This newsletter is about the Hickory City Council meeting that I attended this past week. City council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each Month in the Council Chambers of the Julian Whitener building.
At the bottom right of this page under main information links is a Hickory's Local Government link. If you click on that link, it takes you to our city’s website, at the bottom of the page you will see the future dates for meetings scheduled for this year.
At the top of the page, if you click on the “Documents” link, you will find historic Agenda and Minutes links. Agendas show what is on the docket for the meeting of that date. The Minutes is an actual summary of the proceedings of the meeting of that date.
Here is a summary of the agenda of the 3/23/2010 meeting. There were a couple of important items that were discussed at this meeting and the details are listed further below
Invocation by Alderman Hank Guess
Consent Agenda:
A. Call for Public Hearing to Amend Chapter 20 Nuisances, Sections 20-1, 20-2 and 20-3 of the Hickory City Code (Authorize Public Hearing for April 20, 2010) - Said authorized public hearing will be to consider the proposed amendments to Chapter 20 Nuisances of the Hickory City Code which relates to graffiti, junked motor vehicles and chronic violators of the nuisance ordinance.
The Hound thinks that we need to keep an eye on this. This was addressed at the January 5, 2010 City Council meeting. I applaud the city for the fact that they are proposing to focus on making property owners take care of their graffiti issues. I also appreciate that they have moved to an understanding about the issue of absentee owners. I do have reservations about the discussions involving partnering with owners to spend money on cleaning graffiti up -- that could legitimately cost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. If we are going to get involved in cleaning graffiti, I would rather get a volunteer-force from the community and see how we can help expedite this cleanup work. We have volunteer forces help pick up litter all of the time. What's the difference?
B. Proclamation Declaring the Month of April, 2010 as “Fair Housing Month” in the City of Hickory
C. Approval of Community Appearance Grant to Victor Van De Klashorst for Property Located at 715 Highland Avenue, SE in the Amount of $2,490.07 - The Hickory Community Appearance Commission approved the application of Victor Van De Klashorst for a Community Appearance Grant for the property located at 715
Highland Avenue SE. The owner’s plans are to improve the visual appearance of the property by installing two new doors, replacement of one existing door and eight existing windows along with repairing the damaged fascia and eves. The total amount of these improvements is estimated to be $8,717.73. The Community Appearance Commission met on February 22, 2010 and they unanimously voted to recommend grant funding in the amount of $2,490.07 instead of the initial amount requested of $4,358.86. The CAC felt the proposed new 10’ X 12’ commercial door was not eligible for funding. The CAC recommends grant approval.
D. Approval of the 2010 Urgent Repair Program Grant and Assistance Policy and Procurement Policy for Submission to the NC Housing Finance Agency - The City of Hickory Community Development Department applied in November 2009 for funding through the NC Housing Finance Agency’s Urgent Repair Program and has been awarded $37,500 to assist a minimum of eighteen eligible homes with urgently needed repairs in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per housing unit. The City of Hickory will provide $37,500 in matching funds available from the Rental Rehabilitation program income. The NC Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) requires the preparation and approval of an Assistance Policy and Procurement Policy explaining the guidelines which will need to be submitted to the NCHFA.
E. Acceptance of Fire Prevention and Safety Grant for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in the Amount of $69,120 - The Hickory Fire Department by approval of City Council submitted an application on October 6, 2009 for the Fire Fighters Fire Prevention and Safety Grant for smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. On February 24, 2010 the Hickory Fire Department was notified of a favorable review and final verification by City Council is needed. The grant amount would be $69,120 with a 10% City match or $6,912 that will enable the purchase of 1,000 each smoke and carbon monoxide detectors along with $15,000 for a part-time person to assist in the delivery of the project. This grant will support the existing program for smoke and carbon monoxide detector residential campaign that enhances the safety of the public.
F. Approval of Citizens’ Advisory Committee Recommendations for Assistance Through the City of Hickory’s Housing Programs - The following applicants are being recommended for approval for assistance under the City of Hickory’s Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program:
Delilah Oliver 852 7th Street, SE - Approval for up to $10,000
Jerry & Joy Flynn 42 14th Street, SE - Approval for up to $5,000
Michelle Dula 717 1st Avenue, SE - Approval for up to $12,500
Funds are budgeted for these items through the City of Hickory’s former Rental Rehabilitation Program income received in FY 2009 and/or Program income received through the City’s Community Development Block grant Program.
Ann Liver of 1349 12th Avenue, NE is being recommended for approval for assistance under the City of Hickory’s 2009 Urgent Repair Program not to exceed $5,000. Funds are budgeted through the City’s Community Development Department funding received in FY 2009-10. The Citizens’ Advisory Committee recommends approval of all the above.
