Pretext Comments - I pulled this item out of the regular meeting newsletter, because this was the most important issue discussed at this meeting and as most of you know it stands on its own merits. There have been a chain of articles devoted to this issue going well back into 2009. They will be linked at the bottom of the page to give you a historical context of this subject.
Departmental Report - Parks and Recreation Commission’s Recommendation to City Council on Aquatic Recreation
Kelly Hurley, Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation committee made the presentation to the Council. She stated that the Council mandated that the Parks and Recreation Committee educate themselves on the types of aquatic facilities available today and asked the citizens of Hickory what, if any, aquatic facilities they would want in the future.
There were three community meetings held in late September and they were led by Mr. Derrick Williams of Site Solutions.. The purpose of the meetings was to get feedback from citizens on aquatics. There was also a phone survey that was performed by the Jackson Group. The Parks and Recreation staff also organized two trips for commission members to visit nearby facilities. They visited a pool owned and operated by the City of Statesville. This leisure pool is only two years old and has many of the latest pool features available. The pool broke even (financially) this last summer and they did this after making a number of large purchases.
Commission members also visited the Village Park Splash Pad in Kannapolis, North Carolina. This state-of-the-art splash pad has a state-of-the-art water recirculating system. This facility utilizes water cannons, geysers, and jets.
She stated that they have learned a lot from this process. The input of the citizens at these meetings showed a strong desire to build an indoor facility that can be used year-round. And survey showed that 85.7% of Hickory citizens feel that it is important for the City of Hickory to provide aquatic recreation opportunities to the citizens. It also showed that 46.7% said that they would not want property taxes increased to pay for these facilities. Parks and Recreation recognizes that the present economic climate presents a challenge for all of us.
Based on this information the commission voted on the six possible options at the meeting held on October 9, 2010. A Citywide pool serving the whole community received the most votes at five, District splash pads received one vote, no City provided aquatic facility received four votes, and a year-round centrally located swimming facility received one vote. The commission's recommendation to Council is that cities should provide an aquatic facility and it should serve the entire community.
The Mayor stated that the Parks and Recreation committee have shown so much diligence and he appreciated the knowledge that they've shared with the Parks and Recreation staff and the Council.
Alderman Lail stated that usually when they receive a report from a Commission that they don't necessarily take action one way or another. He said that it will be very difficult for the City to do this in the next couple of years and to follow up on the recommendation to create a Citywide pool. Nevertheless, he said that this is good information to have. Alder Patton stated that the Parks and Recreation already have a plan and that she was at all of the meetings and one of the comments made is it needed to be studied about the priorities. There are already a lot of things that aren't being funded… the economic environment...let's just see where that comes in the scope of what they (P&R) want to do.
The Mayor stated that regardless of what Parks and Recreation recommends on facilities, that he would like to see a program adopted to ensure there is accessibility to swimming lessons for children. He wants there to be accessibility and affordability, including scholarships for children who cannot afford it. He would like to see a goal and he understands that it will take involvement of parents and partnerships including school boards and lots of other people to make this happen. Alder Patton added, anything that we can do to facilitate collaboration. And she further added that she has heard that there is a liability issue at the two remaining polls. She stated that she would hope that Parks and Recreation would work with public services to rectify the situation so that there will not be a liability issue with open pools. Council unanimously accepted the recommendation of the commission.
Citizens requesting to be heard:
James Davis, a representative of the Ridgeview community addressed the Council. He stated that tops on the residents list was a series of small pools in each ward. The recommendation voted upon was that of the Parks and Recreation commission and not the view of the citizens. The City of Hickory paid Site Solutions $20,250 to perform the survey and that is not a field of their expertise.
Officials sighted that the age of both polls and the high cost of repairing them were factors in the closing. We all know that the Ridgeview pool was not properly maintained. The residents noted that the reason why the polls went down was because of the administrators.
