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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bev wants more of the Same Ole, Same Ole When It Comes to Our Roads

This article shows that Bev Perdue represents the status quo when it comes to North Carolina's corrupt DOT. No wonder, when one of her largest fundraisers was Louis Sewell Jr. of Jacksonville (a former DOT boardmember).

I like this quote. "The board has evolved into a shadow legislature," said David Hartgen, a transportation analyst at UNC-Charlotte who also writes for the conservative John Locke Foundation. "They see their job as bringing home projects to those counties. That's wrong."

I won't go further into the article. You really need to read it. Mrs. Perdue admits she won't ban fundraisers from serving on the DOT board, but Mr. McCrory will. This is the cronyism that we have been preaching about and this is the problem that I have with the good ole boys from down east. They run our state like they are Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane. I think I've even heard these two on some political radio commercials. Is that the way you want our state represented?

If you vote for Mrs. Perdue, then you will be voting to continue to drive over the craters and pot holes on I-40. If you vote for her, you will continue to see our tax dollars funnelled to her buddies in the rural areas down east. It is time for these shennanigans to end and the best way to do that is to get these people out of office so that they can no longer damage our beautiful state.

I beg you to read this entire article. It's not that long.

Watch this short film.

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