This newsletter is about the Hickory City Council meeting that I attended this past week. City council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each Month in the Council Chambers of the Julian Whitener building.
At right of this page under Main Information links is an Hickory's City Website link. If you click on that link, it takes you to our city’s website, at the left of the page you will see the Agenda's and Minutes link you need to click. This will give you a choice of PDF files to upcoming and previous meetings.
You will find historic Agenda and Minutes links. Agendas show what is on the docket for the meeting of that date. The Minutes is an actual summary of the proceedings of the meeting of that date.
Here is a summary of the agenda of the 1/18/2010 meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below:
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Invocation by Chaplain Lawrence Bolick of Spiritual Life at Abernethy Laurels Retirement Community
Special Presentations:
A. Presentation by Senior Firefighter/Staff Sergeant Patrick Auton to City Council the “Patriotic Employer Award” in Appreciation of the City’s Continued Support of Military Service Personnel - Sgt. Auton has served for 15 years. His group was tasked to provide air support for Helicopters and to teach Iraqis firefighting techniques. He talked about the support he received from his fellow firefighters and the department and how it went above and beyond.
The Hound would like to point to the above presentation as a moving event. Sgt. Auton gave a detailed explanation of what his duty entailed in Kirkuk, Iraq. You could tell that this guy is a solid gentleman and truly cares about this community and this country. He presented several awards to the Hickory Fire Department and the City. Fire Chief Tom Alexander stated that Sgt Auton has been deployed three times since he has been Fire Chief and he is grateful that he (Sgt. Auton) has been able to come back each time. When we have people who will go out and protect our liberties and our rights, then God bless them. Our community is honored to count this gentleman amongst us. I think everyone that was at this meeting this night would concur.
B. Presentation By Community Groups Requesting Appropriations from the City Council During the Next Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2011 - The Council will not take action tonight. Action will be taken when the Council considers the City’s annual budget in May or June. These presentations are made so Council Members can ask questions or make comments about the requests. Presenters will be allotted no more than five minutes to make their presentations to Council.
Organization Presentation By Amount Requested
Catawba County Economic Development Corporation - Scott Millar - $138,511.14 + Greater Hickory Marketing - $75,000
- Scott mentioned successes involving with Fiserv and Turbotech, the Bradington Young corporate Headquarters has relocated here in hickory. Greater Hickory marketing is associated with the Golf Tournament that will be held in June. Greater Hickory Marketing is the Rock Barn Classic Golf Tournament and it will revert back to being named the Greater Hickory Classic from last year’s Ensure naming rights. The budget request is $300 less than the year before. Allocations are made based upon the populations of the cities in Catawba County.
The Salt Block Foundation - Steve Mull - $100,000
- The SALT block has been in existence since 1986. 300,000 visitors come to the SALT block each year. City funds provide money for security guards and grounds keeping. The foundation operates three buildings on the SALT block campus. Provides a home for the Museum of Art, Science Center, The Choral Society, the Western Piedmont Symphony, and the United Arts Council. Pays building and Capital expenses. Along with the Patrick Beaver Memorial Library, these entities provide economically invaluable cultural resources for the entire Hickory region. Auditorium is used over 200 times per year. Moneys were used to replace the HVAC system, new lighting, and the roofs of two buildings.
United Arts Council of Catawba County - Jeff Neuville - $41,039
- Mr. Neuville is the President of the Arts Council. The amount of money is based on $1 per capita. The city has funded the UAC since 1984. This funding is important to the quality of life and the economic development in the community. For every dollar granted by Hickory, a minimum of $4 is spent on arts, science, and history projects in this community by the UAC. The North Carolina Arts council estimates that $24 is spent locally for every dollar spent on the arts. Mr. Neuville went over several projects that these funds were used for.
