departmental Reports:
1. Second Reading - Approval to Purchase Property From Walter Little and Elizabeth Allen in the Amount of $33,000 and From Jerry L. Huffman and Ruby L. Huffman in the Amount of $6,500 to Complete the Hickory-Catawba WWTP Project Due to seller’s request to close by December 24, 2010, staff requests two readings be held on December 7, 2010.
2. Review and Acceptance of the Carolina Thread Trail Master Plan for Catawba County - The Carolina Thread Trail is a fifteen (15) county, two (2) State initiative designed to facilitate the creation of a regional network of trails, blueways, greenways and conservation corridors to link more than 2.3 million citizens. Catawba Lands Conservancy is the lead agency and is working in partnership with the Foundation for the Carolinas. In 2009 the planning process began in Catawba County and a steering committee was developed with a representative from local governments within the county. The steering committee completed its work in September 2010 by accepting the Carolina Thread Trail Master Plan for Catawba County. Local governments are being asked to consider acceptance prior to its consideration by the Catawba County Board of Commissioners on December 20, 2010. The master plan was endorsed by the Parks and Recreation Commission on November 9, 2010. Acceptance does not take the place of any existing master plans nor does it commit the City of Hickory to fund any implementation of the plan. Carolina Thread Trail staff will continue to work with local municipalities in Catawba County to secure funding. - Mack McLeod, Director of Parks and Recreation made the presentation - The information he went over is presented thoroughly below.
The Hound believes that this effort can lead to the viability of walkability in our community. I first heard of this effort while attending a Hickory by Choice meeting earlier in the year. This is definitely an exciting prospect because it ties together existing infrastructure and scenic landscapes. This effort costs very little other than posting of signage. We need to enhance pedestrian lifestyles in this community and make walking safer for everyone. This is healthy for the community as a whole. Catawba County Master Plan Draft
3. Rental Property Task Force Recommendations -Addendum on the Rental Property Task Force Recommendations(Added) Alderman Guess moved and was seconded that the recommendations of the Task Force be approved with the exceptions that Recommendation No. 2 be changed to the Task Force reconvening within six (6) months instead of 6-months to a year and to change Recommendation No. 3 to add an additional code enforcement officer immediately. Motion failed. (AYE – Alderman Guess, Alderwoman Patton, Alderwoman Fox; NAY – Mayor Wright, Alderman Seaver, Alderman Meisner)
Mayor Wright made a substitute motion and was seconded that the recommendations of the Task Force be approved with the exceptions that the Task Force should reconvene within six (6) months and in Recommendation No. 3 it be added that Lt. Baer, City Manager Berry and Police Chief Adkins meet to discuss various aspects of this issue, costs, priority and come back to Council with a recommendation for consideration regarding personnel by the end of January, 2011. (AYE – Mayor Wright, Alderman Guess, Alderman Seaver, Alderman Meisner, Alderwoman Patton; NAY – Alderwoman Fox) - City Council formed the Rental Property Task Force in September 2010 to research rental property issues and to determine if additional rules and regulations were needed to address those issues in the City of Hickory. The Task Force met on several occasions during the past three (3) months, whereby General Statutes and the City’s Code were studied and reviewed along with researching other municipality’s rental property issues.
4. Public Services Director, Chuck Hansen to Update City Council on the Opening of the Clement Boulevard/US Highway 321 Intersection - (added) Public Services Director Hansen stated the opening of the Clement Boulevard/US Highway 321 intersection would be mid morning on Thursday, December 9, 2010.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
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