This Agenda is about the Hickory City Council meeting that took place on the date listed above. City council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each Month in the Council Chambers of the Julian Whitener building.
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Here is a summary of the agenda of the meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below:
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City Council Agenda - October 7, 2014
The Hound's Notes:
1) Consent Agenda Items F and K- Unlimited holiday season parking time in some lots and a permanent extension in other spaces around Union Square - Hmmm... Interesting.
2) Informational Item A - MAB developers have backed out on the deal at Cloninger Mill. Are we going to see the people who wanted to purchase the land contacted?
Remember at the March 18, 2014 City Council meeting that Kathryn Greathouse came forward and said someone wanted to purchase the 10 acre site attached to the Cloninger Mill Park and keep it as part of the park. Are they still willing to do this or was this a gambit to keep another grocer from coming into the area?
If you want to shop at Publix, you will soon be able to travel to Conover and do just that.
3) Departmental Report 1 - Defining the Old Lyerly Mill as Downtown now. Good to see Hickory Inc. broadening its horizons of what constitutes Downtown 7 years later. It's more than Union Square, but we should not be paying for there parking lot.
Special Presentations
A. Proclamation for Fire Prevention Week October 5-11, 2014
B. Proclamation for National Friends of Libraries Week, October 19-25, 2014, presented to Alice Spuller, President of Friends of Hickory Public Library, Patrick Beaver Memorial Library and Billy Sudderth, President of Friends of Hickory Public Library, Ridgeview Branch Library.
C. Lou Berry, President of the North Carolina APWA Solid Waste Division, will Recognize Sherman Stinson, Public Services, for the Herman Drake Award
Persons Requesting to Be Heard
Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of a Purchase Contract in the Amount of $217,776 from National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) for an Elgin Street Sweeper. - Staff requests approval of a purchase contract from National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) for an Elgin Street Sweeper to replace a 2000 model Johnston Street Sweeper. This unit will be used for sweeping City streets, City owned parking lots, and cleaning storm drains and catch basins. By using the purchase contract from National Joint Powers Alliance the cost will be $217,776. The street sweeper will be purchased from Public Works Equipment and Supply Inc. using contract number 022014-FSC. Staff recommends approval to purchase this street sweeper unit from Public Works Equipment and Supply Inc. Funds are budgeted in the FY2014-2015 annual adopted budget.
B. Approve Transfer of Cemetery Deed from Betty B. Garrou and husband, Herbert N. Garrou; Barbara B. Andrew, and husband, Tony E. Andrew; Rita B. Viggers, and husband, William C. Viggers; Anita B. Gulsby, unmarried; Connie B. Mull, and husband, Dan Mull; and David T. Bumgarner, and wife, Cindy Bumgarner to Betty B. Garrou, Rita B. Viggers, Anita B. Gulsby, Connie B. Mull and David T. Bumgarner.
C. Approve Transfer of Cemetery Deed from Betty B. Garrou and husband, Herbert N. Garrou; Barbara B. Andrew, and husband, Tony E. Andrew; Rita B. Viggers, and husband, William C. Viggers; Anita B. Gulsby, unmarried; Connie B. Mull, and husband, Dan Mull; and David T. Bumgarner, and wife, Cindy Bumgarner to Barbara B. Andrew
D. Approve Transfer of Cemetery Deed from Marion D. Roseman, widower, to Bruce Simmons
E. Approve Transfer of Cemetery Deed from Patricia Owens to Nancy F. Pollock
F. Approval to Ease Parking Enforcement in the Downtown District from November 21, 2014 until January 15, 2015. - Hickory Downtown Development Association requests Council’s approval to ease parking enforcement for the holiday shopping season from November 21, 2014 to January 15, 2015 in the downtown district. Most of the parking spaces and lots provided in downtown are public parking. In order to keep parking spaces from being monopolized with cars parking in those spaces for unlimited amounts of time, many have time limits. The goal of parking time limits is to create turnover in spaces and open them up for the next user. The City’s support of Hickory Downtown Development Association’s request is intended to strengthen the shopping and dining experience in downtown during the holiday season. Staff recommends City Council’s approval to ease parking enforcement in the downtown district from November 21, 2014 until January 15, 2015.
G. Approve an Amendment to the Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas for the Murray Basin. - Staff requests approval of an Amendment to the existing Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas to perform professional engineering services related to the design on sanitary sewer infrastructure to serve the Murray basin service area. Staff and HDR Engineering Inc. have determined that approximately 6,000 – lft of the existing collection system needs to be replaced and enlarged due to the existing pipe being vitrified clay pipe and numerous problems being witnessed by inspection. This line is intended to be used by the new pump station that will be serving the Maybrook Subdivision area, which is a part of the overall Murray Basin design. Staff and HDR Engineering are confident that the existing line will not suffice for this new use and is not suitable for the existing or future conditions without repairs. This amendment will provide for surveying, design plans, permitting and bidding to allow for construction of these improvement with the original project scope. Staff recommends approval of this Amendment to the existing Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas in the amount of $24,000.
