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Friday, February 24, 2012

Morganton's Elitist Newspaper - The News Herald - Guest Commentary

Another article relating to Morganton by a reliable source relating to The News Herald of Morganton:

Certain letters to the editor are thrown into File 13:
  1. Foxes were let loose (accreditation fiasco)   1/10/2012
  2. Shenanigans of Morganton Attorneys (involving school politics)  12/31/2011
MNH gave two excuses to trash these letters: 
Excuse #1
The new editor of the Morganton News Herald, Kyle Phipps, said he was checking the facts of the two letters; this was taking awhile because some of this information was two years old and Catherine Thomas' Barking in Burke blog had been taken down.
Obtain another set of the campaign finance reports and mail them to Kyle Phipps; simply call Catherine Thomas and ask her if she denies writing the accreditation article.

Excuse #2
Mr. Phipps said the publisher, Lamar Smitherman, would address whether or not the News Herald would run the letters. The 2/8/11 conversation went like this:
Letter-writer: What have you decided about the two letters to the editor I submitted last month?
Smitherman: I've decided we're not running either of them.
Letter-writer: Any particular reason why not?
Smitherman: The subject matter is two years old - (not relevant for today).
Letter-writer: I'm trying to remember the letter about accreditation - that issue....    you know, I guess I could argue with you about it, but I don't think anything I say would get you to change your mind.
Smitherman: You'd be right about that.
Letter-writer: Ok, well, thank you. click.

Issues are not Relevant for Today?
Obviously the "Foxes" accreditation letter is relevant as the SACS CASI monitoring review team just left town on 1/26/12; Burke County is anxiously awaiting their decision. How this mess began is, of course, pertinent. In fact, the News Herald frequently gives their version of how it got started in articles about the accreditation issue.

Actual Reason for Burying Letters: Protect Morganton's Elite
But, of course, there's no way Burke County's local newspaper would allow the viewpoint which purports the schools' touch-and-go accreditation troubles all began as a political maneuver to save former Superintendent's David Burleson's job. Any negative talk, in Burke County, directed in David Burleson's direction would be considered blasphemy. Strike One.

The supporters of David Burleson simply had no where else to turn when the 2009 school board and their attorney declared his contract ended on June 30, 2009.  The County Commissioners put financial pressure on the school board which led to school board suing the Commissioners, and Burleson's supporters tried calling the NC School Boards Association, the State Board of Education and State and local legislators.  But, each said they had no jurisdiction over the matter of the Superintendent's contract.

Many community members signed petitions, attended (and disrupted) school board meetings in record numbers, held rallies and a prayer service, boycotted businesses owned by board members, their families, or their supporters, placed "We Support David Burleson" signs and "Resign" signs in their yards and business windows... but only one board member resigned.  Four school board members, a majority, firmly insisted Mr. Burleson would no longer be BCPS' Superintendent as of July 1, 2009. Burleson sued for breach of contract.

So on 6/30/09, Burleson and the board settled their dispute for $126k, ten thousand of which was covered by the board's insurance policy, and Burleson resigned.
The only agency who took notice and acted on the citizens' pleas for help was AdvancED/SACS-CASI.  The "Foxes were let loose" letter exposes daughter-of-wealthy-business-owner/corporate-attorney-turned-board-member Catherine Thomas' involvement with getting this accreditation ball rolling. Strike Two. Hence, the Morganton News Herald's refusal to print the "Foxes" letter.

Local Attorneys' Political Actions are not Currently Relevant?
As you'll see in the buried Shenanigans letter, the WPCC appointment of former Superior Court Judge Claude Sitton just happened at the end of June 2011; the letter was originally submitted after Christmas of the same year.

Attorney John Ervin's difficulty in following campaign finance law is similar to Morganton attorney Juleigh Sitton's current legal problems.

The issue about Larry McMahon representing the County Commissioners is, of course, pertinent since the school board will probably sue the county over funding again this year; they're already haggling over money. Also, as it happens, McMahon is currently representing Scott Carlton in his libel/defamation lawsuit; this issue involves school political rumors.

As for Sam Aycock -- how a school board appoints the board attorney and community college trustees are always relevant, especially if the local media has never exposed the appointees' campaign donations and board members' refusal to recuse themselves from the votes.

We know the publisher's excuse that the issues are "old news" is hogwash since we all know 
"those who learn from history are doomed to repeat it", 
"we have to remind ourselves of the history of our county, state, nation and world and the unjust actions that have taken place. It’s too important to be forgotten."

The first quote was, of course, from George Santayana. The second? Astoundingly, this quote is from Morganton News Herald's very own editor, Kyle Phipps.

The Real Reasons for Burying the Viewpoints
First, at all costs: protect Morganton's Elite.  Secondly, Burke County's only newspaper does not want their readers to know and understand the past; it's much better if the sheeple remain in the dark, swallow what they dish out, and vote accordingly.

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