This Agenda is about the Hickory City Council meeting that took place
on the date listed above. City council meetings are held on the
first and third Tuesdays of each Month in the Council Chambers of
the Julian Whitener building.
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Here is a summary of the agenda of the meeting. There were a couple of
important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details
are listed further below:
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The Hound's Notes:
1) This is going to be a really long meeting. I have never seen an agenda this long. The Consent Agenda goes to Double D. There are 5 Public Hearings and 5 Departmental Reports.
2) (Consent Agenda Item U) I like the idea of allowing Police Dog Handlers to adopt the dog they were responsible for.
3) the second public hearing looks odd to me. Why is a piece of property with a Newton address being annexed into Hickory?
Invocation by Pastor Jack McConnell, Director of Grace House
Consent Agenda:
A. Special Event/Activities Application for Patriots Day, Fred Hollar Fire Chief, September 11, 2014 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Union Square.
B. Special Event/Activities Application for Improv Night, Partnership with Hickory Arts, Mandy Pitts, Hickory Communications Director/Brand Manager, August 29, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sails on the Square, on Union Square.
C. Special Event/Activities Application for Christian Concert Night, Partnership with Hickory Arts, Mandy Pitts, Hickory Communications Director/Brand Manager, August 31, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sails on the Square, on Union Square.
D. Special Event/Activities Application for A Hickory Holiday, Connie Kincaid, Executive Director, December 11, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., on Union Square
E. Approval of School Resource Officer Agreement with Hickory Public Schools. - The Hickory Police Department has placed School Resource Officers in Hickory Public Schools for many years and continues to have a great working relationship with Hickory Public Schools. Hickory Police Department places a School Resource Officer in each of the High Schools and Middle Schools. Also, the School Resource Officers in the Middle Schools teach D.A.R.E. classes to the 6th grade classes, and are also assigned as a liaison officer to each of the Elementary Schools. The School Resource Officer Agreement is for school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. Hickory Police Department will provide four Police Officers as School Resource Officers and Hickory Public Schools will pay $90,000 per school year to the City of Hickory.
F. Call for Public Hearing – for Consideration of Closing an Unopened Portion of 4th Street NE. (Authorize Public Hearing for September 2, 2014)
G. Call for Public Hearing – for Consideration of Closing an Unopened Portion of 20th Avenue NE. (Authorize Public Hearing for September 2, 2014)
H. Call for Public Hearing – for Consideration of Contiguous Annexation of Startown Road Right of Way. (Authorize Public Hearing for August 19, 2014)
I. Approval of a Contract with Varrow, Inc. in the Amount of $367,114.50 for Data Center Upgrades to the City’s Network. - The City’s network has reached their effective and end-of-life cycle. Included in the upgrades would be to replace the outdated Firewalls, Virtual Private Network (VPN) Services, Core Network Switches, the network hard drives (SAN), the Virtual Desktop demands (VPI) of the library, and expand the functionality and benefits to other departments in the City. Request for Proposals were submitted to evaluate different solution to replace critical network infrastructure. After thorough review of the proposals Staff is confident that Varrow, Inc.’s EMC storage solution offers the most complete package and best value to cost. Staff requests approval of a contract with Varrow, Inc., in the amount of $367,114.50 for data center upgrades. These funds are budgeted in the FY 2014/2015 annual budget.
J. Approval of a Joint Resolution Approving the City of Hickory’s Construction of the Parking Deck Improvement for the Hickory Metro Convention Center. - The Hickory Metro Convention Center is owned by the City of Hickory, but operates under the Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority (TDA) board. Hickory Metro Convention Center has experienced a shortage of parking spaces during large scale events. A Joint Resolution was prepared so all parties could recognize that the proposed financing for the parking deck intends to utilize current and future proceeds of the Hickory-Conover Occupancy Tax Revenues. Staff recommends approval of a Joint Resolution approving the City of Hickory’s construction of the parking deck improvement for the Hickory Metro Convention Center.