H. Acceptance of Two Sanitary Sewer Line Easements for the Property of Harlan Americus Starnes for Installation of a Sanitary Sewer Line and Pump Station. - Staff requests acceptance of two sanitary sewer line easements for the property of Harlan Americus Starnes, PIN numbers 3704-08-98-8336 and 3704-08-98-9311 for installation of a sanitary sewer line and pump station. This permanent easement is necessary for completion of the Maple Place Pump Station rehabilitation/relocation project. The easement was negotiated for one 4-inch sanitary sewer service connection extended to the home and connected, curbing along a short portion of the pump station access road along these properties to control drainage, and 18-ft of paving for the pump station access road, in exchange for the easement.
I. Approval of Change Order 5 to Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. for the Hickory-Catawba Wastewater Treatment Plant (HCWWTP) Upgrade Project. - Staff requests approval of Change Order 5 to Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $322,508.57 for the Hickory-Catawba Wastewater Treatment Plant (HCWWTP) upgrade project. Change Order 5 contains the addition of infrastructure, programming and computers for installation of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The addition of a remote monitoring system (SCADA) will enable the facility to be staffed less than 24 hours per day and 365 days per year. The addition of a SCADA system will result in a lifecycle cost savings by requiring less personnel to operate the facility. SCADA will allow staff to remote monitor and be alerted to any problematic conditions. This change will result in a $288,300.18 addition and 210 days strictly for the SCADA design and installation. Recent regulation changes regarding treatment facility staffing for operations prompted Public Utilities staff to work with the contractor to value engineer a SCADA system that would meet our operational needs for approximately half the original estimated expense. The second largest item is due to unforeseen conditions in the area of the boat ramp related to unsuitable soil. The contractor had to remove and replace approximately 330 cubic yards of unsuitable soil in the area of the effluent structure and roadway leading to the boat ramp. The cost of this issue is $24,379.78. Contract Change Order total to date would be $507,768.56, including Change Orders 1 through 5 or 4.97% of the original project contract. The revised contract total to date will be $10,727,425.56. The City of Hickory and Catawba County will split all expense equally at 50% each according to the agreement for construction financing with Catawba County. Catawba County has been notified of the items included in this change order as required by the agreement. Staff recommends approval of Change Order 5 to Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $322,508.57 for the Hickory-Catawba Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade project.
J. Approval of an Agreement for Professional Services with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas for the Emergency Generator at the Water Treatment Facility. - The City of Hickory Water Treatment Facility was last upgraded in 1993. This upgrade included the installation of a new emergency generator that would provide power for the facility in the event of a power failure. The existing generator is approximately twentythree (23) years old as it was one of the first components installed during the last upgrade. The emergency generator is a critical piece of equipment for operations of the facility. The City of Hickory Public Utilities Department prepared and disseminated a formal Request for Qualifications package for engineers to respond to detailing the desired engineering services. The services requested will involve evaluation of demands, analysis for sizing, planning, survey, design, and bidding services. Staff reviewed all submitted response proposals and selected HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas as the most responsive firm to negotiate the project with. Staff recommends Council approval of the Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas in the amount of $134,000. This project was not planned as a component of the FY14-15 budget; therefore, Staff proposes to fund this project through Public Utilities Capital Reserve.
K. Approval of an Ordinance to Change all On-Street Parking in the 200 Block of 1st Avenue NW from 2nd Street NW westward to 3rd Street NW from Two Hours to Three Hours. - The Hickory Downtown Development Association (HDDA) has requested an extension of the time limitation for public parking on the 200 block of 1st Avenue NW. They feel this would better accommodate the needs of customers and clients of the downtown business owners. The Traffic Division has analyzed this request and feels it would be fitting. Changing the signage along this parking area would be simple and the signs/markings shop has already taken the appropriate steps to ensure an easy transition. Staff recommends approval of the request for changing the on-street parking on the 200 block of 1st Avenue NW from 2nd Street NW westward to 3rd Street NW from (2) two hours to (3) three hours.
L. Approval of a Landscape Grant for Non-Residential Property Owned by First Lawyers, LLC Located at 858 2nd Street NE in the Amount of $2,500. - City Council created the Community Appearance Grant program in 1999 to provide economic incentives for property owners to improve the general appearance of their property. The Community Appearance Commission reviews applications for the grant program and forwards a recommendation of approval or denial to City Council. The grants are designed as a reimbursement grant in which the City of Hickory will match the applicant on a 50/50 basis. The maximum grant amount from the City of Hickory is $2,500. The applicant, First Lawyers, LLC, has provided two bids for the removal of two existing hard surfaced areas, which are to be replaced with brick sidewalks and landscaping beds. The bids quoted $5,890 and $5,955, qualifies for the full $2,500 grant. The applicant further requests the terms of the grant contract be extended until June 1, 2015. This extension is being requested in an effort to ensure the landscape improvements are not damaged while interior and exterior renovations to the building are completed. The Community Appearance Commission unanimously voted, at their September 22, 2014 regular meeting, to recommend funding of the requested grant in the amount of $2,500.