The City Council directed Parks and Recreation to find out what the wants and needs of the community were and the community has spoken. The pools could have been brought up to code by grants. The Federal government was providing grants for cities who applied for them. The City of Hickory never did.
They did a comparison between (possibility) of four district pools and the one large pool. The cost would be $3.2 million for the construction on the four district pools and on the Citywide poel the cost would be $2.5 million. The maintenance on the one large pool would be $50,000 versus a cost of $48,000 for the four district pools. After a few years the City would break even, just as other cities have done. Mr. Davis stated that he attended two of the charrette's that were held in the City. At the charrette's, on the (display) board, it was stated that they voted for more than just a centralized pool. They also voted for the district (quadrant) pools.
The Ridgeview community has determined that the survey was valid. Now, the Parks and Recreation committee has thrown out what the citizens wanted. The City should also look towards people who have expertise in the areas. Site Solutions has no expertise in the field of aquatics. We have people in the community who are willing to devote their time on these issues.
A Ms. Jett, next addressed the Council. She stated that she wanted to speak on behalf of her generation who utilized the Ridgeview pool and asked the Council to give consideration to the fact that they have never lived in that area. They don't know the needs of that community.
She said that she was previously a lifeguard at that pool and she further stated that she experienced very great numbers (attendance) and good programs. Swimming lessons were taught in the morning and she just wanted to state that we need to quit taking programs out of the neighborhoods especially during the summer when there is nothing for the children to do. They keep saying the budget, the budget; but no one is coming up with an idea of what to replace it with. That is the community's main concern.
We feel that the pools are undermaintenanced and we didn't just wake up overnight and the pools were not maintained. This was something that was known prior to this and she is saying that there needs to be more positive things going on and that means more programming for the children to keep the crime rate down. Ridgeview has been cleaned up and they want to keep it that way. And if you continue to take things out of the community that are supposed to be for positive entertainment and recreation for the children… Who let these pools go undermaintenanced and why is it now an issue, because they didn't just become undermaintenanced one or two years ago. It has been years and years of neglect. So they are saying to you. who want to close these pools, what are you going to replace it with, because our children and that community need things to do. They need things going on, on a consistent basis.
When she (Ms. Jett) was there, there were a lot of things going on. There were several camps that attended that pool. The pool was being utilized and she doesn't understand where the numbers went down and were things were lost, but she knows that that pool was being utilized. She stated that she had also worked at the George Ivey pool and there were camps from Statesville coming in and utilizing the pool. She added that the maintenance is left up to the recreation staff and she doesn't understand where the ball got dropped.
She asked the Council, how can you put this on the budget and economics, when these are our children and you can't put a price on that. This is something that should've been handled years before. This is something that should've gone without neglect. So you are saying now that it is the economy, but what happened years before when Hickory was alive and pumping? The pools were going undermaintenanced at that time. What she is saying to you is when you are talking about closing down this pool there should be something in place. Okay, we'll partner with Y, but the Y. is not owned by the City and the Y. is a private entity. What is the City of Hickory doing? Why do we have to keep partnering with people? We didn't have to partner with people and we didn't have to do this years before?
After being interrupted by the timekeeper Ms. Jett went on to state that she is speaking from her generation and from her heart and she wants to add that she has a heart for children and that she wants to make sure they reach their potential and she has given up her free time to see that happen. She has done several programs in the City and she will continue… when she was in college she came back to lifeguard at that pool for two years and she asked the Council if they had been in that community. Have you met the children.. have you spoken with people.. do you feel their hearts? She added that she is a representative of that community and she is a member of the community relaying how they feel.
Have you been in that community and have you talked to people and found out why the numbers (attendance) are down. Did anyone try to find out why the interest in swimming is down over there? Is that the reason why it wasn't maintained… Is it because the numbers were low? Did anyone try going in to revamp and do some different programs over there? Did anyone do anything? Sshe stated that she has given up her time and she has volunteered to make sure that our children in Ridgeview get attention and that they are reached. You have to do something that interests the culture and something that will spark their interest. She has done two very successful step teams in that community. That is what people are interested in and that is what they’re dedicated and disciplined to and they had some very successful years when they did that.