K. Approval of an Interlocal Agreement for Construction of Improvements for the Hickory Metro Convention Center Parking Deck. - The Hickory Metro Convention Center is owned by the City of Hickory, but operates under the Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority (TDA) board. The TDA has accumulated, and continues to collect revenues from the Occupancy Tax to assist in the construction of a parking deck to accommodate the overflow of traffic during larger scale events held at the Convention Center. An Interlocal Agreement was prepared by the City of Hickory and Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority to agree with certain expenses and terms and conditions of the park deck construction. The City of Hickory will obtain financing, and the TDA agrees to reimburse the City of Hickory for all project costs associated with the project. Staff recommends approval of an Interlocal Agreement for construction of improvements for the Hickory Metro Convention Center Parking Deck.
L. Approval of First Amendment to Memorandum of Lease between City of Hickory and Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority. - The Tourism Development Authority (TDA) remits payments to the City of Hickory and Catawba County for existing debt owed on the Convention Center building. Based on the current debt repayment schedule, the original Convention Center building debt will be paid in full in fiscal year 2018-2019. The building expansion debt will be fully paid to both the City of Hickory and Catawba County in fiscal year 2019-2020. The original lease term in the Memorandum of Lease was begun December 29, 1998 through December 29, 2018. The First Amendment to the Memorandum of Lease extends that time for lease and option to purchase the Convention Center until 2031. Staff recommends approval of the First Amendment to Memorandum of Lease between the City of Hickory and the Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority.
M. Approval of Second Amendment to Lease between City of Hickory and Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority. - A Second Amendment to Lease was prepared to amend the changes to the lease term extending the lease to December 31, 2031 and to confirm the remaining terms of the lease. The Tourism Development Authority may exercise its purchase option for the Convention Center on and after December 31, 2031. Schedule A of the Second Amendment to Lease is a restated payment schedule which will be attached when the parking deck construction is complete and amended lease payments begin. The construction budget includes repayment of amounts estimated to be $4,000,000. Staff recommends approval of the Second Amendment to Lease between the City of Hickory and the Hickory-Conover Tourism Development Authority.
N. Declare Fire Department Reserve Engine 12 as Surplus for Use as Extrication Training Aid. - The Fire Department requests City Council declare Reserve Engine 12, a 1989 Emergency One pumper, asset number 53000587, as surplus for the purpose of a heavy equipment extrication training aid before being recycled. In February 2014, the department removed the apparatus from further use as a response apparatus due to internal engine problems. The engine problems would be cost prohibitive for the vehicle to be used even as a reserve apparatus. Staff has removed all salvageable equipment from the apparatus, and will only be used as temporary replacement of broken equipment or will be assigned to other apparatus. All functional parts that can be used to maintain the remaining 1989 E-One apparatus have been removed and will be set aside until this reserve unit is no longer serviceable. Staff recommends that Reserve Engine 12, a 1989 Emergency One pumper, VIN 46JBBAA82K1002766 be declared as surplus for use as parts and training for the Fire Department.
O. Approval to Submit an Application for a Grant Available through American Forests for an Assessment of Hickory’s Urban Tree Canopy. - Staff was recently informed about a grant available through American Forests. The grant includes a three phase process where selected cities are provided an average of $100,000 in financial and technical resources including an assessment of urban tree canopy, funding to implement tree planting, and management resources to improve long term management of the areas urban forest. This grant is 100 percent funded with no matching funds needed.
P. Approval of a Contract with Smeal Fire Apparatus Co., through the Houston-Galveston Area Council Interlocal Contract for the Purchase of a Fire Apparatus Custom Pumper. - Hickory Fire Department requests approval of a contract for the replacement of Fire Engine 3, a fire apparatus that was placed in service in 1995. The apparatus will be purchased through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Interlocal Contract. The fire department Apparatus Committee began the process of identifying the needs of the City in the design of the new apparatus in January of 2014. Smeal Fire Apparatus was deemed the most cost effective and service-reliable vendor. The fire department recommends the acceptance of the proposed contract, in the amount of $430,748, for the purchase of a 2014 Smeal Fire Apparatus Custom Pumper. These funds are budgeted in FY 2014/2015 annual budget.
