Members of the Citizens for Equity in Government (CEG) would like to thank WHKY radio host Hal Row for his comments this past Thursday morning in relation to the petition drive for the Referendum to change the current electoral process for Hickory's City Council.
Hal had gracious words about those who went out and accrued the 2,707 signatures that secured the rights of the Citizens of Hickory to decide how future Hickory City Council Elections will be decided. A right that was not afforded to the Citizens of Hickory when the system was changed in 1967 and a right that the current Council was unwilling to afford without the procurement of this certified petition.
We all remember and thank Hal and WHKY for having the educational interview on about the petition drive on his First Talk program back last December. Without that interview, the success of the petition drive campaign most likely doesn't happen. Hal's interview, and the details that were shared that morning, generated a lot of buzz at that time and helped put this campaign on the radar, which helped obtain hundreds of signatures. Of course the holidays and the onset of Winter slowed progress some what over the next few months, but Hal's interview was always something to point to when addressing the legitimacy of this campaign.
In that interview, Billy Sudderth gives his reasoning for the formation of the Citizens for Equity in Government and Joe Brannock was able to discuss how the current voting structure came into existence. Joe continues with the history lesson of what happened back in the 1960s that has led us to where we are today and Billy talks about some of the political maneuvering that took place at that time. Billy talks about disenfranchisement and the lack of participation that he believes is a result of the current system.
Joe talked about perceptions and how he is white, Republican and young and Billy is black, a senior, and a Democrat and we need to cast off the labels to be able to move things forward. Joe talks about how 4 people on Hickory Council in 1967 made a decision that shut out citizen participation. There is currently no entry point into the pipeline of civic service. Joe interjects that council people can represent the City of Hickory at the same time that they directly represent their ward. Citizens of Hickory don't vote on members of Congress from other districts and yet these representatives represent the welfare of the entire State of North Carolina -- and the United States.
In Hal's comments from this past Thursday, he says that what we have done with this petition drive is patriotic. He says that we didn't just complain that we went out and did something to redress our grievances. He makes a point that he isn't saying that he supports Ward Specific Voting or how others should vote, but the petition process is good democracy in action. I am biased, but I couldn't agree more.
The next step will be when the City sets the date of the election and begins writing the language of the ballot. On July 3rd, David Hood, the chairman of the Catawba County Board of Elections, asked the City of Hickory to include members of Citizens for Equity in Government in this process, but added that the City was under no obligation to do so. He also asked that the City come forth with the date for the election sooner rather than later.
The CEG has asked to participate in this process, since the CEG is responsible for the petition and feels therefore that it has a role in shepherding its guidance. Everyone certainly hopes that the City of Hickory will do the right and above board thing and not play games with this issue. The ball is in the City's court and it is their Olive Branch to extend or not extend. It will tell us a lot about how the CEG will have to proceed with this process in the upcoming days. Will this be a fair process or will we see rancor? We live in interesting times!
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Saturday, July 7, 2012
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For all of my acumen or lack thereof concerning matters politic in Hickory, City Council still just doesn’t seem to get it, at least looking at the matter in totality. No one wants to remove them from office. No one wants to throw Hickory into anarchy and chaos by doing something different.
Contrary to what several more vocal Council members have proffered as reasons to not change the system as it is, the “one mind” concept of governance is a step into what runs counter to democracy and the will of the people. Will the voting change on council with regard to matters that come before it? No one out there is naïve enough to believe that will come to fruition. People in the various wards however want a voice on Council. Does it mean that single voice will hold sway over the other five members and the Mayor? No. But it provides a voice. A voice that is chosen by the people in that particular ward, not the entire City.
What the gang on the dais have yet to come to grips with is the fact that discussing issues, even discussing them from a point/counter-point analysis in a public meeting isn’t seditious. It isn’t contrary to popular notions or ideas. What it does do however is demonstrate that they, the elected representatives, are willing to examine all points of an issue, talk about them, whether they agree with the point or not, and then make a rational and informed decision based on that discussion. But that seems too much to ask. The offer of a motion and second, whereby everybody agrees and nods, rattling the little marble in their craniums to signal agreement is what it seems council members want. They don’t want long discussions, or any discussion for that matter. Discussing something might signal they don’t agree and that could be damaging to their image and to who is really in charge. “One mind” after all. Besides, the faster the Mayor can move through the agenda the sooner council can get out get on with life.
A City council that is "all of one mind" not only dulls our democracy by a lack of debate, there are ideas and initiatives that get squashed before they get a public hearing and some consideration.
I don't think anyone wants acrimony and grandstanding, but the status quo is way too comfortable and monolithic. We need some new ideas and some intellectual rigor brought into the process.
Vote vote vote
Mr. Hipps is stating that it is a bad thing to have consensus on Council? There is something wrong if you think they can't be in agreement on issues. It is obvious that you and the Hound and Silence DoGood agree- is that good or bad? Could it be they are all working well together as a group? Are they not afforded the same rights as you to agree or disagree? You want diagreement where there is none?
