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Monday, October 27, 2014

Cliff Moone - Candidate 96th NC House District - First Talk with Hal Row

I have known Cliff Moone for close to four years. The first time I saw him was in December 2010 at a City Council meeting where he introduced a proclamation regarding the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights. I first formally met him a couple months later. Cliff was one of 8 people, of diverse backgrounds, four white men and four black men, some from North Hickory and some from South Hickory, who met in Starbuck's in 2011 with a mission to move Hickory Forward. That movement brought forward the Ward Specific Voting Referendum of 2012 that was narrowly defeated. It also brought about Citizens Requesting to be Heard being moved to the front of the Agenda at Hickory City Council Meetings. And it brought about the Hickory City Council meeting being recorded and uploaded to Youtube.

This is his interview on Hal Row's first Talk last Wednesday Morning.Cliff staunchly attacks the current NC General Assembly, especially in the area of education, and supports the current Bond Referendum here in Hickory.

I'll let the Cliff speak for himself in this interview. I will say that everyone has to appreciate his words about the tragic loss of Kent Crowe at the Candidate Forum in Conover the day before.

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