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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Grandmother, Martha Shell's 100th Birthday

Today would have been Mammaw, Martha Shell's, 100th birthday. She was born on July 30, 1914. She passed 2 years and 51 weeks ago today. She lived one week past her 97th birthday, I always hoped that she would see this day, but God decided to take her spirit and I am just grateful that she was a part of my life, our lives, as long as she was. I am grateful for all she did for me and I cannot help but think about her every day. It is an understatement and the words really aren't worthy, but she was definitely one of my all-time Heros.

I have spoken of her along with other members of my family on this blog. I went to Pappaw and Mammaw's graveside today and somberly placed flowers in there. Season's change... people come and go, but I have never forgotten those who have had a significant impact on my life. Time is relative and fleeting here on Earth. I have tried to hold on to people, memories, and moments. The harder you grasp them, the easier they slip away, and the more anguish that results. You have to learn to accept reality.

Mammaw was the ultimate in strength and perseverance.  She had rheumatic fever as a child and was confined to bed rest for two years and she survived it. She was born two days after the beginning of World War I and, along with my other grandparents, she had many stories to tell about the trials and tribulations of the Wars and the Depression. Mammaw by all accounts was a great nurse and she certainly helped take care of all of us and move us through life. We all certainly miss her.

I hope you like my flower arrangement. Pretty good for a guy.

Here is a picture from nine years ago at Mammaw's Birthday Party at 1859. Ulysses sang for her and we had a grand party on Sunday, July 31, 2005.

Mammaw and her cake.

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