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Saturday, April 7, 2012

The American Legislative Exchange Council (for Corporate Interests) - Silence DoGood

The American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC for short.  Has anyone else out there heard of this group?  Yeah, me either.  I’m not the most politically savvy person in the world although I stay about neck deep in it most of the time, but today is the first time I’ve ever ran across this particular entity.  An eye opening discovery that could only be likened to driving a transfer truck into the side of an aircraft carrier at 70 miles an hour; it’ll get your attention.

It seems that ALEC is comprised of member corporations who draft legislation and then forward it to friendly legislators in each of the several states for those legislators to introduce and become future law in those states.  I think that bears repeating.  This is an organization of corporations partnered with legislators for the sole purpose of drafting legislation for the sole purpose of having that legislation turned into law in the respective states.  Are you starting to feel cold, lonely, and sober?

Reducing this to simplest terms, we have the best government money can buy.  I’ve stated that very phrase here on several occasions and seen it written by others as well.  Now, well, we seem to have proof of that premise.  This likewise brings an entire host of other premises into the fore.  States’ rights first coming to mind.  ALEC is active in every state in the nation.  Don’t you think it mildly convenient that ALEC counts among its members some of the largest and most lucrative corporations active in America and exists for the sole purpose of having laws drafted for the benefit of their members.  I keep emphasizing those points it seems, but this is insanity hiding in the open and thumbing its nose at the people.  Talk about your prime tactic of divide and conquer under the guise of independence and a constitutional ideal of a weak central government.  These people have 50 different ways to manipulate their way into prominence.  They buy influence through the legislators we elect to get what it is they want.  Influence and law that is favorable to the corporation and not to the people. It is easier in this regard to negotiate and deal with 50 separate legislatures than a single strong central entity with strong laws that prevent such action from occurring.  Oh sure, “we’re working hard to create jobs.”  And working even harder to have every law that favors the worker overturned and enact legislation to gain every possible advantage and favor they can to feed and propel this mindless unfeeling entity known as corporation.  Maybe Mitt Romney isn’t wrong in that regard; corporations are people.  It eats, it consumes, it exudes greed and self-indulgence.  A multi-layered sociopath that exists only for the perpetuation of self.  A cannibal that devours and consumes those weaker than itself and absorbs others comparable to itself, morphing into a monolith of dominance.

Looking at the list of legislators friendly to ALEC in North Carolina, I’m quite delighted to say that none of the local contingent are affiliated with this organization although their political affiliation figures prominently with ALEC association.  Not exclusive affiliation, but it’s not far from being so.  The majority of State Representatives and Senators are Republicans with a smattering of Democrats thrown in.  I know, I’m just anti Republican.  Explain the predominance to me controlling for the political affiliation so as to make it irrelevant and believable.  I’ll listen.

More proof is required?  Ok.  Many of us have seen this new television campaign called “Common Sense Answers for NC” where this lady is on television talking about how the new legislature halted a tax increase, balanced the budget, funded 2,000 new teacher positions.  Have you looked at who is behind this campaign?  You’ve got to follow the money always.  Reading the fine print, you find that ads are paid for by the “Americans for Prosperity Foundation.”  Who are they?  They are a tax exempt organization with a stated purpose of “not supporting or opposing any specific legislation, but to inform the general public about public policy issues.”  Well, you dig into “Americans for Prosperity Foundation” and you discover that the foundation was formed by David Koch of Koch Industries.  It is a GOP/Conservative based foundation.  Now, flip on over to the member corporations of ALEC and there you have Koch Industries.  TV ads to blind you, brainwash you, deceive you to what is being done in your legislature.  David Koch has no interest in you or me.  He has every interest in amassing more wealth for himself and his corporate dynasty.  That’s the reality.

I’ve stated many times here that I’m not entirely anti-corporation.  I’m not entirely pro-labor, even though I do lean more that way since I think its people that make or break any organization and that no entity is greater than the sum of its parts.  Certainly you could argue that these corporations draft legislation to benefit the people who work for them.  You can try.  Look at who or what benefits from every piece of legislation that these fine people try to pass.  Not the spin, not what the “Americans for Prosperity” propagandists want you to believe, but what is actually provided for in each piece of legislation.

Below are the links, for those of you that may doubt the content.  You can read it for yourself.

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