She was engaged with the children and they were interested in coming to the pool, because she was there. The children felt safe and warm and guided when they went there. She doesn't feel that anyone is taking any of this into consideration.
Walter Witherspoon was the next citizen to come before the Council. He stated that he had sat through various meetings involving the recreation commission and the planning commission... and we talk about Hickory by Choice. He stated that he has sent an e-mail to all of the Council members and now he is concerned about the rule of law. Your commissioned as you sit there, as we have a City Manager and a Council type government with the Mayor who is supposed to represent all of the citizens and Council who represents various groups, but you are the legislative body. You make the laws.
Now, my concern is, after hearing that recommendation. I understand that there is going to be another master-plan. I look in my notes and I notice in 1997 there was a master-plan, I noticed in 2008 there was another master-plan, and as late as May of 2010 there was a another master-plan. Tonight, I believe I heard that there is going to be a master plan for 2011. Is that right? Another plan?
Who financed those Plans? I don't know, I just asked a question. Now, where are we headed? Are we just making plans? Or are we ready to make some results to the citizens of Hickory? I have also listened to a person state that there was a bias because this did not include older adults. And tonight this young lady came up and she made a very good case about young adults. I am asking the City of Hickory where are you headed?
You've been charged with duties! What are we going to do? As I said I didn't plan to speak, but as a citizen of Hickory, I'm not a younger citizen, I'm an older citizen, a 73-year-old citizen in Hickory. I like to see progress and growth in Hickory for everyone. Now some people have been very fortunate in Hickory and that is what you do in a capitalistic society. You go out and get resources and goods and in turn you invest that and you turn it into more money and more capital.
When the City puts out a budget, it should be where citizens can understand what is being presented. If they don't understand what is being presented, then there is no need to present them, you are just wasting time. Now, tonight Mr. (Warren) Wood gave a very good presentation of the budget and an overview of where we are headed. He (Witherspoon) has looked at the budget himself and he understands that we're pretty safe, but it could get worse. We are conservative and we don't want to over extend ourselves.
We don't want a big aquatic pool that cost 20 million bucks. We can't handle that and we know that. But, we can provide something for our kids. We can provide more than a bus. We had 15 people going the first year and that has grown to 99. Lenoir-Rhyne can’t handle this, because they are having trouble scheduling groups. The Y. cant handle this, because they have to please their membership -- and they can squeeze us in?? That doesn't serve the public well. We are first-rate citizens. We are citizens of Hickory. We are all citizens of Hickory. It is the duty of the sitting body there (Council). What are you going to do?
It is our job as citizens. We can't just put it on them (Council). We have to be the motivators, if they're not motivated. The citizens must motivate them. We have to support them. I'm not here to put you down. I'm here to help you where I can, but I'm tired of hearing rhetoric. I'm one person and I've heard that before. There's not enough interest.
You represent people. You represent a ward. You represent people. Are all of those people in here? Do they have to be here? No. Because they represent their interest to you and you present the interests to the board.
I respect you and I respect government and once again I respect the rule of law. When am I going to get it? When is the public going to get a democratic representation. I will leave you on the rule of law. I tip my hat to Atty. Crone and Sister Dula over there. They know the law. But you instruct them and they are your legal advisers and if you don't go to your legal advisers and get legal advice -- that means what? That you don't need them? Listen to your legal advisers, because we know what's going on. I hate to leave on that kind of note. I'm just dissatisfied. Thank You.
