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Saturday, March 28, 2009

President Obama blames Us

Overlord Obama's quote: (Video at "Times Online" Link)
"I know that America bears its share of responsibility for the mess that we all face. But I also know that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy. That is a false choice that will not serve anyone. This G20 meeting provides a forum for a new kind of global economic co-operation. Now is the time to work together to restore the sustained growth that can only come from open and stable markets that harness innovation, support entrepreneurship and advance opportunity."

I say this from a position of anger, because I love my country, but I see our country being stolen away by the corruption, incompetence, and greed of the bureaucracy. Why does Darth Obama say, "I know that America bears its share of responsibility for the mess that we all face."

Who does he mean when he says America? I sure know that I have seen 3+ years of contraction in my personal economic outlook and I know many others in similar circumstances, yet our bureaucratic government continues to grow at an obscene pace. The people that have brought the political system to this level of corruption, we are now seeing, are the people that should be held responsible. So Lord Obama, do not cast the average American in with the arrogant ilk that you represent.

The Ivy Leaguers haven't a clue about where they are taking us. Why would they protect and defend the Constitution, when they have no personal constitution. All they stand for is materialism and petty self interests. They expect us to trust them, but why should we ever trust these people. I am certainly not inspired by people that are so quick to play class warfare and always pit groups of people against one another. How many more broken promises and stolen liberties will it take until the majority of the people wake up to the reality of what is going on?

This isn't about party politics to me. The Republicans led us down this road by not following through on their promises. John McCain was a tragic choice for what Republican ideals are supposed to represent. The Republican party has lost its soul. If the Republicans are not going to stand for the Republic, then it is time to dismantle the party. We cannot get to the promised land with directionless, me too, Country Clubbers at the helm.

Who do our representatives represent? From local to national government it is time that our reprentatives begin to represent the whole public and not just Special Interests.. Right now it seems that they only represent those that will help them protect their precious positions and status. The behavior I have seen lately, at so many levels, reminds me so much of a bunch of rats scurrying for survival. I pray every night that it isn't already too late.

God Save the Republic


Anonymous said...

Your comments about the incompetence and stupidity of the Hickory government make you a useful and informative person. When you come in with comments like "Darth Obama", though, you lose a substantial amount of your credibility. I hope that you consider that in the future. You're a bright young man - but you're beginning to come off as something of a lose cannon, Hound. Please take a step back and consider your goal -- you have a real chance to point out the wrongs of Hickory and actually make a difference. If you decide to "go national", though, your voice may be lost amid the hubub of the millions of others, and you lose the chance to make a difference in your own back yard.

I say this having read a number of your articles over the last few weeks, but finding that I read increasingly fewer of them because you're getting more and more extreme in your position. Once I hit "Darth Obama", I quit reading this one and started to delete my bookmark to your blog, but decided to make this comment first.

If your goal is to let off steam by writing articles blasting everyone and everything with which you disagree, power to you. But recognize that you lose the chance to make any real difference. You can help far more by helping those of us who want to make a local change for the better than crying to the wind about something that, in reality, you cannot make a significant difference.

ant. a. said...

Hey Thom,

You know I love this blog, but I have to agree with Anonymous on this one.

It's not really what you say in this post but how you say it. To me the how does matter. And I know it matters to you, as you've stated in your first objective:

"To encourage the broadest possible dialogue with the largest number of people possible."

By demonizing Obama, you limit the dialogue to warring factions, those against and for Obama. This was an obstacle for dialogue when George W. was in office, and it will always be a problem unless we hold to our conviction that dialogue with each other, which requires respect for each other, comes before our anger, as strong and right-on as that anger may be.

harryhipps said...

Benjamin Franklin, among others, said that the American people will get the government they deserve. I am not happy with the sorry state of our politcal system, but I have to say that it sadly does reflect the state of our society as a whole. When we have gotten to the point where we have no values other than material prosperity and individual gratification what kind of leaders can we expect to emerge from this?
Corruption, lying, self interest, is not a new phenomena in politics. We can look back and see all this in our history and we will see scoundrels as long as politics exists. What is new in American government is the scope of government. Never before has the national government taken a larger percentage of our money, micromanaged our businesses, employed so many people, taken care of so many facets of our life, including retirement, education, increasingly health care, employment rules, etc...
The deal many people want is to get our problems solved for us by government and leave our money and lifestyle choices alone. Well it won't work. We can have a limited government and count on self reliance, churches, private civic institutions, and others to mitigate life's problems or we can have a large government, high taxation and regulation and accept the weaknesses of the system and the politicians who run the system. We are pulling in opposite directions and until there is a broad consensus on what we really want the acrimony and anxiety will only increase.
Thank God I have a greater King to lead me than the USA will ever provide.

Mike W. said...

Let me preface this by saying that my political roots are in Texan Republicanism. I'm not about to carve his face into Mt. Rushmore like many delerious Americans are, but I try to give this President the same "benefit of the doubt" I loyaly gave the previous one.

As for the President's comments you highlighted...

The President is speaking to countries that are on the verge of collapse. The world is in a frenzy and wondering why the superpowers of the West dropped the ball. By admitting that we played a role in the current state of the economy, the president is disarming angry parties--parties whose markets we are dependent on to sell our products.

Again, I'm no pom-pom waving, Obama lunatic, but I think we have to look at this comment fairly. By saying that our country played a role in and had an effect on the global economy seems like only common sense. I dont see his comments as blaming the pickup truck driving, self made, blue-collar individual for this mess. He's probably reffering to the shortcomings of politicians and those in positions of power that you yourself reffered to in anger and dissapointment.

Just my two cents

Matt said...

Perhaps someone that has negative comments about your article should use their name as you have used yours in writing the article. You expressed your opinion openly and stated that it was from a point of anger, but apparently are not supposed to be irritated with the president. It seems as though you have your political beliefs but stay after all elected officials to put the community or country first. Keep saying what is on your mind and stick to your beliefs and people will listen. Move with the tide of public opinion and you will lose your audience.


ant. a. said...

The irony in "Matt"'s anonymous statement: "Perhaps someone that has negative comments about your article should use their name as you have used yours in writing the article" is delicious.