Q. Approval of a Contract with Smeal Fire Apparatus Co., through the Houston-Galveston Area Council Interlocal Contract for the Purchase of an Aerial Apparatus. - Hickory Fire Department requests approval of a contract for the replacement of Fire Ladder 3, an aerial apparatus that was placed in service in 2000. The apparatus will be purchased through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Interlocal Contract. The fire department identified and reviewed ladder truck requirements for the City of Hickory in November 2012, and defined numerous criteria. The fire department’s Equipment Committee reviewed the capabilities of numerous manufacturers of apparatus, and have determined that Smeal Fire Apparatus designs and builds emergency vehicles that meet or exceed the minimum standards set forth by the fire department while remaining within the department’s capital budget. The fire department recommends the acceptance of the proposed contract, in the amount of $828,167, for the purchase of a 2014 Smeal Fire Apparatus 105’ ladder truck. These funds were originally budgeted in FY 2013/2014 annual budget and will require a budget amendment to reappropriate.
R. Approval of Bid Award for 2014 Vehicle Fleet to Asheville Ford Lincoln and Everett Chevrolet. - The Purchasing Department advertised for competitive bids for the purchase of eight vehicles. A public bid opening was held to comply with the General Statute. A total of four dealerships bid on each of the vehicles requested. The vehicles were bid as base models with various options added to meet the needs of the City departments. The lowest bidders were Asheville Ford Lincoln and Everett Chevrolet. Staff recommends award of the bid for seven vehicles to Asheville Ford Lincoln in the amount of $177,450.85, and for one vehicle to Everett Chevrolet in the amount of $24,435.15. These funds are budgeted in FY 2014/2015 annual budget.
S. Approval of Request to Amend Vacant Building Grant Agreement from Jack Sipe Construction Company. - Jack Sipe Construction Company received a Vacant Building Revitalization Grant in the amount of $23,000 to renovate the building located at 844 Highland Avenue SE. The original grant agreement was signed on December 16, 2009. The project came under budget, which reduced the allowable grant amount to $19,834. Fifty percent of that amount, $9,917, was processed for payment on December 15, 2010. According to the agreement, in order to receive the second half of the grant amount, the building was required to be occupied by December 16, 2011. The building currently is not occupied, but has been leased to Lenoir-Rhyne University to house its Physician Assistant Program. Hickory City Council agreed, at the City Council meeting held on July 15, 2014, to amend the agreement in order to extend the occupancy deadline. Staff has drafted, and recommends approval, of an amendment to the agreement which would permit payment of the remaining $9,917 upon occupancy of the building.
T. Acceptance of Bid and Award the Contract to James River Equipment Charlotte for the Purchase of a John Deere 130G Excavator in the Amount of $135,551.04. - The Public Utilities Department operates various types of equipment in the practice of operating, maintaining, and managing the infrastructure. Existing equipment was purchased in the early 1990’s and has reached its useful life. Staff requests acceptance of the bid and award of the contract to James River Equipment Charlotte in the amount of $135,551.04 for the purchase of a John Deere 130G Excavator. These funds are budgeted in FY 2014/2015 annual budget.
U. Approval of an Agreement to Allow Police Canines to be adopted by their Handlers. - Staff requests Council to consider the implementation of an agreement that will allow police canines to be adopted by their handlers. The Hickory Police Department will retire police canine, Vulcain, from service in September of 2014. His handler, Officer Mike Rollins, would like to adopt him after his retirement and would like to assume responsibility and care of the canine. The police dog is considered personal property subject to the property disposal requirements of Article 12. If the dog is determined to have no value, then the City may discard him under General Statute 160A-266(d). Vulcain has a special skill set due to his previous training as a police dog, and because of this training he is a danger to public welfare, and may be adopted by his handler. The only two options would be euthanize Vulcain or allow him to be adopted by his handler at no cost. Staff recommends approval of the agreement.
V. Approval of a Resolution between Charter Communications and the City of Hickory. - On June 17, 2014, the City of Hickory was notified that Charter Communications, LLC, a licensed franchise holder of Charter Communications, Inc., would become CCO Transfers, LLC and will become a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation. As a result of this transfer, the City of Hickory’s franchise agreement with Charter Communications, LLC will now be with Comcast Corporation, as the parent corporation of CCO Transfers. The proposed resolution letter will detail consent to Comcast becoming the owner of Charter and will note the issues in the original agreement. In addition, an amendment will be drafted showing that the City will agree to the proposed resolution, barring that the amendment is added and that no changes to the original agreement will be made. Staff recommends consenting to the resolution, so long as Charter agrees that it will not alter the original franchise agreement.