When I read that phrase, “Of One Mind” I understand it to mean that the entire council looks at, interprets, understands, agrees, and prioritizes each issue and matter that comes before in the same contextual manner. Since no one has ever bothered to define what it is they mean by, “Of One Mind” we are left to our own understanding of what those words mean strung together and used in reference to a political body that almost insists upon unilateral agreement on every matter. In that regard, “Of One Mind” doesn’t really need definition; its application in practice says it all.
Even if you agree wholeheartedly on an issue, that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be discussion. Discussion draws out aspects and perspectives that may not have been considered and provides a generalized understanding of what is transpiring and going on in an open and public meeting. It gives the semblance of democracy actually occurring and matters being decided in an open and public matter. A methodology rarely being utilized within the confines of the Hickory City Council chambers.
Would the practice of what I just outlined change the outcomes on the myriad issues that comes before Council? Most assuredly no, it wouldn’t. But it would change the process by which those outcomes are decided. That lack of understanding and the digging in of their heels fighting the people brings more and more people into the fray and brings more and more light on that body politic.
Any number of issues have been raised that this council ignores or dismisses outright that, while perhaps not clearly illegal or improper, raises more than one eyebrow on the concerning impropriety. That’s fine, while the wood might be wet at the moment, eventually it’s going to dry out enough to catch. And when it does, it’s going to burn hot and fast consuming everything close to it.
There is no real consensus on council. There is conformity and subservience to Rudy Wright. I don't think they necessarily agree with Rudy on every issue. There is no logical way they could, but they have come come to some sort of perverted freakish logic that when they present their position to the public that it needs to be unanimous consent and when they are in council chambers that there shouldn't be public debate, much less divisiveness. This is just weird and most certainly isn't a principle that this country was founded upon. This country was founded upon a vigorous debate of ideas. Sort of like you are doing here in presenting your case and we are doing by presenting ours. Funny thing is that your comments come off as you being against that.
Harry, DoGood, and myself most certainly don't march in lock step and don't present uniformity/conformity here or anywhere. DoGood is a Old School Democrat. Harry and I are Republicans. What are you?
I don't really think it matters, because political and cultural labels are the least important issue towards problem solving and the biggest problem we face when it comes to divisiveness and impediments toward progress here on the local level all the way to Washington and beyond.
LOLOL Not that OLD!!! :-)
Interesting that there is no response on your site of any Council member or Mayor Wright. They might not read this site so is this just a discussion amoungst yourselves? Have you spoken directly (one on one and asking for a response on the issues?) to Council and Mayor Wright? If so, what is their response? If no actual contact,questions, engagement, then what is this all about? A real lack of engagement on your side?
I don't advocate an argument by Council members on every issue, nor do I deny that they have a right to advocate and vote as their minds and consciences dictate. But do you really believe that if we got 100 citizens from Hickory at random we would all vote unanimously to build the tent on Union square? Close the pools? Promote ongoing projects downtown and ignore the blighted and underdeveloped areas?
There are many items on Council agenda that are routine and need little discussion. Some items we don't even have a lot of choice about. But when discretionary items come up, it seems really odd that everyone prioritizes exactly the same way. How can everyone to the last member see exactly the same approach to the same part of town every time? North Korea maybe, but here?
Why the apples and oranges?
Nobody on Council goes on the record in a substantial way. They encourage one-on-one discussions as you are proposing. Why is that? Why can't we talk about public issues publicly?
They say we don't have the info to understand the decisions they make. That is a non-starter. If the information they have is supposed to be so powerful, then why not share it publicly? Why would you share info with me in a one-one-one setting, but are unwilling to do so in a public forum?
I offered to have lunch with the Mayor a few years ago and he summarily dismissed the notion. They know that I am willing to meet as I have in the past. They know I'm not into propaganda and the part line. If you don't understand that they read this blog, then you don't haven't paid attention to words and actions and I really can't help you.
I don't have a problem with these council members as people. I have a problem with their style of governance.
Governance through openness is what I am looking for. Not holing up in a room and making decisions and playing fast and loose with North Carolina General Statutes on how meetings are to be conducted and not releasing relevant information in a timely and forthright manner. The City of Hickory has few peers when it comes to these types of processes.
Then there is the old playbook talking points and propaganda.
Oh and I am fully engaged. Sorry you aren't in the loop enough to either understand or realize that.
The questions posed here seem worthwhile and relevant to the issues they are being asked about. What would be gained from those points being explained to one person? Most assuredly, myself and the two that foster and administer this blog are not the only ones deserved of have frank truthful answers to the questions posed.