Hickory Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau – Ray Combs - $20,000
- Mr. Combs is the Executive Director of the HMCVB. Mr. Combs mentioned the Harley-Davidson Owners Group that will be coming to Hickory this August. The Bureau is under the umbrella of the Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority. The CVB will continue to be the marketing arm of the authority. They will continue to support and stimulate the local economy by tourism, business conferences, meetings, and sporting events. They have streamlined operations under the TDA. They network by attending meetings, advertising, and the internet. Generated over $7.5 million in revenue from over 6,000 room nights. The Convention Center was occupied 232 days in 2009, hosting over 100 groups and 100,000 people. The North Carolina Rose Convention was held here this year. Mayor Wright commended the CVB for reducing salary and benefits 10% over the past year. Events Mr. Combs mentioned that are coming to Hickory include The North Carolina Library Association, The NC Shriners, The NC Association of County Directors of Social Services, and The National Narrow Gauge Railway convention will bring railway enthusiasts from around the world.
Habitat for Humanity - Mitzi Gellman - $22,850
- This is the 16th year the habitat has appeared before the council. Since 2000, the number of people living in poverty has risen 50%. 20% of those in poverty are children. 18 qualified applicants are currently on their list. The average worker in our area makes $8 an hour as of the 2000 census, yet it takes $20/hour to support a family. The mortgage payments from a Habitat House cost less than rent.
Six houses closed during the previous fiscal year. The Habitat is trying to renovate more houses as compared to building new houses. They are looking to stabilize neighborhoods. The first house built by habitat was in 1996. Over 100 sewer and water taps have been donated by the City of Hickory. 143 houses have been completed so far in Catawba County (over 80% in Hickory). Habitat is the banking interest in the arrangements and the qualifiers have to have good credit. It has been harder to get families qualified. 11 families are currently on the list. These families are under 80% of area median income and 7 are 50% under area median income. Qualifiers have to put 250 to 500 hours in building their houses. Habitat is putting more effort into making sure that they are building quality, energy efficient houses. Each house has $10,000 to $12,000 worth of volunteer labor in them. The money requested is about the same as last years request and will be used to fund 10 water-sewer taps. The Mayor stated that that effects 40 lives.
Hickory Downtown Development Association - Connie Kincaid - $50,000
- Addressed special events, the Farmer's Market, and Art crawls. There were four new businesses this year creating 109 new jobs. The North Carolina Department of Commerce awarded Swinging under the stars was awarded North Carolina’s best Downtown event.
Connie spoke about the 4/40 Destination Downtown program where Downtown businesses offer discounts on the 4th Saturday of each month.. Private investment was $328,000. Public Funding was $998,000 meaning that over $1.3 million were invested Downtown. Hickory Hops hosted 48 breweries and 2,263 people with an economic impact of nearly $304,000 to the Area. Connie talked about Swinging under the Stars and Art Crawls. She talked about Oktoberfest, candy crawl, tree lighting, Holiday events, and business development. She spoke of the castle of cans and the signature event of Octoberfest.
C. Presentation and Approval of Special Events Application for the Use of Union Square for the 2011 Farmer’s Market Season - Staff has worked with Farmer’s Market Board members, DDA staff and board members to determine how the Farmer’s Market can be located on Union Square and adjacent parking lot. As of the printing of the agenda, the specific layout of the Farmer’s Market was not available. This will be presented to City Council at the meeting.
Addendum Farmer's Market on Union Square - Several people addressed the Council before the Council deliberated on this issue. The information is detailed at the link and includes Youtube audio of the proceedings.
Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of 2011 Federal Legislative Agenda - City staff has prepared a Federal Legislative Agenda for 2011 which lists key issues and talking points to discuss with our legislative delegation City Council will use this agenda with our Federal delegation in Washington, DC. This item was previously discussed during the January 18, 2011 Council meeting, but no formal action was taken.
