The following is from Hal Row's First talk program and is the Monday Morning Meeting with the Mayor. I put the broadcast online so that you can go listen to it yourself. If you have a difference of opinion with the text below, then by all means tell me where I am wrong. Yes, some of it is my opinion and my supportive biases, but I don't think any of it is wild-eyed conjecture or what could be labeled as misinformation and mischaracterizations, which are a couple of words that have been proliferated these days by certain status quo forces in our community.
In the first and part of the second segment, the tent on Union Square was discussed. Hal and the Mayor gave it there all to promote it and sing its praises. The Mayor several times said, "Hickory deserves this." He said he wished the sails were taller and the many of the ad hominems he utilized to characterize the structure left me thinking, though there is no body language with radio, that behind the scenes he isn't exactly thrilled with the design. It ain't exactly the Opera House at Sydney. Besides the Sails being taller statement, there was the, "it looks different from the left and right side of the street."... "People say it looks interesting." He seemed to be searching to find comfort with his supportive statements and kept talking about what others said. Hal seemed a lot more enthused than the Mayor did. I think that most of us look at it and say, "THAT" cost $450,000+? And how much City Labor Man Hours were put into this. That has never been factored into the costs that have been released to the public. We have also never been given the names of the 17 people who were part of the committee to name the structure. That naming system changed several times, including after it was expressly stated that the Hickory Speaks site would name the structure, but that didn't go to the liking of the City Propaganda machine.
In the rest of the second segment, the Mayor spoke about the Referendum saying the "No Steps Backwards" coalition opposed the petition and he is part of that group. He labeled the statement that Hickory is the only city our size that has the modified at-large system as sinister and said that the council in 1967 had the wisdom and foresight to institute the system we have today. He never debated the point that we are the only community our size that has this system. He said this NSB group is absolutely committed to maintaining the current system.
It actually sounded like the Mayor is "THE" driving force behind this effort. It sounded like HE is THE effort. He's calling the shots with this group folks. Hal asked about the Mayor's involvement and then just sat back and let the Mayor have the mike. The Mayor said something awkward when he stated that the change in this system, if it were to occur, wouldn't affect him, but would affect the future Mayor. There are several questions that could be asked about that.
Most of the third segment was taken up by a live infomercial with comedian James Gregory. I left that in the presentation above because Mr. Gregory and the Hickory Community Theatre deserve the support.
At the end of this segment, Hal stated that he is going to give the Citizens for Equity in Government time on his show. The Mayor educated us all about the meaning of No Step Backwards. He then at the end of the segment said that the Direct Ward system would lead to Machine politics.
In the last segment, the mayor talked about misconceptions and spoke about the swimming pools. He seems to want to make this an issue about the pools -- Tent great... Pools bad... -- and an issue about race -- The Redistricting of the wards last year. By the Mayor's logic, it is up to the CEG to explain what the City's position was on the redistricting, when the city owns the process. The Mayor continued on with other broadbrushed statements about how the current system is best because you are accountable to your ward and to the city at-large. The problem with this statement is that the ward has zero input in its representation, if 2 or fewer candidates run for that ward position on the City Council and in several cases the ward has elected a candidate that the city at-large has rejected. It is also multiple times more expensive to run for those seats on the City Council and to get your message out against incumbents when you have to run a city wide campaign. So when these representatives are elected city wide they only answer to the people from where the majority of there votes come. Most of those votes currently come from a handful of precincts and those areas draw the attention of City officials. That is what has led to much of the disparity we have seen in this community.
The Mayor finished up by saying that a Ward system would lead to patronage and machine politics and it wouldn't necessarily lead to more turnover on the council. We see where the current modified at-large system has led us. We already have a machine. The current system is a machine and has patronage to their family and friends. The city's recreation committee has two council's family members currently serving and more have served in the past. The Mayor fails to mention that one of the guidelines of the City's request about redistricting was that the redrawn ward lines must also keep Planning Commission members in their current ward. What was behind all of this? Control? and Patronage?
The movement towards a Direct Ward system will bring back governance to the grass roots level. It will empower the neighborhood associations. The Mayor talked about outsiders and political muscle as though he isn't an expert on both. Several thousands of the dollars he raised campaigning for Mayor came from outside of Hickory and the Mayor should be given his just due for the political machine and electoral effectiveness he has had through the years. The problem is that he has never moved from electoral effectiveness to leadership responsibility.
Now, make no mistake, I am for the referendum, because the goal is to get people to take personal responsibility for their governance. The other side says the Status Quo is great. Everything is working as it should. They have no interest in looking at the common man's perspective. I believe one of the biggest issues we face in this community is that the middle class is not doing well and their issues need to be addressed. I haven't seen many people in leadership positions take an interest in that subject. We have no sinister plans or influence peddling interests. We are not the conspiratorial forces in this community. We don't go back behind closed doors to make decisions. We hold public forums and attempt to engage the public constantly.
Ask Yourself... Are you in favor of the way the system was changed in 1967? The modified at-large system was rushed through in 36 hours, but didn't take effect until over 3 years later. No public discussion or input was allowed.
We went out and gathered 2,707 signatures which is way more than the number of people who voted in the last two elections. We have engaged people from every area and demographic of this community and they have joined us... White, Black, wealthy, poor, men, women, Republican, Democrat... We have held public gatherings and made public statements fully divulging our intentions and what our goals are. And then there is the other side... The Elite side... The side that knows best... What have you gotten from them?
