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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Charlotte Observer covers the City Pools issue

Hickory to get rid of pools - The decision angers some, who say the city is ignoring poor and minority residents.

The Hound thinks City Manager Berry's obsession with all things related to the city's bureaucracy is a MAJOR(!!!) problem. I have the whole history of this issue at my blog -- the Hickory Hound. The Ridgeview community has asked for action on this issue for 2 years and they have been railroaded at every step. Harry Hipps had it as part of his platform during the last City Council election.

City directives always focus on the Haves (Downtown and Northwest Hickory). Nothing substantial is ever done to uplift the Have-Nots (Southeast and Southwest quadrants) of the city. There is no equity in our governance. It is all about Tinkle Down Economics. Our forefathers built these pools as a way to show respect and increase the Quality of Life of the working class people in this community. The current lot talk about Quality of Life, but whose quality of life are they talking about.

We don't strive for excellence in this community. We are part of the Race to the Bottom. We are at the bottom of almost every ranking. Gallup-Healthway, Milken, Forbes, "Brainiest",,, This story is not about the City's challenges. It is about a City Government with no Vision!!!

I hope that you will study the history of this issue, because I believe that it will change a lot of perceptions about it. This issue is a microcosm of what has been happening around here for a long, long time. Manager Berry said the other night that this issue has been being debated for 6 months. Uhh-Nope! This issue has been debated for almost 2 years, since the pools were originally closed (2009) and you promised to get them opened for the next season (2010). Manager Berry stated that the Insurance company sent a letter addressing the Liability issue. My question is, did the insurance company send the letter voluntarily or did Mick Berry request the letter as a way to mollify those who have not been privy to the way that this city has operated over the last few years?

Karen Hoyle stated that the pools have been closed for two years and no one has been stating that they are a nuisance. The Parks and Rec Commission comes forward with its recommendation and all of the sudden we get a letter from the Insurance company stating that the pools are a nuisance and a liability. Very convenient wouldn't you say?

Were the City pools a nuisance in the fall and winter of the years that the pools were in operation? Are you going to go after the YMCA, because someone could jump that fence? Are you going to go after Lake Hickory Country Club, because someone could try skateboarding there? Will there be equity of justice? Will the City be going after every homeowner in the city who owns an outdoor pool, because their pools aren't being used currently and they are more dangerous, because they are full of water!!!

I think the nuisance is a City Government rife with self-interests and conflicts of interest. A Council that constantly goes against the will of the majority of Hickory's citizens. A Council that appears to serve at the pleasure of a City Manager, instead of the way it's supposed to work. An autocratic City Manager who constantly tries to evade and skirt our legitimate system of governance through obfuscation of issues and frequently slipping major decisions under the radar at the last minute through the City Council's Consent Agenda. A mayor who is conspicuously absent when a very contentious issue is deliberated at a City Council Meeting held just a few days before Christmas...

Are you beginning to get the picture... It seems we have what appears to be an abuse of Power on many levels in this community!!! Do our eyes deceive us?

Newsletter about the City Council meeting of December 21, 2010
Newsletter about the City Council meeting of December 21, 2010 - Addendum to Decommission and Permanently Secure Ivey and Ridgeview Pools
Why We Must Act! - Citizens for Equity in Government
Newsletter about the City Council meeting of November 16, 2010 - Addendum on the Hickory City Pools
City Pools issue displays Local Officials' Myopic Views
REBUILDING & EMPOWERING FROM THE BOTTOM UP -- Citizens for Equity in Government

Citizens Of Ridgeview address the City Council about the City Pools Issue

Newsletter about the City Council meeting of July 20, 2010 - Addendum on the Hickory City Pools
More than Pools
Hickory City Pools -- Told You So 8)
Continuing the Rant - The City of Hickory's Budget
Newsletter about the City Council meeting of June 15, 2010
Newsletter about the City Council meeting of May 4, 2010
HDR Editorial - Hickory council needs a member with vision
The City Council Candidate Forum Last Night - 10/29/2009 - (Audio Available)
From the Hickory Daily Record - Election issues discussed at forum

1 comment:

harryhipps said...

It's funny how many on council and in the city at large will be in favor of numerous parks, dog parks, trails, greenways, and all varieties of recreational and natural amenities to enhance our quality of life and somehow pools aren't included in that. It seems we want every sort of amenity we can think of and yet the pools are a no go.
Now, I can understand an issue of timing and would understand some delay until the economy and tax receipts stabilize and improve somewhat. But Council and Manager Berry have really dug in to stonewall this project. I know the Council really doesn't care anything about the average citizen and are mainly in tune with their friends and associates, but this seems to be more that the usual indifference.
I think this issue will be one that brings real resentment and acrimony to Hickory. Especially since we spent tens of thousands to do surveys and conduct meetings when Council and Mr Berry already had their minds made up. Phony democracy is no democracy.