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Saturday, May 21, 2011

College Conspiracy - Another point of view

I am introducing this documentary, not as a way of besmirching education, but to balance the opinion that Higher Education is a panacea that is going to solve the economic issues that we face in this nation. Look at the inflation in the Higher Education system. People are going into tens of thousands of dollars of debt with no guaranteed payoff. What kind of investment costs a mortgage worth of money with no guaranteed tangible benefit?

It isn't about College. It's about knowledge!!!

The average cost of a year of college is now $27,293 per year and government and the banking system is getting college students to go into this debt which is creating another credit bubble just as the Housing bubble did. These credit mechanisms are making the cost of college rise rapidly.

People take out these debts with a mindset that things will work out. How can people live that way? How can they live with such an unknown? My total loan debt when I graduated from UNC-Wilmington in 1989 was a little over $10,000 and I paid in back in less than 8 years. How are students going to pay back these $40,000 and $50,000 debts, when unemployment is so high (especially in the younger demographic) and income growth has been so anemic over the past two decades?

The focus needs to be on our Government helping to foster the nation's industrial capacity and helping people get back to work. We have to get back to focusing on technological advancement and we need to focus on primary education. We also need to get the government out of the business of college loans and into the business of cutting the cost of higher education.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there was a very interesting article (I believe it was on Yahoo news) earlier this week, regarding new gov't requirements for for-profit colleges.