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Monday, August 6, 2012
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We need to attract new business for Hky and county to fill up some of these empty buildings .The tent
and poles $450,000.00+ dowtown in not dumb but stupid. The architechs
of this monstrosity needs to be out of our government.
If you want to help some of the
buildings that are vacant don't
charge them property tax on it when
vacant. Empty buildings are being
torn down to eliminate cruel property tax. Jackson Abrasives
is paying DH Griffin $100k to tear
down brick and steel structure.
Also you have City and county tax
One should be eliminated one or the other but not both.
I told you, they'd tear it down before it would be named "The Big Top." If all 40,000+/- people had wanted it called that, Rudy wouldn't just because. His pet project. His legacy to himself.
So, there is a "No Step Backwards" coalition. Catchy title. Shouldn't that be "No Steps in Any Direction"? But is mildly ironic at any rate. A group advocating for not "going backwards" in their view, but standing still not moving and somehow, that's progressive. Well, I guess that is progressive depending on who you are. Once again, amazing.
The Mayor can postulate and prophetize all he pleases about all the negative things he sees as coming about with the passage of the referendum. He only fears how his life will change and how the power will gradually shift to a broader base. Knowing full well that he'll have to deal with a group of citizens previously ignored and of little to no consequence now. He'd rather not have to do that. Hence, adherence to the Status Quo. So do those who hold the strings behind the curtain.
I guess that little snippet is the first of several from the "Control The Sheeple" playbook. The next will be the "Scare Them by Saying They'll Loose Their Homes and the Factory Will Shut Down." Oh yeah, that's really happening or happened, without a referendum. Uh oh... the playbook was WRONG the entire time?!?! And with modern education, good luck trying to re-write history to comport to your views. I know, education is next on the de-fund list, but it's already been had by a lot of people; try taking THAT away.
Well to point out one of your misconceptions... the names of those on the committee to name the structure was on the City website and it was sent out to the paper. I believe I saw it in the HDR back in April or May.
Never saw those names... Don't be afraid to list who they are right here. I have looked for them on the HDR website and never saw them. And I am very much interested to see who they are.
I'll ask Larry Clark if he can provide them tomorrow night. If I am wrong please post them here.
An appropriate name for this monstrosity and ridicolous waste of taxpayer money is "rudy wright memorial circus tent".
No need to bring in the clowns as they are already at City Hall
well- did you get your answer tonight from Mr. Clark? It was in the paper.
How are things in Denver tonight?
Why don't you print it here? Larry said he would get it to me. He said it probably was in the paper, but he will have to go back and look and he will send it to me.
I have tpo agree that I am intrigued as to who they are since I didn't see it originally.
Hey, just curious, are you one of out-of-towners that made one of those $1,000 contributions to Mayor Wright when he ran for office?
The Quote from the HDR that I had not seen was sent to me by Larry Clark:
"Being involved in this project is a great opportunity for me to be a part of something that will last forever in our community," said Feleesha Sterling, a member of the Hickory Jaycees and the City of Hickory Community Relations Council. "The name is important because it will really help to define the structure and be a big part of our community brand."
Represented on the committee are members from the Hickory Youth Council, Hickory Young Professionals, Hickory Jaycees, United Arts Council of Catawba County, Downtown Hickory property owners, musicians, other board and commission members. Mayor Rudy Wright and Councilwoman Sally Fox will serve on the committee. In addition to Wright, Fox and Sterling, committee members are Toni Abernathy, Todd Ashworth, Rick Cline, Don Coleman, Norma Frank, Kimberly George, Pedie King, John Miller, Hani Nassar, Julia Rush, Layne Sherrill, Zack Taylor, Tate Waddell, and Jason Yates.
No, I live in Hickory and just thought there should be a voice to point out when you are inaccurate in your posts. Looks like a good diverse group to me. All upfront and out there for anyone to see.
Uh, now someone is telling a fib and it's not me.
And, for the most part, looks like the same people who serve on all boards and commissions. I don't begrudge them participating, but how about trying to get some new people involved. How about broadening some horizons.
Hound, I have to hand it to you. You made a mistake, admitted it, and took action to correct it.
It seems like such a simple thing to do, but apparently it is much more difficult than you made it appear.
If only elected leaders, well people in elected office, could just learn to be as humble - we'd all be in a much better place.
Thanks for going back and gathering this info - I had missed it too somehow.
“The Sails on the Square.” What a nautical theme and title! I really see Hickory’s inner harbor area growing. I’m guessing now Hickory or Catawba Country Club can have that marina installed they always wanted to facilitate the yacht owners. Perhaps with some dredging a canal can be installed so that Union Square and “The Sails” can even be dockside! I’m being facetious, but you already knew that!
There is nothing nautical about Hickory. Lake Hickory, if you wish to call it a Lake, has become nothing more than a cesspool for the waste treatment facilities that empty in to it and others, at some point down the water system, pump water from it for consumption. I can’t think of anyone I know that once fished that lake that will now do so and consume anything caught in it.
I also noticed in the “Ravishing Rudy Review” naming event and show of unity cavalcade that not one mention, not one, of the Farmer’s Market for which this narcissistically spurred monstrosity was to be for and lavished upon. After all, they are destined to use it twice a week. Much more use than the other ‘venues’ of bonding and altruistic opportunity for which $500,000.00 and accolades galore was heaped upon the ‘true visionaries’ of Hickory. God Save the King!!
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