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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Platform for a 21st Century Hickory - Better Dialogue with the Public

7) Dialogue - we need all Hickory governmental agencies and their staff to be open, truthful, honest, helpful and transparent. Willing to discuss and carry on open dialogues with the citizens.

In speaking with Jeff Brittain about his Mayoral Candidacy, he espoused his support to have regular townhall meetings with the people of Hickory. This is something that I have believed in for years, but I was told by City Council members that they had reservations, because they didn't want to sit through an attack session. I honestly don't think that people are going to verbally attack the City Council during such a meeting. People might express disagreements with the council, but I wouldn't expect shouting matches.

The problem is that this Mayor and Council seem to have an obsession about controlling messages. Somehow saying the same talking points over and over again is supposed to lead to results. Constantly spinning the message is supposed to keep the message on track until the final desired outcome is achieved.

Unfortunately that isn't how life works. You have to cite the goal you are looking to achieve and allow open input and free thinking methodology to define, design, and map out processes and then keep all options available moving forward. There must be defined targets of accountability along the way to assess whether you are on the path towards successfully achieving the goal. Adaptability, Flexibility, and Nimbleness are the keys towards successful endeavors in life.

Public officials should listen to everyone, whether they are actual supporters or not. Just because people have different ideas than you may have does not mean that they want to tear down the City. You must get outside of the group of like minded friends and yes men to find out what is really going on around here socially and economically. Having open-minded, democratic governance brings buy-in and acceptance from the public at-large versus doing things behind closed doors and manipulating processes to avoid input, which leads to ambivalence and eventually hostility when you are seen as picking winners and losers and the winners are always the circle that surrounds you. Any wonder why we don't have "Unity" in the Comm"UNITY"?

Jeff Brittain for Mayor Flyer
Click on the Flyer and Ctrl+ will magnify it.

Platform for a 21st Century Hickory - Public Information

Platform for a 21st Century Hickory - Helping Small Business, Start-ups, and Entrepreneurs

Platform for a 21st Century Hickory - an Agenda on Health and Wellness

Platform for a 21st Century Hickory - Learn from National Studies & Surveys

Platform for a 21st Century Hickory - Independent Boards and Commissions

Platform for a 21st Century Hickory - Term Limits

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