W. Approval of Award Adjustment Block Grant/NPE Agreement for Project 36237.66.4.3 from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. - On July 15, 2014 City Council approved Block Grant/NPE Agreement for grant 36237.66.4.3 to rehabilitate Taxiways “B” & “S” and the North Apron in the amount of $1,496,667. The City of Hickory requested North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) consider additional pavement rehabilitation work in this project. By letter dated July 24, 2014 the NCDOT concurred with this request and made an award adjustment to said grant in the amount of $675,907 with a Federal share of 90 percent equal to $608,316 and a local share of 10 percent equal to $67,591. Remaining Non-Primary Entitlement funds from Federal Fiscal Year 2013 will cover the remaining project needs in the amount of $39,911 (Federal 90 percent - $35,920, Local 10 percent - $3,991). Based on the adjusted allocated funds of $715,818 for this project, the Federal share of 90 percent will be $644,236 and the required local match of 10 percent will be $71,582. Staff recommends Council’s approval of the award adjustment to Block Grant/NPE Agreement for Project 36237.66.4.3 from the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
X. Award Bid and Approve Contract with Midstate Contractors, Inc. to Rehabilitate and Overlay Taxiway “B”, Taxiway, “S”, and North Apron at the Hickory Regional Airport in the Amount of $1,979,866. - Staff requests approval to award the construction contract for Project 36237.66.4.3, to rehabilitate and overlay Taxiway “B”, Taxiway “S”, and North Apron project to Midstate Contractors, Inc. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has awarded the City grant 36237.66.4.3 in the amount of $2,212,485 (Federal 90 percent - $1,991,236 and Local 10 percent - $221,249). The grant award funds will be used to cover the Midstate Contractors, Inc. construction contract as well as engineering professional services provided to administer the construction phase of the pavement project. Staff recommends Council to award bid and approve the construction contract with Midstate Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $1,979,866 for Grant Project 36237.66.4.3.
Y. Approval of Work Authorization 1401 for the Construction Administration Services of the Construction Phase to Rehabilitate and Overlay Taxiways “B” & “S” and North Apron, NDCOA Grant 36237.66.4.3. - Staff requests approval of Talbert, Bright & Ellington, Inc.’s Work Authorization 1401 for providing construction administration services in the amount of $201,298.20 in accordance with Grant 36237.66.4.3. This work authorization will provide professional
services for construction administration, resident project representative construction observation, quality assurance testing and an as-built survey during the rehabilitation of Taxiway “B”, Taxiway “S”, and the North Apron, and will be paid out of North Carolina Department of Transportation Grant 36237.66.4.3 funding in the amount of $2,212,485 (Federal 90 percent - $1,991,236 and Local 10 percent $221,249). These professional services are being provided to administer the construction phase of the project and verify compliance with the Contract Document requirements. Staff recommends approval of Talbert, Bright & Ellington, Inc.’s Work Authorization 1401 in the amount of $201,298.20.
Z. Budget Ordinance Amendment Number 2.
1. To budget a $40 memorial donation from the Library Advisory Board in the books operational line item. This donation is for Louise Humphrey’s mother, Bessie K. Spicer.
2. To budget a $43,530 donation from the Library’s foundation endowment in the programming, non-asset inventory, books and supplies line items. The funds will cover programming at Patrick Beaver and Ridgeview, children’s resources, adult collections and general operations.
3. To transfer $8,000 of General Fund Contingency to a multi-year grant fund. The NC Department of Cultural Resources Office of Archives and History State Historic Preservation Office has granted federal funding to update the city’s survey of historic properties. The contract allows $15,000 in federal funding with an $8,000 required match for total project costs of $23,000.
4. To re-appropriate $80,770 that was budgeted in the FY13-14 budget for the SALT Block. The final invoice from the SALT Block for the city’s commitment was not received until after the close of the fiscal year. This appropriation will fulfill the city’s commitment for FY13-14.
5. To budget a $20,160 State Library grant funded with Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds in the amount of $20,160. Funds will be used to hire a consultant and pay other related expenses involved in the development of a new strategic plan during FY14-15.
6. To appropriate $149,667 of General Fund-Appropriated Fund Balance and transfer to the Airport Rehabilitation and Overlay Taxiway B and S, and North Apron project. This appropriation represents the 10% local match required of the total $1,496,667 project amount.
