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Friday, September 7, 2012

City Council wants you to call them

if you need anything.

Jill Patton told the people at the forum the other night that it is the citizens' responsibility to call her if they need anything or have any ideas. And she said she represents the whole City, so she appreciates calls from anyone in the city. She said her phone contact number is on the city's website and you should not hesitate to call her. So, as a public service, I am providing those numbers to help facilitate her wish. I will also provide the link at the top of the page. Rudy Wright and Hank Guess have both emphasized much the same thing.

Hickory City Council Home Page

Ward 1  - Brad Lail - 322-3510

Ward 2 - Bruce Meisner - 324-4100

Ward 3 - Danny Seaver - 322-5155

Ward 4 - Hank Guess - 320-5363

Ward 5 - Sally Fox - 962-5555

Ward 6 - Jill Patton - 781-1155

Mayor -  Rudy Wright - 238-1465

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