As Harry stated, there are matters that are self explanatory, require or need little explanation, or are simply obvious. The questions posed here however are a bit more insightful and probing. Questions that remain unanswered because the various members of Council don't want an official record of their view and stance on certain issues. It could prove to be a political misadventure.
So one on one discussion, unless you are this person's confidant or advisor, is really kinda moronic to even consider. Is that council member going to go door to door and discuss the issues one on one with the rest of the constituency? Nah, I don't think so either.
Truth is truth and fact is fact, be you one person or many. That is really that is being asked for. As far as not 'understanding' the complex issues concerning the decision made. A genteel way of saying "your stupid." Why not just stick a "bless your heart" in front of it and be southern polite too?
Would be a bit more meaningful if you would say "you're stupid" not "your stupid". It is the same as knowing "you're sh**" and "your sh**".
The question really is why don't you engage Council members or the Mayor? If there are questions and you say they can't go door to door, then ask them to sit down and discuss the issues. Again, they can't sit down with every citizen every day but certainly Council and the Mayor would respond. You can get many answers with being forthcoming rather than coming across as Mr. Critical all the time. And yes, I have had my questions answered by several of the Council members and the Mayor did call me back on an issue.
I think I answered your question and you are unwilling to accept the answer, which is okay in my book, because answers allow us to understand where others are coming from. I have approached the Mayor about having lunch. He didn't want to. I have had lunch and met with other council members. I asked them to follow through on some issues and nothing ever happened. Why continue down that path? If I think a one-one-one meeting is necessary, then I will contact them and believe it or not they know how to contact me.
I think you should give people a break on typos. We all make them. As long as we can understand the communique, the rest doesn't really matter.
And personally I think your supposed relationship with the council is irrelevant when I don't know who you are or what your circumstances are. It doesn't tell me much. These could be the most trivial issues in the world or you could be Mr./Mrs. Big Bucks that buys influence. How am I supposed to know where you are coming from?
I'm easy. You're Stupid. Does that clarify the point better for you?
I’m likewise ecstatic that you’ve had your questions answered by the appropriate City official. Not knowing what the content of those questions were or where you are in the pecking order of social prominence, I can only conclude your sh*& doesn’t stink… to you.
Wow. You really can dish it out but you can't take a little of another's opinion. A little thin on the skin? Woof woof!
I took it and clarified. I guess you found a problem with that as well. The pot calls the kettle black concerning intolerance and fault finding, is that it? That for the majority of the anonymous posts that find fault with what they read here, they concern themselves with direct attacks and never respond directly on the specifics of the issues.
Bless Your Heart.
DoGood, this person is trolling. I think we have made valid points and they attack our character. Par for the course. I don't know who the comments were directed to, but I will assume with the woof woof childishness that they were directed towards me.
I don't see where what I/we have said can be related to being thin skinned. The point is that you are apparently the same contributor that says you have easy access to decision makers and they listen to your every word and do exactly what you want. If true, you are definitely in the small minority. Even Club members aren't catered to in such a fashion. Even many club members have fussed about this council.
This isn't about grousing and grumbling or damned if we do, damned if we don't. It is about representation and communication, which are hallmarks of good leadership.
And for the record, I have talked to Council for a minor issue pertaining to a City ordinance and they couldn't have given less of a hoot. Nothing was done or even considered.
So Mr. Hipps, do you know it wasn't considered or was the outcome not to your liking? So if you don't get what you want, pronto, then they don't respond, according to you? Did you follow up? Ask questions? Or, are you a cry baby because you didn't get your way?
"Trouble in Denver" is back and firing with both barrels. Harry had a neighbor that had over a dozen sheep and he addressed the council on the issue and spoke specifically with the Mayor about the issue one-on-one. City ordinances state there are limits on Bovine and Equine in the city, but there is no ordinance for Ovine in the city. So theoretically you can have a sheep farm. That is until it is located around someone with your culo beso expertise so to say. Some people've got it and I guess we're out of luck cause we will never have that quality.
My issue that I asked to be addressed was at my Aunt's former restaurant. Indigents were hanging out under the tree canopy of the property next door. My aunt kept having to clean up the mess. Two City Council people said they would do something about it. The first approach was approached in late Summer 2007 and the second in Summer 2009. Nothing got done. So in September 2009 I made a video called "The Underbelly of Hickory" -- you can still see it on Youtube. Guess what? The day after I released that video there was a person that came over and completely cleaned the property. They said that no one with the city had ever contacted them... Hmmm...
What I learned from that situation was that you need to take matters in your own hands, because the city isn't going to do anything for you unless they feel it behooves them to do so.
And that is what brings us back to you and raises questions about your particular situation... I think we understand how crony capitalism works. I think the grand majority of people who have signed this petition know exactly how it works.
I know, Thom. More appropriately, trying to stir the pot. Appointed, either by self or through one of those one-on-one conversations to be Lord High Protector of the Realm. Fear is a powerful motivator and it seems as if the fear factor is up.
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