Karen Hoyle next addressed the Council. She stated that she heard some things that didn't sit well with her as a citizen. She goes back to this being an All-American City. The citizens have spoken. The City spent almost $30,000 on surveys and charrette's and meetings;only to come back as a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation commission that was not based upon what the citizens said. The citizens spoke and they said that they wanted swimming and aquatics into four quadrants. I think it's important for them to make a recommendation and I think that Kelly did a tremendous job.
Ms. Hoyle stated that she'd gone to the meetings and Kelly Hurley did a tremendous job to make sure that the commission stayed within the guidelines of what the Council had asked them to do. But, she still goes back to the citizens and the citizens are the people that pay taxes. What good was it to have the charrette's and the survey, if they weren’t willing to listen to what was being said. This was a waste of tax dollars.
The other thing was misinformation. Time and time again I continue to hear misinformation given. I heard Mrs. Patton talk about the liabilities of these two pools. Nobody discussed liability but one person and it would be a travesty for us to sit back and listen about the pools being a liability. The pools will become a liability if nothing is done and at this time the pools are not a liability to the citizens or to the City. I want you to keep that in mind.
The other thing is why did we not apply for the Virginia Graham Bakker act grant? Why? If money and economics is an issue, why did we not apply for grant monies that were available to fix the pools. I have asked this question over and over and over again. I do not think that we would be in this position, if we had applied and they denied us and if we had applied and there wasn't enough money to do some work on these undermaintenanced pools, but the question still sticks in my mind. If money is an issue and grants are out there and we could use that money, then why didn't we apply. I am asking my elected officials who were elected, and sit based on citizens electing you, to go and do your own research. Please before you make your decision go back and do your own research and ask the people that you put in position why?... If there's money available, why? The citizens have spoken. I expect you to respect the citizens, because they spoke very well. Thank You
Dr. Jody Inglefield next spoke before the Council. He has presented a proposal to the Council on behalf of the citizens of Hickory for an aquatic facility. He attended all of the meetings and had a chance to here all of the comments. There is a lot of opportunity here he thinks. We need to look at what we're going to do in the future and he believes there is some urgency.
In terms of swimming lessons he thinks that is a fantastic idea, but he thinks that we need to make that realistic and pools are part of that. He doesn't think that it is good that we delay or study longer. Dr. Inglefield thinks that we need to get some concrete ideas of how this can possibly happen and how we can possibly get some aquatic facilities available. The basic recommendation of the commission is to have a pool. He doesn't think that we need to study it anymore. The citizens have spoken. It was pretty convincing that this is what we really need and we really need to figure out how we can do it promptly.
It should not take a lot of time or another couple summers to figure this out. This is not rocket science. A pool can be put together and facilities can be built and programs can be put together. We should not have to compromise. We need to collaborate. How can we get this done? How can we get kids in the water? When you are asking how old kids need to be to learn to swim, the younger the better. They love water. The earlier they learn, the more likely they are to continue and enjoy that, plus the safety issue, younger kids are the ones that are more likely to drown. We don't need to compromise.
We are an All-American City, why can we not do this? Why can't we do this and get a pool that will serve our needs. I know this is possible. I know the budget is tough, but we need to do something to invest in our future and make this an attractive place to live. I was really dismayed to see this latest Gallup poll about the quality of living in Hickory and that we are ranked last. I think all of this has to do with how we are going to attract people to this area, how do we attract businesses, will we have a poor quality of living. I just think there is an opportunity here and we'll take the fact that community citizens are here and the commission has said we need a pool. Let's do it, let's make it happen, let's not compromise, let's collaborate and get something done. I thank you for the process, the energy, and your time. I thank all the members of the Council who attended the meetings and Kelly and Harriett and the people that were involved. This has not been an easy process, but gosh Hickory has done things before that were great and why can we not do this. This is something that we can do. This is not impossible and I don't think that we have to wait years to do this.
The next lady that spokes name was Barbara. She spoke about the parking deck that is being built at the convention center by the Tourism Authority and how that was going to bring in revenue. That was one of the concerns that hit her. We take revenue out of the minority areas, what are we going to the put back in those areas? She said that she was told that there was something special that was going to happen and it has not happened.