7. To appropriate $71,582 of General Fund-Appropriated Fund Balance and transfer to the Airport Rehabilitation and Overlay Taxiway B and S, and North Apron project. This appropriation represents the 10% local match required of the additional $715,818 funding for the project.
8. To re-appropriate $828,167 that was budgeted in the FY13-14 budget for the purpose of a replacement ladder truck. This truck was originally going to be purchased in FY13-14 through American LaFrance who failed to deliver due to bankruptcy. The city ultimately received full monetary reimbursement for this truck from an insurance company through a performance bond. The new truck will be a Smeal.
AA. Grant Project Ordinance Amendment Number 2.
1. To budget an additional $715,818 of funding for the Airport Rehabilitation and Overlay Taxiway B and S, and North Apron project. The North Carolina Department of Transportation-Division of Aviation is funding 90% of the Federal funds ($644,236) with a 10% required local match ($71,582).
BB. Grant Project Ordinance Number 1.
1. To budget a $15,000 grant from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Office of Archives and History State Historic Preservation Office in the projects Community Development Other Professional Services line item. This grant provides funds to update the city’s survey of historic properties. This grant requires a local match of $8,000 funded by General Fund Contingency for a total budget of $23,000.
CC. Grant Project Ordinance Number 2.
1. To budget a $50,000 2014 Urgent Repair Grant from the North Carolina Housing and Finance Agency in the Economic and Community Development URP Hard Energy and Soft Costs operational line items. This grant required a local match of $5,000 funded by Miscellaneous Revenues/Program Income line item within the operational budget for a total budget of $55,000.
DD. Grant Project Ordinance Number 3.
1. To budget a $1,347,000 of North Carolina Department of Transportation-Division of Aviation Federal Funding Grant in the Airport Rehabilitation and Overlay Taxiway B and S, and North Apron project. This grant requires a 10% local match of $149,667 funded by the General Fund-Appropriated Fund Balance for a total project of $1,496,667.
New Business - Public Hearings
1. Resolution Confirming and Levying Assessment Along a portion of 8th Street Drive NW, Petition Number 01-14 (Curb and Gutter). - The City Clerk received a petition from the owner of property along 8th Street Drive NW to install curb and gutter along a portion of their street per Section 29-2 of the Hickory Code of Ordinances. The City Council adopted a Resolution Directing that Street Improvement Project be Undertaken on April 1, 2014, and the project was completed on June 12, 2014. The Preliminary Assessment Roll for Petition No. 01-14 has been prepared based on the curb and gutter constructed along 8th Street Drive NW. Staff recommends that Resolution Confirming and Levying Assessment be approved. This public hearing was advertised in a newspaper having general circulation in the Hickory area on July 18, 2014.
2. Consideration of Rezoning Petition 14-01 for Property Located at 1218 Bugle Lane, Newton. - The City of Hickory has petitioned for rezoning of .479 acres of property located at 1218 Bugle Lane. The petition is to rezone the property from Catawba County R-20 Residential to City of Hickory Low Density Residential – 1 (R-1). The requested rezoning has been put forth to assign City zoning to a property that was recently annexed. Hickory Regional Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the petition on June 25, 2014, and voted unanimously to forward a recommendation of approval to Hickory City Council. This public hearing was advertised in a newspaper having general circulation in the Hickory area on July 25, 2014 and August 1, 2014.
3. Consideration of Adoption of ABC Permit / Local Opinion Ordinance. - Hickory Police Department requests adoption of an ordinance authorizing access to State Bureau of Investigation / Division of Criminal Information (DCI) system for the purpose of obtaining criminal history information on ABC permit applicants to determine their suitability to be an ABC permit holder within the City of Hickory. North Carolina Administrative Code requires the City of the local law
enforcement agency to have an ordinance in place authorizing access to criminal record information on all persons applying for ABC permits for proposed locations within their jurisdiction for the agency to be granted access to computerized DCI information for this purpose. This public hearing was advertised in a newspaper having general circulation in the Hickory area on July 18, 2014.