B. Citizens’ Advisory Committee Recommendations for Assistance Through the City of Hickory’s Housing Programs - Habitat for Humanity is being recommended for assistance under the City’s Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program for the installation of a new HVAC system in their new building. Assistance would not exceed $70,000.00 in the form of a 3% interest loan for a 20 year period. Funds are budgeted through the City’s former Rental Rehabilitation Program income received in FY 2009 and/or income received through the City’s Community Development Department Block Grant Program. Applicant Wade Haynes, Jr. of 1470 3rd Street Place, SW is being recommended for approval for assistance under the City’s 2010 Urgent Repair Program for emergency related repairs not to exceed $5,000.00. Funds are budgeted through the City’s Community Development Department funding received in FY 2010-11. The Citizens’ Advisory Committee recommends approval of the above applicants.
C. Transfer of Cemetery Lots in Oakwood Cemetery From John W. and wife Lana L. Teague to Nelda W. Eckard (Document Prepared by Attorneys Christian & Associates)
D. Budget Ordinance Amendment
1. To budget a $1,460.62 insurance claim check from Erie Insurance Company in the Library Maintenance and Repair of Building line item. This payment is for property damage sustained during a loading dock door repair.
2. To budget $61,701 of Local Government Revenue received from Catawba County in the Fire Department Overtime line item. This reimbursement is for overtime expenses paid out to Hickory Fire Department for staffing fire apparatus while rescue training classes were being conducted during the months of September 2010 through December 2010.
3. To budget a $2,516 insurance claim check from Trident Insurance Company in the Residential Sanitation Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles line item. This claim is for damage to a garbage truck on 12-28-10.
4. To budget a $297 check from United Beverages of NC, LLC in the Water and Sewer Pipes, Hydrants and Meters line item. This payment is for damage sustained to a fire hydrant.
5. To budget a $3,548 check from Trident Insurance Company in the Water and Sewer Maintenance and Repair of Vehicle line item. This payment is for damage sustained to an International Dump Truck on 01-01-11.
Informational Items:
A. Report of Mayor Wright’s Travel to Denver, Colorado From November 30, 2010 to December 5, 2010 to Attend the NLC 2010 Congress of Cities & Exposition; registration - $635.00; hotel - $1281.75; per diem - $363.50; mileage - $52.00; airfare - $362.90; airport parking - $20.00 - (Mayor Wright chose to reimburse the City for his hotel and per diem for November 30, 2010 and daily hotel parking for a total to the City of $397.05)
B. Report of City Manager Berry’s Travel to Raleigh, NC on January 20, 2011 to Attend the 2011-2012 NCLM Advocacy Goals Conference; registration - $75.00
C. Report of City Manager Berry’s Travel to Raleigh, NC on February 2 – 4, 2011 to Attend the 2011 NCCCMA Winter Conference; registration - $300.00; hotel - $270.72; per diem - $80.00
New Business - Departmental Reports:
1. Council Will Get a Sneak Preview of the Community Webportal - The Chamber of Commerce has led this initiative with a number of local organizations, including the City of Hickory. The webportal will be officially revealed at the annual Catawba County Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting on February 17, 2011. Mandy Pitts made this presentation. The whole goal is to bring businesses and people to our area. Pixelspace designed the search engine entitled "Start Something Here" around the ideas of Live, Work, and Learn. I can explain it to you, but I think it is best that you go check it out for yourself and experiment with it. So without further ado go check it out.
Recognition of Persons Requesting To Be Heard
Addendum Citizens Requesting to be Heard - The link takes you to the addendum which details the presentation from Larry Pope's address to the Council involving his arrest in association with the destruction of the swimming pool in Ridgeview and its relation with the pool in West Hickory. The other address of the Council is by Jim Edmonds in relation to the Cell Tower that is being placed in the vicinity of Highway 127 behind Jenkins Elementary, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, and the Hunter's Run neighborhood.
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Friday, February 18, 2011
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1 comment:
Firefighters look so valiant and dashing in their uniforms and when they drive the vans and reach the site where the fire has broken out, we feel confident that lives will be saved and the fire will be
extinguished in no time. But for doing this, firefighter training is necessary. These brave men risk their own lives to save the lives of people who have been caught up in dangerous fires.
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