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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The other side of the Duck Hunting Issue brought before Hickory City Council?

I frequently check out my Weblog stats related to this site and I came across some very interesting chatter related to the City Council meeting that occurred on January 21, 2014. At that meeting during Citizens Requesting to be Heard:

Ms. Catherine Scott, Regarding Hunting in between Geitner and Glenn Hilton Parks - Ms. Scott is worried about Domesticated Ducks being hunted in this area and asks that ordinances be established to stop this from an area apparently not covered by the city's codes and ordinances. (Click on the Link to listen to her presentation).

Hound Comment:
Mrs. Scott's presentation about the ducks along Lake Hickory was interesting. I don't think it is a safety issue as Mr. Guess believes, but Ms. Scott has a valid point about the ducks basically being baited and domesticated at this point, because people are hand feeding them. They are basically pets and deserve sanctuary in this particular area.

The Other Side From the Refuge Forum - Lake Hickory Duck Hunters

You folks that hunt up that way need to be aware of the effort underway to possibly establish more stringent duck hunting regulations than those currently on the books. I suspect a public hearing might be the next step in this process, but there is clearly a faction up there that has gotten their feathers ruffled during this recent hunting season. There is a mention of visitors to a "park", but not sure what park they're talking about.

City Officials in Hickory eye regulations for hunting.

Tsmart, perhaps you can dig into this a little deeper and let us know what's behind the anti-duck hunting sentiment up there.

Already got the scoop. It's been going on a few years now - just got worse this past season.

Hatley, and Tucker, and Bell has gotten calls in the past. Lake is building up, home owners don't like being woke up at 7:30 on Sat.

Mostly happening on Catawba side.

The issue is:
There is a group (or two), that likes to set up at the mouth of Geitner park (or Glenn Hilton Park). They use 10 ga shot guns, and float hunt from a boat (close to residences). They are "technically" legal, being they float hunt.

Problem is, people don't like to be woke up at 7:00-7:30 on Saturdays to the sound of a 10 ga cannon.... and some of those people live in multi million dollar houses.

They call the Green Jeans, and the local PD - and of course they come and investigate. I know they were called 3 times this past season, and several the season before, and several the season before.

These rich home owners have pull.... and have brought the issue up at the Lake Hickory Home Owners Association meetings. And they have pull, and are now talking to the City Council...

So, it's just a matter of time, before money talks - and hunting is closed on Lake Hickory, and those fellas won't be able to kill park ducks flying into Geitner and Hilton park.

Sad thing is... there is some back water, and huntable spots others of us hunts. And this issue will probably close the whole place, and we'll all get the shaft.

Officer Tucker has kept me up to date (as much as he could) over the past couple years. He's checked the guys too, and they were legal... and they had a deaf ear to the warning about hunting so close to these houses.

So... here we are.

This is what public duck hunting is coming to. More people in the sport and fewer and fewer places to hunt every year. And when you put people like Ms. Scott (see video) in front of uninformed council members that are sympathetic to her cause, the next thing you know
the place will be shut down for all duck hunting purposes.

I don't and never will hunt there but if I did, I'd have an army of support at the next meeting letting them know the "other" side of things. The main concern of council was for the "safety" of the residents and where the "BULLETS" were going . . . . This are the type of decision makers we're dealing with now and unless we hunters fight back, well, you all know what the end result will be.

T, you and some of the other guys that hunt there might want to get your mess together on this one.

 My guess is the City and its attorney will quickly find out that the legislature currently have all environmental related ( includes wildlife resources) local ordinances under review in regards to being stricter than a state law/rule (where one exists) as well as a moratorium on any new ordinance while the existing are under review.

Many residents and local govts around the state are possibly in for a rude awakening when ordinances start going away rather than enacting new ones.

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