She talked about the new soccer park that has been developed. We don’t have a great deal of kids that are playing soccer, but we have that new soccer park that we use money for. She said she is always getting information about this dog park and she just cannot see putting a dog park before pools. She also talked about busing kids and always busing kids to other neighborhoods to swim, to other neighborhoods to do this (activities)... why can't we have a little swimming pool and a little area at Ridgeview. Was the problem with us having a $55,000 pool. It is a shame that I have to look out my door every day and see this big hole.
It's not only in my soul, it's in my heart. She just can't see spending money on a dog park or a soccer field. Swimming is good. Swimming is better. They didn’t ask for a dog park or a soccer field. They don’t ask for much. They didn't ask for a parking deck is going to be put over their. She used to work at that hotel and she never put one event on paper that would compensate the people out of Ridgeview for that hotel, but their tax dollars are being used for this. Give us something please. Give our kids a chance to swim. Everything is being sucked out of Ridgeview. It is terrible. She goes to the next neighborhood and its vibrant. Why is it that our kids can’t have the same chance. I just asked our Councilman (Hank Guess). Please, you are a representative. Please as our representative. Please do something for Ridgeview.
The Mayor stated that he would like to make two comments. Listening to the remarks, he would like to talk about the survey and what he said about the survey. But, the parking deck is paid for by people who visit Hickory and the hotel owners. There is no General Fund money going into that parking deck. It is not a matter of taking money from taxpayers in Ridgeview and putting it into a parking deck -- or from anyone else. He also stated that he was hearing that they represent neighborhoods. Our charter says that we have six wards and each Ward will have a representative, but by our charter, and this will not change, every Council member represents everyone that lives in Hickory.
Another lady Angelika Wright asked to address the Council. She asked who owns this building that this parking deck is going to be put on? Was it the City of Hickory that owns the building? Are we going to have the land come back from the hotel people that own the hotel? The Mayor stated that he heard her issue. Ms. Wright stated she was asking a question. Ms. Wright asked who owns it? The Mayor stated this is a little different than the charette. Ms. Wright stated yeah but you made a comment just now about the parking deck, but who owns the parking deck. The Mayor stated that the comment that he made is going to be paid for from revenues that come from visitors who pay for a hotel room. Ms. Wright insisted in asking the question again who owns that? Mayor Wright stated is owned by the tourism development Authority of Conover in Hickory. Ms right thing in thanked The Mayor.
The Hound truly thinks this issue is about ego. I have studied this issue thoroughly and I believe that the City has decided to Damn the Torpedoes. We all understand the problems with the budget, but we also understand that there are a lot of alternatives out there when it comes to this issue of swimming pools.
The citizens have spoken and they want these pools and if I were Mr. Meisner, Mr. Lail, or Mr. Seaver, I think I would wake up and smell the coffee; because there is a Trailways heading this way and you have an election coming up pretty soon.
I don't have the full wherewithall to cover every city meeting that is held., but it sure does sound like the last Parks and Recreation meeting was very interesting. Any of you who want to know where the Council members stand on this issue need to look at the vote, that was addressed above, at that Parks and Recreation meeting (from the October 9, 2010 meeting). Connect the dots and look at the 4 people who voted for no form of aquatic recreation supported by the city. Link those names to the people who appointed them and there you will see an excellent account of what you are up against. Don't let Council hide behind this issue!
I have stated it many times, as has Harry Hipps, this Council refuses to listen to the will of the people. I understand what the Mayor was stating as far as the parking deck at the Convention Center, but I also understand the frustrations of the people of the South Side of the tracks. The only way that Ridgeview gets money is when it comes from Federal dollars, but the City of Hickory will send a lobbyist to Raleigh to secure a tax increase for a private special interest that is directly interwoven into our local governance. This is the true plight of the Forgotten Citizens of our city.
