This Agenda is about the Hickory City Council meeting that took place on the date listed above. City council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each Month in the Council Chambers of the Julian Whitener building.
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Here is a summary of the agenda of the meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below:
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City Council Agenda - December 16, 2014
Hound Notes: I haven't been posting much lately because I have been recharging my batteries. I've been a little run down lately. Not much to report on, but there are some things that are developing behind the scenes as always.
Doesn't look like a heavy Agenda for this meeting, but we'll see.
Taxi issue was discussed at the second meeting in November (11/18).
Change Order for Parking Deck at the Convention Center was discussed at the Special Council meeting held in late November (11/25).
Invocation by Rev. Whit Malone, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Consent Agenda:
A. Approval to apply for a FEMA Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant for Facility Improvements. - The Hickory Fire Department requests approval to apply for a FEMA Assistance to Firefighter’s grant for facility improvements. The Fire Department plans to utilize the grant to install diesel exhaust removal systems in six fire facilities. Vehicle diesel exhaust emissions will be eliminated in the workplace after this type of system is installed in all of the City’s fire stations. The total anticipated cost of this system is $172,525 and the matching funds required by the City of Hickory, if awarded the grant, would be $17,252.50, which is ten percent of the anticipated cost.
B. Approval of a Proclamation for Bill of Rights Day.
C. Acceptance of Change Order 1 of the Construction Contract with Advanced Grading and Excavating LLC for the Hickory Metro Convention Center Sewer Relocation Project in the Amount of $4,856.25. - This project is necessary to relocate an existing 8-inch sanitary sewer service for the Hickory Metro Convention Center that runs parallel with the front of the building. The proposed parking deck columns and footings conflicts with the service location and must be relocated to accommodate parking deck construction. Necessary alterations have been determined and alternate quotes for the proposed construction have been received. City Staff has reviewed the quoted prices with Advanced Grading and Excavating LLC and finds the cost to be reasonable. Advanced Grading and Excavating has the appropriate license to perform this work. Staff recommends City Council’s acceptance of Change Order 1 of the construction contract with Advanced Grading and Excavating, LLC, for the Hickory Metro Convention Center Sewer Relocation Project in the amount of $4,856.25.
D. Citizens’ Advisory Committee Recommendations for Assistance through the City of Hickory’s Housing Programs. - The following requests were considered by the Citizens’ Advisory Committee at their regular meeting on December 4, 2014:
Ada Barrios was approved for recommendation to City Council for First-time homebuyer’s assistance to purchase a house located at 1513 36th Avenue Drive NE, Hickory. She has requested $6,500 for assistance with down payment and closing costs. The First-Time Homebuyers Assistance Loan is zero interest, no payments and repaid upon sale, refinance or payoff of first mortgage.
Funds are budgeted for these items through the City of Hickory’s former Rental Rehabilitation Program income received in FY 2012 and/or program income received through the City of Hickory’s Community Development Block Grant Program. Each of the following applicants are being recommended for approval for assistance under the City of Hickory’s 2013-2014 Urgent Repair Program. This program provides qualified low income citizens with assistance for emergency-related repairs not to exceed
Carol Brinkley, 1030 8th Street NE, Hickory
Jackie Robinson, 632 1st Avenue Place SE, Hickory
The Citizens’ Advisory Committee recommends approval of the request.
E. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Lease City-owned Property to Hickory Senior Citizens, Inc. - Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise City Council’s consideration of a lease agreement with Hickory Senior Citizens, Inc. to lease property owned by the City of Hickory located at 534 3rd Avenue NW, Hickory.
F. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Lease City-owned Property to The Service League of Hickory, North Carolina, Inc. - Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise City Council’s consideration of a lease agreement with The Service League of Hickory, North Carolina, Inc. to lease property owned by the City of Hickory located at 506 3rd Avenue NW, Hickory.
G. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Lease City-owned Property to Hickory Soup Kitchen, Inc. - Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise City Council’s consideration of a lease agreement with Hickory Soup Kitchen, Inc. to lease property owned by the City of Hickory located at 131 Main Avenue NE, Hickory.
H. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Lease City-owned Property to Community Ridge Daycare Center Inc. - Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise City Council’s consideration of a lease agreement with Community Ridge Daycare Center Inc. to lease property owned by the City of Hickory located at 243 7th Avenue SW, Hickory.
I. Request from Hickory Police Department to Award Police Badge and Service Weapon to Retiring Captain Gary Lee. - By authority of NC General Statute §20-187.2, City Council may award the service weapon and police badge to retiring Captain Gary Lee upon his retirement from Hickory Police Department on December 31, 2014 after completing 30 years of qualifying service with Hickory Police Department. Upon approval from City Council, the police badge and service weapon (Glock Model 19-Serial #UHF219) will be declared surplus and removed from the City’s fixed asset inventory.
Informational Item
A. Report of Mayor Wright’s travel to National League of Cities Congress of Cities and Exposition, Austin, Texas, November 19 – 23, 2014; (Lodging - $903.32; Meal Per Diem - $282; Registration Fee - $520; Air Fare - $411.70; and Taxi Fare - $50)
B. Report of Alderman Zagaroli’s travel to National League of Cities Congress of Cities and Exposition, Austin, Texas, November 19- 22, 2014; (Lodging - $712.23; Meal Per Diem -$216; Registration Fee - $435; Air Fare - $836.70; and Taxi Fare - $50)
New Business - Public Hearings
1. Consideration of Rezoning Petition 14-02. - Mr. Alan Cheung, agent for the Christian Science Society of Hickory, has petitioned for the rezoning of .59 acres of property located at 3048 North Center Street. The petition is to rezone the property from Medium Density – Residential – 2 (R-2) to Office and Institutional (0I). Hickory Regional Planning Commission considered this petition at a public hearing conducted on November 12, 2014, and vote unanimously to recommend approval to Hickory City Council. The rezoning of the subject property to Office and Institutional (I) is consistent with the goals and policies contained within the Hickory by Choice 2030 Comprehensive Plan.
2. Consideration of Closing a Portion of E Avenue SE near the Intersection of 7th Street SE. - The City Clerk received a petition from Moretz Property Management, LLC and Moretz Mills, LLC requesting the City close a portion of E Avenue SE, Hickory. The signatures on the petition represents two of two property owners abutting this portion of the right-of-way.
3. Consideration of Voluntary Contiguous Annexation of the Property Located at 1704 30th Avenue Court NE, Owned by Clay and Catherine Franklin. - Clay and Catherine Franklin submitted a petition for the voluntary contiguous annexation of 1.206 acres of property located at 1704 30th Avenue Court NE. The annexation area consists of one residential lot immediately adjacent to the Lawson’s Creek development. The Franklin’s intend to utilize the lot for the location of one new single-family residence. The annexation request is in order to connect to the City’s water and sewer system. Staff has determined the petition meets the statutory requirements for voluntary contiguous annexation, and adequate public services are available. Staff recommends approval.
4. Consideration of Text Amendment (TA) 14-03. - Planning and Development Services Department, in conjunction with the Hickory Regional Planning Commission, conducts a review of the City’s Land Development Code to determine if amendments are needed. Staff recommends amendments to Articles 6, 7, and 14 of the City’s Land Development Code. Articles 6 and 7 pertain to accessory dwelling units and temporary health care structures, and Article 14 pertains to a definition of the term “premises”. Hickory Regional Planning Commission considered these amendments in an advertised public hearing on November 12, 2014. Hickory Regional Planning Commission votes unanimously (7-0) to recommend City Council’s approval of the text amendments.
Departmental Reports:
1. Increase Taxicab Meter Rates. - Hickory Police Department researched and surveyed 29 cities to determine average rates. The average per mile rate was $2.12, which indicates that the current starting rate in Hickory is $.50 below the average and the current mileage rate in Hickory is $0.12 per mile below average. Only two of the 29 surveyed cities had any sort of flat rate minimum charge above the starting rate. Hickory Police Department recommends increasing the taximeter starting rate to $2.50
for the first 1/8th of a mile, and increasing the mileage rate to $0.265 for each additional 1/8th of a mile ($2.12 per mile), effective July 1, 2015 when the Driver Permits, and Certificates of Necessity are renewed.
2. Appointments to Boards and Commissions
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Monday, December 15, 2014
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