G. Request For Funding By Community Relations Council (CRC) - Spring 2010 Grant Recommendations in the Amount of $6,000 - As part of the Community Relations Council work plan and annual budget process, the CRC receives funds to disperse during the fiscal year through the CRC grant process. A total of $12,000 is available for grant funding in FY 2009-10. The CRC reviewed the applications and recommends funding on seven of the grant requests received:
1. Council on Adolescents of CC $ 550
2. Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church $270
3. Greater Hickory CCM $1,380
4. Hickory Community Theatre $1,200
5. Patrick Beaver Learning Resource Center $600
6. Piedmont Percussion Program $1,500
7. Safe Harbor Rescue Mission $500
Total $6,000
H. Approval to Accept the Factory Mutual Global Fire Prevention Grant in the Amount of $3,196 - The City of Hickory Fire Department submitted an application in September 2009 to the Factory Mutual Global Fire Prevention Grant Program for two digital cameras and camera related equipment. By letter dated March 4, 2010, the HFD has been awarded a no match grant in the amount of $3,196. The two cameras will be used for fire/arson prevention and investigation.
I. Approval of Pyrotechnic Displays Requests for Hickory Crawdads Baseball Club and St. Stephens High School - The North Carolina Fire Code requires a mandatory operation permit for the use and handling of pyrotechnic special effects material The City of Hickory has received permit requests from both Hickory Crawdads Baseball Club for fireworks to be displayed at the LP Frans Stadium on April 16, May 21, June 18, July 2, July 3, July 9, July 23, July 30, August 13 and August 27, 2010 including several rain dates and St. Stephens High School has submitted a permit request for fireworks to be displayed at CVCC on June 12, 2010 for their graduation ceremony.
J. Adopt Proposed Historic Grant by the Historic Preservation Commission - The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) requested $5,000 for a historic grant as part of their work plan for the FY 2009-10. The grant was to add to the opportunities the City had already put into place with Operation No Vacancy and the Vacant Building Revitalization Grant. City staff and colleagues wrote the draft criteria and were reviewed by the HPC on February 4 and 23, 2010. The grant would be similar to the City’s Downtown Appearance Grants in that it is a 50/50 match and is reimbursable. Placement on the State’s Study list, application for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and Tax Credit application are all eligible activities under the grant. The grant is to increase the attractiveness of the National Register listing while providing an opportunity to encourage the revitalization of older structures to be renovated and placed back into use.
K. Award Contract to Martin Starnes and Associates, CPAs, PA For Audit Services For the Next Three Fiscal Years - Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) were sent out to five Certified Public Accounting firms by the Finance Department. It is recommended that the independent audit services contract be awarded to Martin Starnes and Associates, CPAs, PA for the next three fiscal years at a cost of $41,000 (FY 2010), $42,000 (FY 2011) and $43,000 (FY 2012).
L. Approval to Apply for a North Carolina Main Street Solutions Grant - City Staff in conjunction with the Hickory Downtown Development Association requests Council’s approval to apply for a North Carolina Main Street Solutions Grant to obtain funds to assist small businesses, i.e. the Depot and the Armory with construction improvements and to install additional crosswalk striping in the downtown area near the Farmer’s Market site. The City must make an application for funds which are then distributed to the two businesses according to grant requirements. The funds for the cross walk improvements will be matched by local labor. The Main Street Solutions Grant is a new program established by the State of North Carolina which is intended to strengthen the economy of the municipality and its role as a regional growth and employment hub.
In the Hound's Opinion - the only thing that is going to strengthen the Union Square area is a viable market place. That will have to include some anchor tenants. When is the Hickory Station going to open? When are we going to see a General merchandise store down there? Why is the attention of Downtown leaders still always microfocused on Union Square. Market Places should be focused on people, not inanimate objects.
The best and most successful part of our downtown is the SALT block. Which is more successful, Union Square or the SALT block? Yet, we don't even connect the two. Ask Hickory's citizens which is more important to their lives? Ask them which they visit more?Ask them if they consider the SALT block a downtown area? Yet, we make it next to impossible for pedestrians to walk from Neighborhood to Neighborhood in the Central areas of this city. A lady that is new to the area told me that her neighbor was perplexed because her family was walking 6 blocks to the library. The neighbor couldn't believe she wasn't driving -- 6 blocks (LOL)!!!
Ever been to Wilmington? You can walk there. Ever been to Charleston? You can walk there. Ever been to the heart of Charlotte? You can walk there. And I am not talking about walking around Union Square Hickory. I am talking about blocks and blocks and blocks. I went to a Panthers game and the distance to walk to the stadium from where we parked would be the equivalent of walking from the SALT block to Union Square. That is the sad reality of the situation. We really need to readjust and refocus the mindset about what Downtown is.
M. Approval to Apply for a Governor’s Highway Safety Program Grant for the Purchase of Ten Video In-Car Digital Cameras and Radars - The Hickory Police Department requests Council’s approval to apply for a Governor’s Highway Safety Program Grant to purchase ten video in-car digital cameras and radars at a cost of $85,000. These will be installed in new police vehicles at a cost of $6,000 per camera and $2,500 per radar; with a life expectancy of five to ten years per camera. The Governor’s Highway Safety Grant’s portion of the $85,000 cost would be $48,750 and the City’s portion would be $36,250.