I'll tell you this. Our Council and City Manager do not have a clue about Tea Leaves. They are not open minded. They refused to accept the feelings, trend, and momentum of this issue. They created this mess with the pools by trying to ignore it and this pattern goes straight down the line with so many of these issues that we have seen over the last several years (the airport, the Cercil Brothers, Randolph's, the Graffiti issue, and I can go on).
The Mayor and City Manager wanted these charettes and this survey implemented, because they thought that the outcome would be completely different and when it did not turn out the way that they expected, well we see the same ole, same ole. The People want.... the Commission, Committee or Task Force recommends... Council and Staff do what they always intended from the beginning before the charades (I mean uh, uh, charettes). The will of the people is inconsequential.
I see a lot of spoiled people in our area (Daddy, I want a Golden ticket) and I truly believe that is what is holding us back in a ton of respects. I see people who have no sympathy for the middle class and the poor. It is really a nasty thing to witness. I've got mine. You get yours! Naa-Naa-Naa Naa Naa naa! It's my ball I'm going home, because your beating me. These citizens start coming down on them and they get that deer in the headlights look.
It is like Mr. Witherspoon pretty much stated. He is frustrated. You set up the rules, we play by them, you try and rig them, we beat you anyway, and you go cry to daddy. It is frustrating beyond belief to deal with people who call you crazy or say that you are a conspiracy theorist or whatever. It is time that some people grow up around here and start helping to grow the pie, instead of trying to finagle an extra slice for themselves!
There is no relationship between the local citizenry and our local government! Occasional glad handing does not equal effective governance. Effective Governance comes from Justice and Fairness. Not kowtowing to special interests and serving ones own personal interests! It comes from open, proactive dialogue with everyone!
Do some even have a clue as to how foolish all of this looks?
City Pools issue displays Local Officials' Myopic Views
REBUILDING & EMPOWERING FROM THE BOTTOM UP -- Citizens for Equity in Government
Citizens Of Ridgeview address the City Council about the City Pools Issue
Newsletter about the City Council meeting of July 20, 2010 - Addendum on the Hickory City Pools
More than Pools
Hickory City Pools -- Told You So 8)
Continuing the Rant - The City of Hickory's Budget
Newsletter about the City Council meeting of June 15, 2010
Newsletter about the City Council meeting of May 4, 2010
HDR Editorial - Hickory council needs a member with vision
The City Council Candidate Forum Last Night - 10/29/2009 - (Audio Available)
From the Hickory Daily Record - Election issues discussed at forum
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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Dear Hickory Hound,
This is the proposal I sent to the city on behalf of the citizens of Hickory. I'm not sure that it was distributed to council despite my sending it the the asst city manager, the city manager and the mayor when I asked for time on the agenda which was denied (according to rules I was not aware of) and told that I could comment at the end as I did last night. Thank you for following this issue and the rest of city government as you do so well. Keep it up Hound!!
Dr Jody Inglefield
Proposal to Hickory City Parks & Recreation Department Commission and the Hickory City Council
It has been recommended that a proposal for an aquatics facility be made based on the recent public hearings and City of Hickory Aquatics Assessment Survey.
There are numerous citizens of Hickory who are very interested in aquatics facilities at this time. With the closure of the Ridgeview and West Hickory pools the last two summers, there has been an increasing demand for public aquatic facilities. At present, all other aquatic facilities in the Hickory area are private. Based on the city’s survey, aquatic recreation compares favorably in terms of the agenda for the Parks & Recreation department. In the survey only Police, Fire, and Library Services surpassed it. Only 5.8% of citizens feel that no aquatic recreation is necessary.
