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Friday, August 17, 2012

Letter to HDR and a message about Council Self Interests

My Letter to the Editor from August 16, 2012 Hickory Daily Record

Stop the Simplistic Labeling

Mr. Chad Bolick, you have a right to your opinion, but here we go again with national politics of divisiveness, which has nothing to do with the local representation issue at hand.

I was at the Citizens for Equity in Government meeting, in which Robert Dawkins spoke about registration and voting for 30 minutes. The rest of the meeting was about Ward Specific voting. Three Republicans addressed the 30 people who were present, where were you?

Freedom of speech is the American system. We should be tolerant towards those we disagree with, not aim to shut down their voice. Isn't getting out the vote something everyone should strive for, whether Republican or Democrat?

The 2,707 signatures, the CEG garnered, is way more than the number of people who voted in the last two municipal elections. People from every area and demographic of this community signed this petition... White, Black, wealthy, poor, men, women, Republican, Democrat... Maybe if you listened, you might realize what is being discussed is not "radical." Local politics is not Party identity politics.

By the way, I am a Republican with a degree in Economics and Finance. Isn't it time to stop with the simplistic labeling?

All this referendum aims to do is give average, everyday people fairer representation on Hickory's City Council. This is an issue of accountability. The current Bloc system needs to be addressed. Go look and see where the city is taking a role in economic development. It is always the same places. This makes Council members more attentive to the 6,700 people in the ward they represent. The local economic malaise has gone on for over a decade. Most of us aren't worried about steps backward. We believe fairer representation would get us moving forward again... Vote Yes!

And a piece from the website

Current Council Members Work to Protect Their Interests 

Note in this story on Hickory Daily Record that the Backwards group is led by city council and city leaders eager to protect their own interestes by maintaining their control of city council. Remember, at-large elections are proven to favor incumbents and maintain the status quo.

Take a look at the comments to see how regular citizens are responding to this incumbent effort.
Here's a list of people supporting the status quo - high unemployment, big tents, and voter suppression:
Austin Allran, Paul Byrd, Peggy Byrd, Amanda Edwards, Becky Carter, Steve Carter, Jeff Cline, Joab Cotton, David Crosby, Gloria Farr, Sally Fox [incumbent council member], Hank Guess [incumbent council member],Sandra Johnson, Ryan Kelly, Landon Lane, Floyd Lucas, Jerry Phillips, Bruce Meisner [incumbent council member], Libby Meisner, Walter Murphy, Danny Seaver [incumbent council member], Ken Sigler, Charles Snipes, Mary Snooks, Al Spainhour, Christie West, Bill Wiggs, Nancy Willingham, Charles Willingham, Frank Willis, Donna Wright, Rudy Wright [incumbent mayor], Tony Wood, Phil Yount, Sara Yount, Nancy Zagaroli and Jill Patton [incumbent council member].

The initial campaign finance report from the Backwards group shows that their funding comes overwhelmingly from incumbent council members and those who benefit directly from city contracts.
  • Rudy Wright, incumbent Mayor - $200 contribution 
  • Jill Patton, incumbent City Councilperson - $100 contribution
  • Bruce Meisner, incumbent City Councilperson - $100 contribution
  • David Zagaroli (hired to design the million dollartent with no competitive bidding) - $100 contribution
Makes you wonder why they are so afraid. If they are serving the constituents in their own ward, they should have no trouble keeping their offices in the next election. They probably know that they are elected by a select few people across the city (that's called a bloc vote) and they will have a lot to answer for when they turn to their own wards for votes.

For a list of the 2,707 people who signed the petition for fair representation, click here. You'll find business and community leaders on this list. And you'll also find working people, the unemployed, regular folks from every ward of Hickory who are tired of the same old policies that do not reflect their interests.

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