M. Authorization to Purchase Radio Equipment Awarded in the FY 2013/2014 AFG Regional Grant. - City Council approved the Fire Department’s acceptance of an award from FEMA Regional Assistance to Firefighters’ Grant on July 17, 2014. This grant would provide radio equipment to a majority of the county’s emergency services departments. The total federal share of the grant is 90 percent or $1,777,320, and the share of the host and participating agencies is ten percent or $197,480. Personnel from the fire department and within Catawba County have been analyzing and reviewing two radio manufacturers that provide equipment on the State’s VIPER radio system, Motorola Solutions and EF Johnson. Both of the vendors that are providing quotes are utilizing already affirmed State contract pricing. Purchasing will begin in the next two months with a goal of completing all the purchases within the guidelines of the grant by the first of 2015. The purchases for this grant are 144 standard mobile radios at $4,200 each; 4 repeater systems at $10,000 each, and 350 walkie-talkie radios at $3,800 each, which totals the approved grand funds of $1,974,800. Staff recommends authorization to begin purchasing radio equipment within the guidelines of the grant requirements and the City of Hickory’s procurement laws.
N. Budget Ordinance Amendment Number 7.
1. To transfer $500 from the International Council line item to the Library Books line item. This transfer represents a donation from the International Council for the purchase of books in remembrance of Bawol Calbiri.
2. To budget $5,486 of donations in the Parks and Recreation Departmental Supplies line item. Funds are for the Unifour Senior Games.
3. To transfer $105,000 of Appropriated General Fund Balance to the Fire Departments Non-Asset Inventory line item. Funds are necessary to purchase loose equipment for the ladder truck that was originally scheduled for purchase in 2013.
4. To transfer $24,000 from the Water and Sewer Fund-Sewer Lines to the Murray Basin Capital Project. This transfer is necessary to pay for an amendment to the existing agreement with HDR Engineering related to design on the sanity sewer infrastructure to serve the Murray Basin Service area.
5. To transfer $134,000 of Water and Sewer Capital Reserve - Appropriated Fund Balance to the Water and Sewer Fund Contracted Services line item. This transfer is necessary to pay for Engineering Services related to the design of a replacement emergency generator at the Water Treatment Facility.
6. To budget a $1,200 Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Raising the Bar Grant. This grant will pay the costs for a Library employee to attend the 2014 Association for Rural and Small Libraries conference in Tacoma, Washington September 4-6, 2014.
7. To transfer $16,200 from the Police Department Uniforms line item to the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Project budget. This transfer represents the local match required by the Department of Justice for the Federal award in the amount of $14,874.73. This grant will pay up to 47.86% of the costs of National Institute of Justice approved vests.
8. To appropriate $38,875 of General Fund Balance (Funds reserved from North Carolina State Unauthorized Substance Tax) and budget in the Police Departmental Supplies. This budget amendment is needed for the purchase of ammunition for fire arms training and to replenish the supply of ammunition. Funds are made available to the Police Department from the State and remain in General Fund Balance until appropriated.
O. Capital Project Ordinance Amendment Number 2.
1. To budget a $24,000 transfer from the Water and Sewer Fund-Sewer Lines in the Murray Basin Capital Project Design line item. This transfer provides funds to pay for an amendment to the existing agreement with HDR Engineering related to design on the sanitary sewer infrastructure to serve the Murray Basin Service area.
P. Grant Project Ordinance Number 5.
1. To budget a total of $31,075 in the Police Department Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Project uniforms line item. The City received a $14,875 Federal award from the United States Department of Justice that requires a $16,200 local match. This grant will pay up to 47.86% of the costs of National
Institute of Justice approved vests.
Q. Grant Project Ordinance Number 6.
1. To budget a $23,359 FY2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the Police Departments Non-Asset Inventory, Supplies and Specialized Equipment line items. The Police Department will use the funds to purchase equipment for the Special Operations Team.
Informational Item
A. MAB Acquisitions LLC - After a public hearing on March 18, 2014, on April 4, 2014 City Council entered into an Economic Development Agreement for purchase and sell of real property with MAB, with the intent to sell to MAB 10.099 acres of City owned property at the intersection of HWY 127 and Cloninger Mill Road for the price of $900,000. The agreement included a 120 day inspection period which was extended to September 26, 2014 by City Council on July 15th due to a delay in the city removing debris from the property. MAB agreed to develop the property as a grocery anchored shopping center with stipulations on its development as approved by council (Exhibit C of EDA). On September 29th staff received a letter from the attorney representing MAB indicating they would not acquire the property and terminating the EDA.
New Business - Departmental Reports:
1. OHM Holdings LLC Parking Lot Agreement - N.C.G.S. 160A-458.3 permits a city to engage in downtown development projects consisting of public and private facilities if the City Council finds the project will have a significant impact on the revitalization of the central business district, as defined by the Council. The statute permits a city to enter into a binding contract with a private developer to acquire, construct, own, and operate the downtown development project or specific facilities within such a project.
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Saturday, October 4, 2014
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Hickory and Newton continue to shoot themselves in the foot. Conover is the only sane town around.
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