N. Approval of 2010 Legislative Agenda - City staff has prepared both a Federal and State Legislative Agenda for 2010 which lists key issues and talking points to discuss with our legislative delegation, which contains the City’s views on potential legislation or initiatives to change current laws along with projects that the City is seeking additional funding for with the help of members of our delegation. The Legislative Agenda is an important communication tool that guides staff and city leaders to successfully deliver the message on key issues. Following the National League of Cities Conference in Washington, DC this month and the State delegation in Raleigh, Council will continue to discuss the Agenda. (This was discussed at the February 16, 2010 City Council Meeting. Since this was in the Consent Agenda, we did not hear what specific issues were discussed in Washington. We have to assume that the issues discussed in that February 16th agenda were addressed.)
O. Transfer of Cemetery Lot in Oakwood Cemetery From Carolotta K. Spruill and husband Robert G. Spruill and Carolotta K. Spruill, Heir to Cloyd A. Hager, Jr.
P. Budget Amendments -
1. Budget a $460 insurance claim check from McCollester’s Transportation Group, Inc. in the Police Department Maintenance and Repair of Building line item for damage to flooring on the lower level of Hickory Police Department.
2. Budget a $1,036 insurance claim check from Trident Insurance Company in the Fire Department Maintenance and repair of Building line item. This claim is for damages to Engine 4 fire apparatus that occurred at Station 4.
3. Budget a $565 insurance claim check from Travelers Insurance Company in the Water and Sewer Pipes, Hydrants and Meters line item. This claim is for damages sustained to a fire hydrant on 11-21-09.
4. Budget a $1,316 insurance claim check from Travelers Insurance Company in the Water and Sewer Pipes, Hydrants and Meters line item. This claim is for damages sustained to a fire hydrant on 12-31-09.
5. Budget a $1,650 donation from the Elks Lodge in the Parks and Recreation Department Supply line item. This donation will be used to conduct the annual Easter Egg Hunt which is coordinated by the City of Hickory’s Park and Recreation Department.
6. Budget a total of $3,525 of International Council donations in the International Council expenditure line item. These donations will be used to conduct the annual International Springfest event.
7. Transfer $2,168,756 of unspent funds originally dedicated to the Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant project to Capital Reserve.
8. Transfer $46,140 of Firing Range Upgrade funds budgeted in the Police Department operational budget to an existing Department of Justice Grant project and to appropriate $2,033 of General Fund Balance and transfer funds to the Department of Justice Grant project fund. By transferring budgeted funds from the General Fund to the Justice Assistance Grant fund, it will allow staff to track the actual costs associated with the entire firing range upgrade project. The appropriation of $2,033 represents Police Federal Reimbursement balances from previous years that have rolled into Fund Balance at year end. Funds are needed for additional purchases for the project.
Grant Project Ordinance
1. To budget a $2.5 million of North Carolina Department of Transportation approved Federal Highway Administration funds in the CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality) Grant Project. This project is for the replacement of obsolete traffic equipment including both central hardware and software, controller equipment in the field, modest fiber optic cable plant expansion, additional CCTV cameras, video detection systems, data collection and management system and video workstations at both Public Services and City Hall. In addition this project will allow isolated traffic signals to come into the system. (This issue was presented as a departmental report during the last city council meeting - 3/2/2010).
Informational Items:
Report of City Manager Berry’s Travel Expenses to the NC Metropolitan Mayors Winter Meeting & Business Meeting in Wilmington, NC Held From February 23 – 25, 2010; registration - $125; hotel - $190.66; mileage - $312.50; per diem - $51
New Business - Public Hearings:
Resolution and Order for Petition of W. Andrew Wells, Jr., President of Brown Operating Company, Inc. to Close a Portion of 6th Street Court, NE - On February 4, 2010 a representative for W. Andrew Wells, Jr., President of Brown Operating Company, Inc. submitted a petition to close a portion of 6th Street Court, NE. Staff review did not yield any comments against this petition, but did recommend that the City retain a 25’ easement for any existing water and sewer utilities. Further, the Public Services Director recommended that Floyd Sigmon’s northern property line should project westward to tie into the new culde-sac/right-of-way line. Due to time constraints of the petitioner, a second reading is requested to be held on March 23, 2010. Council gave Unanimous Consent.
New Business - Departmental Reports:
Update Regarding Google Gigabit RFI - Approve Resolution in Support of Google Fiber to the Home and Business Initiative and Cooperation Among Western North Carolina Communities
Here is the Hounds summary about this presentation about the Google Initiative:
Team Woogle's Final Push - Before Hickory City Council - 3/23/2010
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Friday, March 26, 2010
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1 comment:
I would rather get a volunteer-force from the community and see how we can help expedite this cleanup work.
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