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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why We Must Act! - Citizens for Equity in Government

“USA Today Response; At Expense of Quality of Life”
November 23, 2010

Lack of leadership and sensitivity has lost Hickory millions of stimulus dollars for jobs and economics for continuous growth in these economic hard times in a city that has always thrived. Money that could have gone to weatherize and retrofit homes and funds for jobs rebuilding poor neighborhoods in their communities lost and the City Manager‘s office and City Council representation continue to turn a blind eye.

City staff as well as the city council has proven incapable of making the decisions to ensure a just and healthy community. The current city council:

• Taxpayers dollars spent on a pool survey were the results were not used by council.
• Taxpayer’s dollars spent on a consultant group with no background in aquatics.
• Free advice from experts in Aquatics not used.
• Grants for pool repairs not applied for (Virginia Graeme Baker)

As IMPORTANT as it is the pool issue should not have been part of The USA Today article

• Have not heeded advice for local news outlets on “Economic Rebound in Our Area”.
• Would not accept suggestions on job creation and development by local non-profit.

This list could go on ad-infinitum. This does not take away from the fact that Hickory is and has always been a great city. Something drastic has happened that is called incompetent leadership.

We are glad the mayor “stood in” at the pool in the USA Today article, it is a simple reminder that the pools are merely a mirror into a number of other issues in our city government. We are faced with the need for good jobs and economic development, effective education and the nurturing of our children; and electing and holding accountable our city officials for their part in decision making that affects the citizens of this city.

Making sure that elitism and discrimination are not the continuous by product of decision making.

All this is said to give this advice – “never ignore the will of the people.” The people (citizens) spoke in the pool survey and community meetings that cost taxpayers approximately $30,000 and council ignored the voice of the people, who elected them to be their voice and representation in city government.
“I've stated time and time again; we have seen, ineffective leadership from the elected officials that we have put in office and we have not seen any accountability be placed at their feet. It is most certainly time to hold their feet to the fire. And if they don't deliver, then it's time to kick them all out of office.”
(The Hickory Hound) Dec 1, 2010

“An All American City deserves First Class Leadership” (Hickory Hound)
We are “One City, One People, United for the good of all people”


rashid1891 said...

This list could go on ad-infinitum. This does not take away from the fact that Hickory is and has always been a great city. Something drastic has happened that is called incompetent leadership.

harryhipps said...

There are none so blind as those who will not see. As long as our local "leaders" try to make the world fit our preconceived template rather than responding and adapting to reality we will not significantly progress. Sad to say but I still believe that Hickory will have to wait a generation until some of the old geezers (the impediments) die and new ideas can finally see some sunlight.