4. Issuance of General Obligation Bond Order for $25,000,000 of Streets and Sidewalks Bonds. - The public hearing is conducted to authorize the issuance of each general bond order and to discuss all matters concerning the proposed general obligation bond orders. The proposed bond referendum consists of $25,000,000 of Streets and Sidewalks Bonds. Funds will be used to construct, enlarge and improve certain streets, roads and intersections including the costs of studies, plans and designs. The improvements will include streetscape and pedestrian improvements, signage, landscaping, pedestrian/bicycle paths and relocation of utilities. Funds will be used to acquire land, rights-of-way and easements as necessary for each Inspiring Spaces project. Authorize the issuance of a general obligation bond order for $25,000,000 of Streets and Sidewalks Bonds. This public hearing was advertised in a newspaper having general circulation in the Hickory area on July 25, 2014.
a. Request City Council adopt the Bond Orders without change or amendment and direct the City Clerk to publish a notice of adoption, as prescribed by the Local Government Bond Act, of the general obligation streets and sidewalks bond order entitled, “Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of $25,000,000 General Obligation Streets and Sidewalks Bonds of the City of Hickory, North Carolina,” which was introduced at the meeting of the City Council held on July 15, 2014.
5. Issuance of General Obligation Bond Order for $15,000,000 of Economic Development Bonds. - The public hearing is conducted to authorize the issuance of each general bond and to discuss all matters concerning the proposed general obligation bond orders. The proposed bond referendum consists of $15,000,000 of Economic Development Bonds. Funds will be used to provide land and improvements suitable for industrial and commercial purposes, including the acquisition of land rights-of-way and easements for industrial and commercial purposes and providing public infrastructure and facilities in order to make land and improvements suitable for industrial and commercial purposes. Authorize the issuance of a general obligation bond order for $15,000,000 of Economic Development Bonds. This public hearing was advertised in a newspaper having general circulation in the Hickory area on July 25, 2014.
a. Request City Council adopt the Bond Orders without change or amendment and direct the City Clerk to publish a notice of adoption, as prescribed by the Local Government Bond Act, of the general obligation economic development bond order entitled “Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of $15,000,000 General Obligation Economic Development Bonds of the City of Hickory, North Carolina,” which was introduced at the meeting of the City Council held on July 15, 2014.
New Business - Departmental Reports:
1. Approval of a Resolution Setting a Special Bond Referendum, Directing the Publication of Notice of a Special Bond Referendum, and Providing Notification to the Catawba County Board of Elections. - The bond orders will be submitted to the voters of the City of Hickory, North Carolina for their approval or disapproval in order to comply with the constitution and laws of North Carolina at the November 4, 2014 Special Bond Referendum. A Notice “City of Hickory, North Carolina Notice of Special Bond Referendum” will be published in the Hickory Daily Record at least twice by the City Clerk to notify qualified voters of the November 4, 2014 Special Bond Referendum. The City Clerk will deliver a certified copy of the Resolution setting the Special Bond Referendum to the Catawba County Board of Elections. The Board of Elections will print and distribute the ballots and provide equipment to hold the November 4, 2014 Referendum. Staff recommends approval of a Resolution to set a Special Bond Referendum, publish notice of a Special Bond Referendum, and notify the Catawba County Board of Elections.
2. Consider Hickory Housing Authority’s request to have the City of Hickory make Application for a Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. - Hickory Housing Authority contacted City Staff June 30th about applying for a Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant. This Federal program through HUD provides up to $500,000 in funding to eligible municipalities to develop comprehensive neighborhood transformation plans in areas that contain distressed public housing. The project will emphasize revitalization of public housing sites, develop a plan for new mixed income housing in the target area and in other locations across Catawba County, and address other needed infrastructure improvements. Hickory Housing Authority has contracted with the Wooten Company to assist in the preparation of the grant application. The required grant match will be provided by Hickory Housing Authority. The City of Hickory would be the main applicant for the grant with Hickory Housing Authority as the co-applicant. The grant is for planning services only. A future application would need to be made to HUD for implementation of funds.
3. Park 1764 Option Payment. - With County Commissioner approval of zoning of the 178 acres, Park 1764 progresses to the step of the first payment of the option agreements. The option costs are shared 50-50 with Catawba County and tie up the property for seven years. Hickory’s share of the first year option payment is $103,189 and is recommended to be transferred from General Fund Contingency.
4. Quarterly Financial Report
5. Appointments to Boards and Commissions
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Monday, August 4, 2014
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