The recent Gallop and Healthways Well Being Index poll ranked Hickory as being last in the USA, this is quite a surprise considering Hickory’s being named an All American City. Construction of an Aquatics Center also fits with the ongoing effort of the Business Development Committee to market the City to existing and potential entrepreneurs including young professional couples, middle managers and telecommuters. Aquatics are an area where Hickory is clearly behind similar and competing cities. It is also consistent with our standing charter to attract retires who need a pool for recreation, exercise, and medical rehabilitation
The need to provide aquatic recreation for the public health and well being, safety, and protection of our citizens would be the primary motivation of building an aquatic facility. However, there are numerous other organizations and citizen groups that would be interested in the development and success of aquatic recreation in the public sector of Hickory.
Uses of such a facility include family swim and recreation times, swim lessons for all ages, and water safety lessons. Also, team training including swimming, water polo, and synchronized swimming, scuba diving, kayak training, police, fire and rescue training, medical rehab and water aerobics, and obesity remediation. This would involve all age groups and citizens within the community.
Other groups that would have interest and could benefit from a public recreation aquatics facility include Lenoir Rhyne University, Frye and Catawba Hospitals, the YMCA of the Catawba Valley, Economic Development Council, Western Piedmont Council of Governments, local developers, Hickory city and Catawba county schools, home school students, hotel/motel owners, transportation agencies, local merchants, restaurants, and eateries. The ability to attract regional competitive events and even national events is possible with the facility we suggest.
Collaboration with these organizations as well as philanthropic groups within Hickory would be strongly urged. These include the various foundations and philanthropists in the Hickory area.
With all this in mind and after careful review and attendance at the public hearings, we would recommend on behalf of the citizens of Hickory:
1. The aquatics facility pool should be a minimum of 25 yards by 50 meters with a minimum depth of 60 inches. The initial construction would include minimal bath house and adequate parking provided or available for immediate and future applications. This pool should be up to current standards and recommendations in terms of water filtration and handling with supplementary solar heating panels and water heat retention cover blanket to allow the facility to operate at least six months of the year. Deck space/room for bleachers for competition fans and space for cold season enclosure should be planned as the pool use increases and additional entertainment, i.e. slides, etc. as the facility matures and develops.
2. That the facility have adjacent land for expansion including at some point in the future a warm-up or teaching pool of a smaller size planning that this entire facility would be enclosed at some point in the future either by a seasonal inflatable bubble type structure or a permanent building.
3. We would recommend that this pool be placed adjacent to the Ridgeview area which is central to the city of Hickory, preferably very close to downtown, or even adjacent, where the facility would be an attraction for the entire city and asset to the Ridgeview community and would attract developers of the area surrounding the aquatics facility such as hotels, restaurants, and other support businesses.
4. Use local expertise in aquatics that can provide knowledgeable up-to-date information regarding aquatics facilities.
We are available to answer questions to give guidance and recommendations regarding this basic facility which will serve the needs of the Hickory citizens for many years to come.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph T Inglefield III MD
Jay Greenbaum
Paul Schiffel
Thank You Dr. Inglefield. This is what I am talking about, when I talk about alternatives that are available. This type of dynamic development concept could be very beneficial to the city.
The City already blew the chance to have a World Sports Park, because of their Checkers Economic development strategy of the past. These types of developments have the capability to feed off of themselves.
we are told that the City looks to operate its budget like a household -- excellent concept! Hickory is like your house (shelter). If we don't invest in the property, then it will not retain its real value. It is not good enough to sit still and hope the walls don't fall down. We need to treat this domain (community) with the respect and attention that it deserves to be afforded.
And I mean the whole community!
The City isn't going to apply for grants, try to get some private funding or anything else. They made their minds up long ago and are just trying to sell the course that they have already determined. This is what they always do, and if you don't like it you can jump in our beautiful lake.
My only question is this: why go through the bother to do meetings and surveys when the course was already determined? The assholes on Council have a patronizing, know it all attitude toward the public so why even ask them? Next time an issue like this comes up, just tell the people that, just like our liberal elite in DC, you know better so just shut up and take what we give you.
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