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Monday, August 2, 2010

The Future Economy Council Facebook Page

Please drop by and check out our Future Economy Council of Catawba County Facebook page. I created this last night as a resource to communicate not only with Future Economy Council Associates, but also with others who are attracted to the issues that are important to our area.

The Future Economy Council was created last year by Danny Hearn, who is the President of the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce. Danny has been very proactive in trying to kickstart the local economy through a series of Outside of the Box ideas and processes. We will discuss these contributions on this Facebook page.

We have knowledgeable leadership including Mr. Rick Smyre, who is the head of an organization called "Communities of the Future." We will discuss Rick's ideas and follow pertinent links to the relevant materials that the FEC discusses, which are associated with Rick's knowledge base, on this Facebook page.

The Chairman of the Future Economy Council is Terry Bledsoe. He is also the Communications and Technology Director in Catawba County. Terry has made many excellent presentations involving the works and thought processes of the FEC over the last year and a half. His power point presentation and other contributions will be made available through this Facebook page. Terry's CIO website is available at a link on the right hand side of this page.

I also have a website Project 3P which is associated with the happenings of the Future Economy Council. Although politics and critical processes of governance play a role in all facets of our lives, I try to present the information on Project 3P in a non-partisan and factual manner. I have been busy with many projects and have not updated thnat website lately, but I will be doing so over the next week. I hope that you will look to that site as a resource of information to see the underlying foundation workings that are taking place involving building a positive economic future in this area.

There are things taking place in Catawba County to turn our economy around. It is not going to happen with the snap of a finger. We are having to transform the economic structure of our county and it is like moving a boulder. One person is not going to be able to do this alone, but standing around and waiting for someone else to do it will not put you on the path to moving that boulder.

We, the people who associate with the FEC, decided long ago that the boulder must move. Last year, Danny Hearn gave us the motivation to join forces to move the boulder. For too long in this area, people would not join forces because of what seems to be reasons of pride and ego. The members of the FEC have been working hard to mend and alter mindsets to get people to change their attitudes and understand that in the end we all want most of the same things. We want a healthy community where we all can learn, live, work, and play in cultural and economic harmony.

Together, we can move that boulder!

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